Sprinting after a quarter is like a boxer doing push ups between rounds

Hello my name is Professor K. I don't get much attention at home and like to ridicule things I have no concept of. Since I don't play organized sports I have no idea why a coach would do something that I wouldn't understand. So I find something to say about it and plus I'm lonely and starting a thread full of nonsense helps my self esteem.

At least I don't pick on people that would beat my arse in a spelling contest.
At least I don't pick on people that would beat my arse in a spelling contest.

Internet Fight!!! Internet Fight!!!

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When we are 3rd/4th and goal at the 1 at the start of the 4th quarter and we fail to score, I will blame the 100 yard sprint that Tiny and the rest just ran and I will say I told you so. Same goes for the D with the above scenario reversed.

When was the last time you felt confident they COULD pick up that short yardage? This OL has always had this problem. Go be a Bama fan. They complain about everything and place blame everywhere. Should fit in nicely.
When was the last time you felt confident they COULD pick up that short yardage? This OL has always had this problem. Go be a Bama fan. They complain about everything and place blame everywhere. Should fit in nicely.

I'm not complaining. I just think it's dumb.
Reserve energy is a premium in the game of football. Especially when it comes to 4th and 1 or goal line situations.

Having our OL sprint down the field is dumb imo.
Each player should have their own personal Hoveround to get them to the other end of the field between quarters. Good grief.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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Hello my name is Professor K. I don't get much attention at home and like to ridicule things I have no concept of. Since I don't play organized sports I have no idea why a coach would do something that I wouldn't understand. So I find something to say about it and plus I'm lonely and starting a thread full of nonsense helps my self esteem.
The irony...
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I think you're forgetting a little thing called adrenaline. It's a hormone that kicks in when you're in the middle of doing something awesome. It gives the human body awareness, energy, strength, and heightened senses. Sprinting to the other side of the field between quarters is awesome, and the 100,000 in Neyland think so too.
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I think you're forgetting a little thing called adrenaline. It's a hormone that kicks in when you're in the middle of doing something awesome. It gives the human body awareness, energy, strength, and heightened senses. Sprinting to the other side of the field between quarters is awesome, and the 100,000 in Neyland think so too.

3:00 commercial break destroys that and now you are on a low.

We want to leave "it" all on the field yes, but we don't we don't want to leave "it" during an official timeout.
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you've just gone through 3 years of incompetence.

you had a 45-0 win on saturday (forget the opponent for a second).

and this is the **** you are thinking about on sunday.

Was thinking the EXACT same thing. Must not be the only one given the # of likes. Look at some of the other genius threads today after 1 game... Which was a 45 pt win. Jeez people!!
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