Sound of Freedom

You become aware so you can give money to organizations fighting it. You should also be aware of the flaws of the organizations you might be giving to, which is the part missing from the movie and this thread until I added it. Suddenly, awareness isn't so desirable, but people shouldn't be hiding from these truths. If you really wanna help, it's good to do your due diligence. Maybe you find out despite these flaws, this is still the best org to give to, and that's a good result.
Thank God you were here and I apologize for wasting your time.
This is from MinistryWatch, which is an evangelical organization and a donor watchdog:

This sleight-of-hand is a fitting tribute to the subject of the film, Tim Ballard, whose talent for self-promotion has earned him headlines and head-scratching from those who fact-check his claims.

MinistryWatch began reporting on Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), the organization Ballard founded and on which the movie is based, back in 2021. OUR says on its website it has rescued and supported “thousands of survivors in 28 countries and 26 U.S. states,” including 3,000 around the world in 2019 alone. The charity’s annual report said it took in more than $21 million in donations for that year, which was then the last year for which we had data.

Turns out it was just getting started. In 2021 the organization took in more than $42 million. But here’s where it gets interesting. In that same year, 2021, the organization spent only about $31 million on its work of allegedly rescuing sex trafficking victims. The year before, 2020, the numbers are even more strange. OUR took in $45 million but spent only $13.5 million. It had a whopping $33.9 million in profit.

In one case, the search for a Haitian-American boy near the Haiti/Dominican Republic border was revealed to be guided by a psychic medium from Utah who claimed that children were being held nearby. The mission to find the boy, Vice said, was unsuccessful.

In another investigation, Vice World News found that OUR had exaggerated its domestic rescue work and its role in freeing a survivor named “Liliana,” whom officials said actually escaped on her own.

An anti-human-trafficking charity that professes to use highly skilled operatives to rescue victims instead has relied on untrained, high-dollar donors who paid for the privilege to help with some of its raids, an investigation by Vice World News found.

However, sources told Vice World News that not only was there little semblance of military-type training or planning involved in the jump raids, there was “no meaningful surveillance or identification of targets; no development of assets; no validating that people they sought to rescue had in fact been trafficked, or that people they were targeting were indeed traffickers; and no meaningful follow-up with people who had been rescued on the missions in which they took part.”

The charity’s methodology seemed to actually encourage trafficking behavior in some instances, sources said.

They told of operations that involved flashing money at clubs and bars to encourage pimps to show up with sex workers. When they did, operatives would insist on being shown younger girls, whom the sources felt had been immediately trafficked to meet the operatives’ demands.

OUR representatives would then call the local police to make arrests, they said.

“In my opinion that’s what he was doing: He was creating demand,” an operative who worked with OUR overseas told Vice.

“Sound of Freedom” Doesn’t Tell True Story of Operation Underground Railroad – MinistryWatch
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Cutiez was also a movie making a point about exploiting children (which I did not see either). The mob never understood that because all they could see was red from the misinformation campaign. Remember when people thought there was child nudity in it? That was "true" for at least a few weeks, and I bet half of you still believe it.
Yes, putting kids in sexual situations and filming is just to show the world how wrong it is. Get out of here with that nonsense. That’s like the Pete Townsend excuse for when he got caught searching for child porn. He was just trying to research it because he knew it was bad stuff.
Yes, putting kids in sexual situations and filming is just to show the world how wrong it is. Get out of here with that nonsense. That’s like the Pete Townsend excuse for when he got caught searching for child porn. He was just trying to research it because he knew it was bad stuff.

What sexual situations are you talking about? I have not seen it.

Netflix got boycotted because this film was going too far in pointing out the problems with dance and pageant kids, and ironically, nobody was boycotting their cable packages which have shows about pageant kids that are not making a point about its wrongness.
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What sexual situations are you talking about? I have not seen it.

Netflix got boycotted because this film was going too far in pointing out the problems with dance and pageant kids, and ironically, nobody was boycotting their cable packages which have shows about pageant kids that are not making a point about its wrongness.
I haven’t seen it either, but I remember some of the reviews and descriptions of what the kids did. No way was it done simply to mock the pageant stuff.
Yes, putting kids in sexual situations and filming is just to show the world how wrong it is. Get out of here with that nonsense. That’s like the Pete Townsend excuse for when he got caught searching for child porn. He was just trying to research it because he knew it was bad stuff.

Thank you!

First Lebron is the GOAT and now that garbage take? Your boy is delusional. 🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂😂
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Other than this thread I’ve not really seen any mention of this movie in my news or social feeds. Neither positive nor negative. Despite its box office success, which finished #3 for the weekend, it’s still flying under the radar.

So I don’t get where this “the left hates this movie” narrative is coming from.
Other than this thread I’ve not really seen any mention of this movie in my news or social feeds. Neither positive nor negative. Despite its box office success, which finished #3 for the weekend, it’s still flying under the radar.

So I don’t get where this “the left hates this movie” narrative is coming from.

I'm not advocating for this source, but the article itself, and the articles he shares will give you an idea of where the narrative is coming from (from both sides)...

Media's Insane Attacks on 'Sound of Freedom' Speak Volumes (

The fact that Disney previously held the rights and shelved it for 5 years it just more fuel to the flame.

Go watch the movie, and you'll see there's none of the conspiracy stuff in it. No "harvesting of blood", "adrenochrome" or "selling body parts". The movie is not overly religious. I heard the word "God" maybe 4 or 5 times. Really, I see both sides of the conspiracy theory crowd as being equal but opposite. There's plenty of crazy to go around. Sex trafficking and forced labor are real world problems and you'd think this would be an issue that wouldn't be cast aside or taken lightly by anyone.
I'm not advocating for this source, but the article itself, and the articles he shares will give you an idea of where the narrative is coming from (from both sides)...

