South Africa votes to confiscate all white owned farmland

Oh I’m sure you can “butwhatabout” even more than that when you put your mind to it Moe I’ve got faith in you and I’ve seen your schtick first hand.
This isn't whataboutism. I'm simply placing two or more events or scenarios side by side and asking why we behave one way towards one event, but behave differently on similar/equal events. You guys know damn well that these comparison show an extreme level of inconsistence and hypocrisy, so you choose to dodge and deflect.
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This isn't whataboutism. I'm simply placing two or more events or scenarios side by side and asking why we behave one way towards one event, but behave differently on similar/equal events. You guys know damn well that these comparison show an extreme level of inconsistence and hypocrisy, so you choose to dodge and deflect.
It absolutely fuels your whataboutism on the Russian invasion of Ukraine Moe.

What is going on in SA is no where near equivalent to Donbass. In SA you had people merely minding their own business and not taking any action to redraw sovereign lines with the external influence of say your man crush Pootin is doing in Ukraine. And their government decided to just go all genocide on them due to no action of their own.

The only hypocrite here is you trying to equate the SA situation to your multitude of whataboutism dumbass narratives.
People got the land through torture, rape, murder, and oppression. It's being transferred legally this time to the citizens. Not taken by a murderous, barbarous, invading force. Good for SA.

This idea of original ownership and people being punished for crimes of their ancestors is about as ignorant as humanly possible.

The people they killed to take the land, want to guess how they got it?
This idea of original ownership and people being punished for crimes of their ancestors is about as ignorant as humanly possible.

The people they killed to take the land, want to guess how they got it?

The person you responded to left with JG left the football team, but it does show you the mindset of leftists.
This idea of original ownership and people being punished for crimes of their ancestors is about as ignorant as humanly possible.

The people they killed to take the land, want to guess how they got it?
Not justifying it. I just don't find that sort of human reaction surprising.
Imagine if someone on the right was openly encouraging racial genocide to the level Trevor Noah is in these quotes. He’s telling Africans who kill other Africans that their anger is misplaced and should be towards the whites who hold the wealth.

This is no different than the sick language we are all used to hearing from the left, but still disgusting

South African Trevor Noah blasts xenophobia killer-South Africans - National Daily Newspaper
He's still mad that America's most successful African American has white skin.
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No, I'm just looking to see what standards and criteria are used for supporting actions over here, but condemning those same actions if done somewhere else.
Let's go ahead and put a threshold on it. If 15,000 white people die while fighting the country they are actively trying to break away from via violent methods while backed by a foreign military, its NOT genocide.
Donbas, Northern Cypress, Palestine... I'm sure there are other examples.
Where/when was Ukraine actively trying to remove people from Donbas? What laws/actions taken by the Ukrainian government were hostile to the people there?

Isnt the Palestinian issue because they were bought out by the Israeli's and then refused to leave?

Northern Cyprus was straight up invaded by the Turks.
Who would have thought. Blacks are angry and racist and gonna tear the nation down to another failed African state.

It’s over for South Africa.

The whites there now probably weren’t there doing the d!cking in the South Africa of 70’s & 80’s - I get that.

But there’s a new sheriff in town, and the tables have turned. I have no idea what they are thinking complaining of quotas, and violence, and racism, and white slums.

Sell whatever they can. And leave. There is no other viable avenue at this point.
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