So we move into transition: will Trump be a baby?

I remember having a discussion with my father 50 years ago because he was complaining about government debt. In 50 years nothing has changed and my life went on and I made a good life for myself. The world is based on our currency and as long as it is nothing will matter when it comes to our debt.
Which is why you get the wars. That affects your fellow citizens right?
A relatively mature tweet yesterday at 6 pm observing the GSA release of transition funds. But then last night and this morning more irrational and defiant tweets from him.

Traditionally, the outgoing POTUS invites the President-elect to the Oval Office the morning of inauguration for coffee and a photo-op to remind the world we are the greatest country there is and that we honor and respect the smooth transition of power. The outgoing POTUS goes to the inauguration.

Will Trump do any of that? I honestly doubt it. I think he can't stand the idea of acknowledging that he lost. Its just too embarrassing to him.

Only a baby would threaten to take his ball and go home and then not........
Oh he will continue to shamelessly self promote. And for a little while he will still get segments for his rage tweeting but he won’t get the 24/7 coverage he wants. Maybe on Newsmax and OAN but those are fringe networks and the vast majority aren’t going to follow him over there once he is out of power.

His bemoaning the media is really just a ploy to demand more coverage from them. He is a buffoon but he isn’t so dumb to realize even the negative attention riled up his base.

There were certainly times I felt the media should ignore him but he is the President and the Presidents words should/did carry weight, therefore demanding coverage. Once he isn’t President his tweets become inconsequential to the day to day operations of the govt so the media will go back to treating them like his birther tweets before.
The way he plays certain segments of the population has played into his MO of promotion. He wouldn't have near the social media penetration without the donkeys carrying his content far and wide.
You're right, too, he will have a following of fans for years. But thankfully we won't get be subjected to it through the news cycles.
The way he plays certain segments of the population has played into his MO of promotion. He wouldn't have near the social media penetration without the donkeys carrying his content far and wide.
You're right, too, he will have a following of fans for years. But thankfully we won't get be subjected to it through the news cycles.
How long do you give the MSM players like CNN, MSNBC and NY Times to file bankruptcy once Trump leave office?
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What do you mean by this? Specifically, what do you think Trump should do and what would that accomplish?

Declassify all sorts of goodies that would shock most people. DC is the most corrupt place on the planet. Always follow the money and nobody has printing presses like USA.

Ask yourself, why are you and myself so invested in the Presidency? Your life difficult because of Trump?
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A relatively mature tweet yesterday at 6 pm observing the GSA release of transition funds. But then last night and this morning more irrational and defiant tweets from him.

Traditionally, the outgoing POTUS invites the President-elect to the Oval Office the morning of inauguration for coffee and a photo-op to remind the world we are the greatest country there is and that we honor and respect the smooth transition of power. The outgoing POTUS goes to the inauguration.

Will Trump do any of that? I honestly doubt it. I think he can't stand the idea of acknowledging that he lost. Its just too embarrassing to him.

Trump is gone. It’s time for you to move on from your disturbing obsession of president Trump.
Declassify all sorts of goodies that would shock most people. DC is the most corrupt place on the planet. Always follow the money and nobody has printing presses like USA.

Ask yourself, why are you and myself so invested in the Presidency? Your life difficult because of Trump?
Not at all, but it still feels good to see him lose. Beginning January 20th, Trump will be relegated to a place of obsolescence. His obnoxious tweets will no longer be official Presidential statements. He will no longer have the White House as a pulpit from which to spew his bile. He won't be a part of the news cycle anymore. Good riddance to one of the least likable elected officials in my lifetime.
Not at all, but it still feels good to see him lose. Beginning January 20th, Trump will be relegated to a place of obsolescence. His obnoxious tweets will no longer be official Presidential statements. He will no longer have the White House as a pulpit from which to spew his bile. He won't be a part of the news cycle anymore. Good riddance to one of the least likable elected officials in my lifetime.
I guess you weren't around for Hillary or the sleazy ho camel toe.
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Not at all, but it still feels good to see him lose. Beginning January 20th, Trump will be relegated to a place of obsolescence. His obnoxious tweets will no longer be official Presidential statements. He will no longer have the White House as a pulpit from which to spew his bile. He won't be a part of the news cycle anymore. Good riddance to one of the least likable elected officials in my lifetime.

I hit the "Bless It" button too soon.
Not at all, but it still feels good to see him lose. Beginning January 20th, Trump will be relegated to a place of obsolescence. His obnoxious tweets will no longer be official Presidential statements. He will no longer have the White House as a pulpit from which to spew his bile. He won't be a part of the news cycle anymore. Good riddance to one of the least likable elected officials in my lifetime.

I am sorry BB, but that is snowflake city
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Wouldn't it be helpful for Trump to offer support (if not congratulations) to Biden so that the incoming administration can be most effective from Day 1? This is not supposed to be about Trump, it is supposed to be about the country's well being. The only reason not to observe the traditions of the transfer are petty on Trump's part.
You just wake up from a 4 year nap? Would YOU be as forgiving had you been treated the way he has by the media and... well... you? I hope he goes scorched earth
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