Something that caught my eye....

Please. Homeboy has no prayer at Sewannee. I'm thinking Vol State. That way, he could claim to be a Volunteer and it gives him a couple of years to prepare for remedial freshman English.

Keep in mind Sewannee always makes room for a towelboy.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I don't think you understood my point: It's relative.

Yes, UT has more money and can get better players, but UT faces teams and plays in a league that has similar talent, if not better.

Now, correct me if I am wrong, but La Tech has similar talent and money as any other WAC school.

Now let's translate: If he goes 17-20 against competition with similar talent, how will he fair with...competition of similar talent?

I hope your mind allows you to understand this.

Why take shots at my intelligence? You asked a question I answered.
my preferences? Those aren't my preferences. I've done my college thing.

That was my advice, since I can't seeing the admissions office caring for any of your verbal board scores. I assume the math is something similar.

That's what you learned in college? All you do is assume lol. Your advice is horrible!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I think our football program is headed straight down the crapper. Why should I pretend otherwise?

Everybody on this board knows what you think & everyone is entitled to their opinion...BUT give it a rest already.

Go Vols!
Please. Homeboy has no prayer at Sewannee. I'm thinking Vol State. That way, he could claim to be a Volunteer and it gives him a couple of years to prepare for remedial freshman English.

Tennessee is filled with illiterate hillbillies, and half the kids there get accepted. So you really aren't making a good case here. I almost think its jealousy. Don't worry I will send you all post cards! I'm visiting this summer as well. Life is good!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Tennessee is filled with illiterate hillbillies, and half the kids there get accepted. So you really aren't making a good case here. I almost think its jealousy. Don't worry I will send you all post cards! I'm visiting this summer as well. Life is good!
Posted via VolNation Mobile

You seem clueless to me and I don't have to make a case, you do. See, this group of people will meet and make a determination as to whether you qualify for admittance as an out of state student. Since you don't spend tax money in TN, it should be and is more difficult for you to gain admittance. From what you've been writing, I'd place you at about an 8th grade level in written communication and lower in logic / analytical ability. That doesn't bode well for your candidacy. Hence, I passed along some friendly advice, just "in case" you need an alternative when the committee tells you no.

I am jealous, as I couldn't get in, but I damn sure gave it the college try. You don't have to dredge up all those bad memories of my struggling to gain admittance somewhere. It's tough on me.
That's what you learned in college? All you do is assume lol. Your advice is horrible!
Posted via VolNation Mobile

What I learned in college? What the hell are you talking about? Take or leave the advice, but don't be assuming that you would have the first clue about what I learned in college.
If you don't believe depth was an issue, you're an idiot.
Not an idiot and yes depth was an issue... and likely to be even more of one this year.

I should have known you, Captain Businessman, would have been in "if you're a fan, you can't be negative" camp.
US businesses spend billions on trying to make their employees positive rather than negative even in the way the company evaluates and criticizes itself... many more billions on trying to create a uniformly positive image with the public... so yeah, I'd say greater minds than ours see the value of being positive rather than negative.

I don't see how I was extremely negative in asking DD to win.
It isn't. The standard at UT should be championships. If you'll remember, I have said that if he doesn't have it going in the right direction by the end of year two that UT should cut the losses. I don't believe that low standards ever create excellence at anything. It IS negative to criticize each minute detail of everything the guy does and declare him a complete failure right NOW with no chance of redemption.

Nevermind that Osama Bin Laden has made more public appearances in the past few months as DD. And when he does speak, it's to b**** and moan about negativity.
Thank you for an excellent example of negativism and exaggerating a criticism completely beyond what the actual facts support.

No. The guy doesn't run to every camera he sees. No. He didn't share every detail of what he was doing or why he was doing it.

He HAS however begun to engage the media more now that things have settled down a little. Those things can now rise on the list of priorities.

He has NOT "b****ed and moaned" about negativity every time he's spoken. That is an "untrue" statement by you.

That sounds so familiar to the piece of garbage that ran this program into the ground in the last decade.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

OK, OK... let's get this straight. You don't like the hire therefore EVERYTHING must be seen through a 100% negative lense to be realistic, right? Beyond that, since you have already preordained in your omniscience and omnipotence that he will fail... he must therefore be linked to Fulmer who you also don't like.

Yep. You are an icon of reason.
Not an idiot and yes depth was an issue... and likely to be even more of one this year.

US businesses spend billions on trying to make their employees positive rather than negative even in the way the company evaluates and criticizes itself... many more billions on trying to create a uniformly positive image with the public... so yeah, I'd say greater minds than ours see the value of being positive rather than negative.

It isn't. The standard at UT should be championships. If you'll remember, I have said that if he doesn't have it going in the right direction by the end of year two that UT should cut the losses. I don't believe that low standards ever create excellence at anything. It IS negative to criticize each minute detail of everything the guy does and declare him a complete failure right NOW with no chance of redemption.

Thank you for an excellent example of negativism and exaggerating a criticism completely beyond what the actual facts support.

No. The guy doesn't run to every camera he sees. No. He didn't share every detail of what he was doing or why he was doing it.

He HAS however begun to engage the media more now that things have settled down a little. Those things can now rise on the list of priorities.

He has NOT "b****ed and moaned" about negativity every time he's spoken. That is an "untrue" statement by you.

OK, OK... let's get this straight. You don't like the hire therefore EVERYTHING must be seen through a 100% negative lense to be realistic, right? Beyond that, since you have already preordained in your omniscience and omnipotence that he will fail... he must therefore be linked to Fulmer who you also don't like.

Yep. You are an icon of reason.

Spending billions to ensure that people are positive could be averted by simply hiring people who are qualified.

You should know that, Mr. Zigler.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
You seem clueless to me and I don't have to make a case, you do. See, this group of people will meet and make a determination as to whether you qualify for admittance as an out of state student. Since you don't spend tax money in TN, it should be and is more difficult for you to gain admittance. From what you've been writing, I'd place you at about an 8th grade level in written communication and lower in logic / analytical ability. That doesn't bode well for your candidacy. Hence, I passed along some friendly advice, just "in case" you need an alternative when the committee tells you no.

I am jealous, as I couldn't get in, but I damn sure gave it the college try. You don't have to dredge up all those bad memories of my struggling to gain admittance somewhere. It's tough on me.

My aunt lives in Tennessee, to become a state resident you have to live there at least 6 months. Problem fixed. You can place me all you want, assuming gets you nowhere. I'm sorry you didn't make it, I will live the dream for you.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
What I learned in college? What the hell are you talking about? Take or leave the advice, but don't be assuming that you would have the first clue about what I learned in college.

Don't assume my intelligence level you don't know me either. Eat you own words!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
We got to 7 wins last year with bad luck on the injury front. Luck shouldn't be necessary to get 6 this year if Dooley is as great as his supporters claim.

No one says he is great, its just most understand that he is our new coach and it is in our best interest to try and support him. But i guess you have a different agenda?

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