South Africa votes to confiscate all white owned farmland

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, no?

If S Africa is the only place where we can get resource X, then you have a point, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and we lose the ability to produce things we have been producing.

If we can get the resources elsewhere, even if it's for a higher price, the only thing that is lost is the difference in price. So say South Africa's resources account for 50% of their exports ($35B), and they suddenly sell $0 to the world, the world price will be driven up....even if it triples, we're only talking about a $70B added expense to the global economy.

My guess is there are little-to-no resources that fit the first description.
If S Africa is the only place where we can get resource X, then you have a point, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and we lose the ability to produce things we have been producing.

If we can get the resources elsewhere, even if it's for a higher price, the only thing that is lost is the difference in price. So say South Africa's resources account for 50% of their exports ($35B), and they suddenly sell $0 to the world, the world price will be driven up....even if it triples, we're only talking about a $70B added expense to the global economy.

My guess is there are little-to-no resources that fit the first description.

The problem is there are only certain places that do have marketable materials they have. Even if your analysis of the situation is accurate, we're still taking far increased consumer prices for many items. And, as the old saying goes, they don't build them like they used to.

Furthermore, if we are faced with a single nation expiring said minerals, they can hold the monopoly and charge whatever they want. I doubt it's going to be 50% either. Could be, but doubtful.
White farmers' legal fight against plans to give their land to black South Africans Without Compensation is Thrown Out by country's High Court

South Africa's High Court rejected a legal challenge today brought by a group representing white farmers against President Cyril Ramaphosa's plans for land expropriation without compensation.

White farmers' legal fight to stop land given black South Africans without compensation thrown out | Daily Mail Online

A shame....this country will be in revolution before long..
Is SA a ****hole country on one of the good ones? I'm not sure what Trump's criteria is.
It's a partial ****hole .... see Cape Town.... heading rapidly toward complete ****hole
We used to fly to Cape Town. I got there once. It is.... was.... a beautiful city. The problem was that it took 2 48 hour layovers in the shithole known as Dakar to get there. 1 on the way over, and one on the way back.
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‘We’ll kill their children & women’: Fury over black S. African politician’s call to kill whites

Andile Mngxitama, the leader and founder of pan-Africanist political party Black First Land First (BLF), has been repeatedly heard using harsh language to criticize white people. But this time his comments seem to have gone way overboard.

Speaking at a rally in the city of Potchefstroom over the weekend he promised that “for every one black person we will kill five white people.” The politician was apparently referring to the infamous decades-long taxi wars in the country between taxi associations and individual minibus taxi drivers.

“We'll kill their children, we’ll kill their women, we’ll kill their dogs, we’ll kill their cats… we’ll kill anything we find in our way,”Mngxitama went on with his furious tirade, rallying the crowds.

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