Sprinting after a quarter is like a boxer doing push ups between rounds

Stupid thread. Everybody knows the faster you run down field, the longer you get to rest before the next snap. Geeeeesh.
A whole lot of people in this thread must've never played a sport.

Who ever saw Ali doing jumping jacks and squats between rounds?

When KG does his pushups occasionally after getting injured, why don't more people do it?

Hell, why don't we just add ankle weights to our swimmers and long jumpers?

One or two pushups isn't gonna hurt in the long run, an extra hundred yard sprint before the 4th quarter? Yes, that can do something. If not, go workout for an hour, do a few push ups. The next day, do the same thing, but run an extra hundred yard sprint, or do an extra set of 20 or so pushups and see if you can tell the difference. Any of you who says you don't are lying.
Reserve energy is a premium in the game of football. Especially when it comes to 4th and 1 or goal line situations.

Having our OL sprint down the field is dumb imo.

Maybe they should not do the Vol walk or run through the T anymore.....to reserve energy for that goalline 4 and 1.
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lol go play at usc jr. they can't handle sprints after time outs just ask clowney.
A whole lot of people in this thread must've never played a sport.

Who ever saw Ali doing jumping jacks and squats between rounds?

When KG does his pushups occasionally after getting injured, why don't more people do it?

Hell, why don't we just add ankle weights to our swimmers and long jumpers?

One or two pushups isn't gonna hurt in the long run, an extra hundred yard sprint before the 4th quarter? Yes, that can do something. If not, go workout for an hour, do a few push ups. The next day, do the same thing, but run an extra hundred yard sprint, or do an extra set of 20 or so pushups and see if you can tell the difference. Any of you who says you don't are lying.

You must be severely out of shape.

No, a 100 yard run is not going to affect me. When you get down there, you get a longer break anyway.

Any 300 pound man on the team will also be fine. They are elite athletes.

If you think there is nothing to the statement "When you get tired, don't show it"

Then YOU have never played a sport(Outside of bowling,maybe).

When you see your opponent is tired... All the sudden, you get some wind back.

When you see they aren't, doubt starts to creep in.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, you have never played a demanding sport, and that's just the truth.

A 100 yard run followed by a 2-3 minute break. How excruciating....
You make it sound like they were doing sprints. They just turned and ran back to the sideline. It was odd to see because we've never done it before, but it's not like they were hauling ass.

Chill and enjoy the win.
You make it sound like they were doing sprints. They just turned and ran back to the sideline. It was odd to see because we've never done it before, but it's not like they were hauling ass.

Chill and enjoy the win.

watch the fooking video man.

"watch espn>>search it" find the "peay" game

go to the end of the 1st quarter.

then tell me what we did
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watch the fooking video man.

"watch espn>>search it" find the "peay" game

go to the end of the 1st quarter.

then tell me what we did

It's called conditioning, and there's nothing wrong with it. Our coach has addressed it multiple times and given his reason for doing it. At this point, there's no reason not to trust his judgement.
It's called conditioning, and there's nothing wrong with it. Our coach has addressed it multiple times and given his reason for doing it. At this point, there's no reason not to trust his judgement.

you condition a boxer

you condition a football team

in neither case do you coach them to waste energy during a game/fight
I think he is just doing it to psych out the other teams players. I think with the severe workout schedule they had this spring/summer these sprints are kinda just part of it at this point.

Does it make them a good idea?? Dunno I'm not the HC. But we're paying him a few million a year to be the judge of that. So I think the players understand that this is what is expected of them. It's just part of his style of coaching. And with us handing down a 45 point BEATDOWN of our opponent and our third stringers in there still not giving up a point towards the end of the game....I don't think fatigue was an issue.

But yes to your point I don't truly understand it, but again that's why they pay him the big bucks.
I loved it. Shows that they are into the game and ready to continue the momentum. I also liked how even with the 2's in and a huge lead the 1's were up on the sideline jumping around cheering their teammates on the whole time. Shows how much this team is together and that they have bought in completely.
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I loved it. Shows that they are into the game and ready to continue the momentum. I also liked how even with the 2's in and a huge lead the 1's were up on the sideline jumping around cheering their teammates on the whole time. Shows how much this team is together and that they have bought in completely.

according to this thread, they should probably stop jumping around and save their energy so that they don't get tired.

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