Media's Insane Attacks on 'Sound of Freedom' Speak Volumes (

The fact that Disney previously held the rights and shelved it for 5 years it just more fuel to the flame.

Go watch the movie, and you'll see there's none of the conspiracy stuff in it. No "harvesting of blood", "adrenochrome" or "selling body parts". The movie is not overly religious. I heard the word "God" maybe 4 or 5 times. Really, I see both sides of the conspiracy theory crowd as being equal but opposite. There's plenty of crazy to go around. Sex trafficking and forced labor are real world problems and you'd think this would be an issue that wouldn't be cast aside or taken lightly by anyone.

Ahh this is from the guy that did the debunked voter fraud conspiracy “documentary”. Now I see where some criticism is flowing.

Still, Outkick linked 3 sites and mentioned one other bad review. That’s hardly evidence of some big backlash. I’m not seeing calls to boycott or protests.

No movie is immune to bad reviews. I get it, holding the actors personal views against the film is not fair criticism.

This “leftist hate it” mantra just sounds like conservative victimhood.
Ahh this is from the guy that did the debunked voter fraud conspiracy “documentary”. Now I see where some criticism is flowing.

Still, Outkick linked 3 sites and mentioned one other bad review. That’s hardly evidence of some big backlash. I’m not seeing calls to boycott or protests.

No movie is immune to bad reviews. I get it, holding the actors personal views against the film is not fair criticism.

This “leftist hate it” mantra just sounds like conservative victimhood.

Like I said, I wasn’t advocating for the source. That was just an easy way for me to give examples of craziness from both sides.

Go see the movie. It’s not political or religious.
We’ve tried to see it a couple of times and the theater was almost full every time. Meanwhile, Indiana Jones was nearly empty. We’ll try earlier tomorrow.
hmmm wonder what this means? hummmmm
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Literally nothing political in the movie. No Q-anon stuff, nothing. It was difficult and heartwrenching and sadly true.

Anybody trashing it is almost assuredly a pedophile or pedophile apologist themselves.

Or maybe they just thought it wasn’t a great movie? 🤷‍♂️ You can not like a movie and be against pedophiles at the same time.

That’s like saying anyone that didn’t like Blood Diamond is in favor of the forced labor mining to fund wars.

Or maybe they just thought it wasn’t a great movie? 🤷‍♂️ You can not like a movie and be against pedophiles at the same time.

That’s like saying anyone that didn’t like Blood Diamond is in favor of the forced labor mining to fund wars.

Considering nearly all of the negative critique I've looked through is entirely about the "political" nature of the movie, or how it is mission-oriented, or how it is designed to pull at the heartstrings, or because of certain actors, I'll continue to stand behind what I said.
Literally nothing political in the movie. No Q-anon stuff, nothing. It was difficult and heartwrenching and sadly true.

Anybody trashing it is almost assuredly a pedophile or pedophile apologist themselves.

It's the new race card, but 10x more powerful.

Or maybe they just thought it wasn’t a great movie? 🤷‍♂️ You can not like a movie and be against pedophiles at the same time.

That’s like saying anyone that didn’t like Blood Diamond is in favor of the forced labor mining to fund wars.


What if you liked Taken and not this movie? [heads esploding]
Considering nearly all of the negative critique I've looked through is entirely about the "political" nature of the movie, or how it is mission-oriented, or how it is designed to pull at the heartstrings, or because of certain actors, I'll continue to stand behind what I said.

Crazy how you've done all this research and you haven't stumbled across the substantive, well-documented, and widely-discussed critique that Ballard and OUR are frauds.

Did the movie show them literally creating the demand for young trafficked girls? Did it show them claiming to rescue a girl who escaped on her own? Did it show them counting their $30m in 2020 profit?
My favorite is the new conspiracy theory that AMC is trying to sabotage this movie (it makes so much sense that AMC likes pedophiles more than they like $) because of certain happenings, like technical difficulties in one theater leading to its cancellation and quiet audio complaints in another theater. I myself complained at the last Spider-Verse movie, but didn't think to create a conspiracy around it. Matter of fact, power went out when I was watching The Patriot and of course Cinemark was trying squelch pro-American sentiment. Why didn't I think of that?

AMC CEO responds to claim "Sound of Freedom" being suppressed in theaters
My favorite is the new conspiracy theory that AMC is trying to sabotage this movie (it makes so much sense that AMC likes pedophiles more than they like $) because of certain happenings, like technical difficulties in one theater leading to its cancellation and quiet audio complaints in another theater. I myself complained at the last Spider-Verse movie, but didn't think to create a conspiracy around it. Matter of fact, power went out when I was watching The Patriot and of course Cinemark was trying squelch pro-American sentiment. Why didn't I think of that?

AMC CEO responds to claim "Sound of Freedom" being suppressed in theaters

At my AMC half the film was on the wall for the first 20 min of GotG3. Probably because they don’t like Chris Pratt because of his church or something.

Spiderverse had low audio at the same theater too.
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Other than this thread I’ve not really seen any mention of this movie in my news or social feeds. Neither positive nor negative. Despite its box office success, which finished #3 for the weekend, it’s still flying under the radar.

So I don’t get where this “the left hates this movie” narrative is coming from.

Disney shelved the project and they never, ever do that with anything. That's all the proof you need.
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