Really? Can you cite a source for that?
I'm not being smart... I have just never seen that claimed a RCC doctrine of belief.
If it is in fact their view then it runs in direct contradiction to the teachings of the NT.
You aren't arguing with "some on this site" concerning that issue. I have no power to condemn or save. You are arguing with the clear teachings of the NT. I can provide references if you care to look at them.
Just a side question, if you have to be in God's presence to reject Him and be lost... then pretty much everyone is saved, right? Imagine the scene: "Well Mr Hitler, would you like to receive me and enter into eternal bliss.... or over here we have the alternate fate of burning eternally in a lake of fire without relief."
For that matter, what was Christ's death all about or our temporal lives? If all we really have to do is die and choose to go to heaven then the god you've constructed truly is cruel. Jesus suffered needlessly and we suffer in life for absolutely no reason. Catechism of the Catholic Church: Second Edition (9780385508193): U.S. Catholic Church: Books
Buy it. Read it.
Most Catholics know little to nothing about their faith, their Canon, and the Doctrine and Dogma of the Catholic Church. Fortunately, there is a published authoritative source on this stuff.