Socialism Fails Everytime ...

The fact is that it costs a helluva lot of money to run a hospital. It is like a big hotel (with a lot of empty rooms) in some ways, but the employees are better paid. If individuals had to pay their own bills, the whole industry of healthcare wouldn't be recognizable.

Our small, 25-bed hospital takes roughly $56,000 a DAY to operate.
Now just imagine an individual against the monolith of a single payer system.
They're equally insurmountable. That's like comparing swimming across the Atlantic with swimming across the Pacific.
A single payer system will be much easier to regulate, oversee, and control. (3 things desperately needed)
They're equally insurmountable. That's like comparing swimming across the Atlantic with swimming across the Pacific.
A single payer system will be much easier to regulate, oversee, and control. (3 things desperately needed)

You're delusional if you think a single payer system that has NO responsibility to the customer will provide better service to to the individual, be easier to regulate, oversee or control.
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You're delusional if you think a single payer system that has NO responsibility to the customer will provide better service to to the individual, be easier to regulate, oversee or control.
You better hope not because that's the inevitable destination. Should have made the leap in the 90's.
You better hope not because that's the inevitable destination. Should have made the leap in the 90's.

I should be alright, I should be able to use the private system unless I'm taxed to death in order to pay for the coming cluster
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They're equally insurmountable. That's like comparing swimming across the Atlantic with swimming across the Pacific.
A single payer system will be much easier to regulate, oversee, and control. (3 things desperately needed)

I’ve asked this question a few times now , it gets acknowledged but not answered ... when has you heard of , seen , or read about our government being about to run a program effiencently without losing money ? Now you want to turn over a nationalized system to them and say they will run it better than private ? 😂

Amazing you climate pushers lean on your “ facts “and scientists for that one and ignore the facts staring you in the face in this thread .
Our government has never been set up to run and effluent business model ( it’s not designed to do it ) all it can do or will do is caused more admin paperwork along with the fees and throw tax payer dollars at bad program .
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I should be alright, I should be able to use the private system unless I'm taxed to death in order to pay for the coming cluster
You'll be fine, as will all of us. In fact, many will be even better.
I’ve asked this question a few times now , it gets acknowledged but not answered ... when has you heard of , seen , or read about our government being about to run a program effiencently without losing money ? Now you want to turn over a nationalized system to them and say they will run it better than private ? 😂

Amazing you climate pushers lean on your “ facts “and scientists for that one and ignore the facts staring you in the face in this thread .
Our government has never been set up to run and effluent business model ( it’s not designed to do it ) all it can do or will do is caused more admin paperwork along with the fees and throw tax payer dollars at bad program .
We have (or at least did at one point) the best interstate in the world. We were the first country to reach the moon. We have the best military in the world. Our educational system is unmatched.
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We have (or at least did at one point) the best interstate in the world. We were the first country to reach the moon. We have the best military in the world. Our educational system is unmatched.

Which of these programs are government ran ? Which ones specifically that are is an example of an efficient program that doesn’t lose money hand over fist ?
lol....I gave you the answer.

No you didn’t, my post , my question is ... in the history of our government , what program( s) have been run by OUR government effiectly . I gave you the reason why OUR government can’t do it . It’s not now nor ever had been set up to operate a profitable business or even an efficient one . We would have to change OUR government in order to allow it to do that .
You're delusional if you think a single payer system that has NO responsibility to the customer will provide better service to to the individual, be easier to regulate, oversee or control.

Why aren't Canadians, English, Swedish, Australian etc demanding a switch to our system?
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No you didn’t, my post , my question is ... in the history of our government , what program( s) have been run by OUR government effiectly . I gave you the reason why OUR government can’t do it . It’s not now nor ever had been set up to operate a profitable business or even an efficient one . We would have to change OUR government in order to allow it to do that .
Interstate and highway system.
Space program.
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Interstate and highway system.
Space program.

Are you just ignoring everything else that I posted ( those pesky facts ) about OUR government not being able to run ANY program effienctly , EVER ?
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Look what 2 country bumpkin doctors from TN were able to do and would still be doing if not for a private citizen investigating it. I mean they only got away with an estimated $65 millions so no reason for the government to even take a look. And some of you think a single payer system would fix fraud. LOL

A Tennessee clinic swindled the military out of $65M. This is how it got caught
lol.....You could list hundreds of stories of doctors referring patients for unneeded tests and receiving a kickback from the clinic. Or doctors prescribing unnecessary medications for a kickback from the pharmaceutical company.
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lol.....You could list hundreds of stories of doctors referring patients for unneeded tests and receiving a kickback from the clinic. Or doctors prescribing unnecessary medications for a kickback from the pharmaceutical company.

That is a private matter, one in which we don't hear much about because my guess is that private insurance companies pay closer attention to potential fraud.
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They ran every one of the programs I listed.

So you are ok with them running a national health care system the same way they have run any of those programs ? If you keep answering I’m going to box you in eventually . You’ll either have to stop answering or tell the truth . 😉
They're equally insurmountable. That's like comparing swimming across the Atlantic with swimming across the Pacific.
A single payer system will be much easier to regulate, oversee, and control. (3 things desperately needed)

I guess you don't remember the old saying. "The government runs the post office and the railroads, and they're both broke."

Amtrak wouldn't operate without subsidies.

The post office runs like all bureaucracies. First class mail subsidizes the junk mail. The junk mail provides the bulk needed to justify the bureaucracy.

Just imagine how bad the government could screw everything up with a monopoly on healthcare. The VA is a great example to consider. Didn't learn anything from the latest and greatest government shutdown? Aside from some obvious examples like the Coast Guard and some other essential services deemed non essential, it was pretty obvious that a lot of government employees really are non essential, but we pay for them. Except for excessive layers of management and associated baggage, I haven't seen much of that in the corporate world.
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That is a private matter, one in which we don't hear much about because my guess is that private insurance companies pay closer attention to potential fraud.
Not enough. It's easier to just raise premiums and pass on the costs. We pay more for less and have far to many people who are getting wealthy while adding absolutely nothing of value to the product. They have just found a legal way to play the system and skim billions. The world's largest pyramid scheme. Insurance salesmen and pharma reps chouldn't be making 20 times more money than nurses.

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