South Africa votes to confiscate all white owned farmland

Stand and fight is what we want to do. But stand and fight is the worst choice. The people in this situation will not win against the government...especially a government which presumes to have the moral high ground to right an injustice. The better choice is to sell and resettle in a more hospitable location.
The ONLY chance these people have would be to band together and fight as a group. They would also need PR/Media coverage to expose their plight to the world.
Not saying it’s right, but I’m 100% positive that the world won’t give 2 sh*ts about their plight, PR or not.
'White People Will Be The First Target': South Africa's Julius Malema warns of impending 'violence' because 'the poor are getting poorer'

A South African opposition figure has warned of impending civil unrest in the continent's richest country and likened it to 'an Arab Spring.'

The controversial opposition leader Julius Malema spoke of the country waking up one day with 'very angry people that are not going to be reasonable.'

Discontent with the ruling African National Congress (ANC) party in South Africa is at all-time high levels due to the social conditions within the country and 'the poor becoming poor,' according to Malema.

'When the unled revolution comes... the first target is going to be white people,' Mr Malema told the BBC's Hardtalk programme, adding that the uprising would also target 'black elites.'

'White people will be the first target': South Africa's Julius Malema warns of impending 'violence' | Daily Mail Online

Sounds like any other non-white leftist commie city/state/country. White flight is a hell of a thing.

'The violence that is going to happen in South Africa is because the elite is disappearing and the poor are becoming more poorer,' he said.
Sounds like any other non-white leftist commie city/state/country. White flight is a hell of a thing.

'The violence that is going to happen in South Africa is because the elite is disappearing and the poor are becoming more poorer,' he said.

I'm pretty sure that another African country tried this. Confiscated all the white owned farm land. They went from being a net exporter of food, to having to import food. Leftists are very, very stupid people no matter where in the world they are.
Stand and fight is what we want to do. But stand and fight is the worst choice. The people in this situation will not win against the government...especially a government which presumes to have the moral high ground to right an injustice. The better choice is to sell and resettle in a more hospitable location.
The ONLY chance these people have would be to band together and fight as a group. They would also need PR/Media coverage to expose their plight to the world.

I agree with you. They would all have to agree to band together to have a chance. If everybody isn't in then they might as well leave the country and let it become poorer and fester.

If did actually come to blows the best thing for group to do is target all the government officials, military officers, and police officials that support this oppression against them with assassination. You may be able to make others think twice then.
I'm pretty sure that another African country tried this. Confiscated all the white owned farm land. They went from being a net exporter of food, to having to import food. Leftists are very, very stupid people no matter where in the world they are.
Zimbabwe. It was beyond that.

Their idiotic government thought the way to fix poverty was to print more and more money and hand it out. Of course that went exactly where you would expect.

They've been begging white farmers to come back now for the last few years.
If did actually come to blows the best thing for group to do is target all the government officials, military officers, and police officials that support this oppression against them with assassination. You may be able to make others think twice then.
This is a very interesting quote right here. I will definitely keep this in mind.

So to be clear, do you want to amend this statement or do you want to let it stand as it is?
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If it’s me, I sell it for whatever I can get and immigrate to a country where I’m not likely to be killed by the majority with different colored skin and try to make a new life for my family. JMO

A good friend of mine and his family (back when he was a young kid) left Kenya for the US for that reason. They were of Italian and Scottish origin, and my friend's dad (former Italian military officer) had a sucessful farm/business. If I understood correctly, they were essentially told they had __ weeks/months to liquidate/vacate their land or else things would become very difficult and dangerous for them. Freaking crazy.
This is a very interesting quote right here. I will definitely keep this in mind.

So to be clear, do you want to amend this statement or do you want to let it stand as it is?

What so hard to understand? If it comes to war down there (if they choose to stand and fight) then the white people who are badly outnumbered should quickly kill as many of the leaders of the opposition as they can whether military, police, or political leaders....and keep on doing it until hopefully somebody on the other side cries "uncle". That's probably about the only chance they would have IMO.
What so hard to understand? If it comes to war down there (if they choose to stand and fight) then the white people who are badly outnumbered should quickly kill as many of the leaders of the opposition as they can whether military, police, or political leaders....and keep on doing it until hopefully somebody on the other side cries "uncle". That's probably about the only chance they would have IMO.
OK. I will keep this in mind.
Just curious: What should the people do in a situation like this if they have been on this land for generations, but the govt has turned hostile against them: Should they stand and fight or should they leave? Should they receive outside support and arms if they decide to stay on their land?

Ideally they would stand and fight for what is theirs. Outside nations should stay out of it.

Reality is they are outnumbered and outgunned so their best move is to probably leave or at least send their families out of the country and fight an insurgency.
Sounds like any other non-white leftist commie city/state/country. White flight is a hell of a thing.

'The violence that is going to happen in South Africa is because the elite is disappearing and the poor are becoming more poorer,' he said.

Jesus Christ, dude. You could've left it at commie but gotta make it racist.
Ideally they would stand and fight for what is theirs. Outside nations should stay out of it.

Reality is they are outnumbered and outgunned so their best move is to probably leave or at least send their families out of the country and fight an insurgency.
What is the criteria for an outside country being able to come in and assist? When would that be justified?
What so hard to understand? If it comes to war down there (if they choose to stand and fight) then the white people who are badly outnumbered should quickly kill as many of the leaders of the opposition as they can whether military, police, or political leaders....and keep on doing it until hopefully somebody on the other side cries "uncle". That's probably about the only chance they would have IMO.
Sounds like the Cartels game plan in Mexico and South America
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Just curious: What should the people do in a situation like this if they have been on this land for generations, but the govt has turned hostile against them: Should they stand and fight or should they leave? Should they receive outside support and arms if they decide to stay on their land?
Like maybe another area you dwell on? Like say … Eastern Ukraine?

What so hard to understand? If it comes to war down there (if they choose to stand and fight) then the white people who are badly outnumbered should quickly kill as many of the leaders of the opposition as they can whether military, police, or political leaders....and keep on doing it until hopefully somebody on the other side cries "uncle". That's probably about the only chance they would have IMO.
You do know he’s fishing for support for his man crush Pootin right?

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