After going through various videos, most that repeated what was seen in others, heres my take. But first a few disclaimers.
Disclaimer 1: My views are from video and as is known, video doesnt always tell the whole story.
Disclaimer 2: I was there in person, so what do I knowreally.
Disclaimer 3: This is the first day of practice so what we see is whats to be expected for the most part.
Joshua looks bigger, I noticed mostly that his legs werent spider limbed anymore. I saw the better size in his arm. But hes not huge as some have claimed. Huge would be Big Ben, the Steeler QB. His ball seems to have real zip and a very nice spiral and he seems very much at ease.
I think I saw a bit too much belly fat on our OL folks, especially noticed #63. If Butch wants an OL thats nimble, the guts gotta go. I know being hefty in the SEC is a must but I think you want muscular heft not lard. Perhaps practices will burn the lard off and replace it with washerboard abs.
WRS were juggling and dropping balls. We had too much of that last season. But then again, it was first day so a lot of rust has to be scraped off. Other practice segments I saw receivers catching balls thrown high and down field. I think our new receivers look to be possibly dangerous down field threats. Loved their speed.
Hurd didnt look as big as it was made to sound on VN. However, he has a tall frame and a body type I associate with rodeo performers like bronco and bull riders. Their weight tends to be spread out very proportionally over their frame. The outcome is theyre heavier than they look and very strong in a sinewy way. This makes me think Hurd will be more of a galloper like Dickerson and not bruiser like Jim Taylor or Matt Snell. Or Yeldon. Or Tent Richardson. Hurd will be a galloper.
Worleys throws looked better even when past the 10-15 yard range. I have no doubt hell be a better QB and he did look it the few times I saw him throw.
Peterman, I didnt see enough to really say anything.
Ferguson, I have to admit, I kept looking at his leg sleeve to see if his knee or leg buckled when throwing. This is due to his saying he doesnt even know how the injury occurred. And some reference to his set throwing technique. If its something they have to unteach so he avoids further injury or perpetuating the injury, oh boy!