Sprinting after a quarter is like a boxer doing push ups between rounds

I've seen some ignorant posts on here, and I have probably made some myself but the OP just doesn't get it... Worried about the OL sprinting on change of quarters when they RUN AN UP TEMPO OFFENSE? Really? And if you ever played high school or college ball did you walk everywhere on the field or did you run?

Not for one second in college did we walk ANYWHERE, I repeat ANYWHERE on the field. Even after practice and we were dog tired after a 3 1/2 hour practice in the heat did we ever walk. It's called conditioning, and do you understand what message that sends the opposing team? We are in shape and are going to out hustle you. Sorry but GET A CLUE!
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Reserve energy is a premium in the game of football. Especially when it comes to 4th and 1 or goal line situations.

Having our OL sprint down the field is dumb imo.

How much reserve energy did you think we needed Saturday?

You may have a point if it were October and were we playing Bama. But in what amounted to a glorified scrimmage, I'm not sure where your outrage or concern is coming from.
Reserve energy is a premium in the game of football. Especially when it comes to 4th and 1 or goal line situations.

Having our OL sprint down the field is dumb imo.

Not really. From this comment I can tell you never boxed or even trained in the sport. Boxing is one of the more physically demanding sports a person could undertake when it comes to endurance.
Jones clearly stated last spring he wanted our players to do do this, as well as sprint off the field at half-time. It's psychological warfare. He wanted other teams to take note that we weren't tired and were ready go anytime.

How about doing jumping jacks along the sideline while they're at it?

I'll buy there's something to these kind of gimmicks when NFL teams start doing them.
How about doing jumping jacks along the sideline while they're at it?

I'll buy there's something to these kind of gimmicks when NFL teams start doing them.

Yeah, because that's what being a leader is about. Waiting for someone else to do something first.
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I'll make sure to scream at the Wr's and RB's riding the exercise bikes on the sidelines
to stop and conserve energy...we never know when that 4th and 1 play in the 4th qtr
will rear its ugly head and we have to call multiple timeouts to make sure our players are energized enough to actually push forward...
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Wouldn't better "psychological warfare" be to, I don't know, score alot, and even say, cover the spread?

Jim Brown took his time getting up between every play, and it worked out fine for him.

If the idea is for them to put on a show for the fans or opponents, it seems like a waste. Just win.
Wouldn't better "psychological warfare" be to, I don't know, score alot, and even say, cover the spread?

Jim Brown took his time getting up between every play, and it worked out fine for him.

If the idea is for them to put on a show for the fans or opponents, it seems like a waste. Just win.

Coaches don't give two s**** about covering a spread.
How about doing jumping jacks along the sideline while they're at it?

I'll buy there's something to these kind of gimmicks when NFL teams start doing them.

Tell that to Jones, it's his idea not mine.
Wouldn't better "psychological warfare" be to, I don't know, score alot, and even say, cover the spread?

Jim Brown took his time getting up between every play, and it worked out fine for him.

If the idea is for them to put on a show for the fans or opponents, it seems like a waste. Just win.

Go tell CBJ, it's his idea not mine.
Wouldn't better "psychological warfare" be to, I don't know, score alot, and even say, cover the spread?

Jim Brown took his time getting up between every play, and it worked out fine for him.

If the idea is for them to put on a show for the fans or opponents, it seems like a waste. Just win.

OregonVol, let's get your opinion on one simple question: What do you think would have been the outcome if Butch had chosen to leave the first team in until the end of the third quarter? I don't believe it is a stretch in the least to assume that we would have led 56-0 or 63-0. In the greater scheme of things, however, which do you think is more important in that particular game, building as big a lead as possible or giving the ENTIRE second team a half's worth of live game reps. In his post-game show, Butch described the latter scenario as "invaluable."
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i like that everyone who is siding with the OP is essentially arguing that trying to mentally break down the opponent is irrelevant. awesome.
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If your team is too gassed to sprint down the field and take a short break before the quarter starts -- you have problems, especially with a team committed to uptempo.
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I've seen some ignorant posts on here, and I have probably made some myself but the OP just doesn't get it... Worried about the OL sprinting on change of quarters when they RUN AN UP TEMPO OFFENSE? Really? And if you ever played high school or college ball did you walk everywhere on the field or did you run?

Not for one second in college did we walk ANYWHERE, I repeat ANYWHERE on the field. Even after practice and we were dog tired after a 3 1/2 hour practice in the heat did we ever walk. It's called conditioning, and do you understand what message that sends the opposing team? We are in shape and are going to out hustle you. Sorry but GET A CLUE!

Like I said there are some people who make statements because they never played an organized sport. If they did play a sport it was probably Upward basketball in which they did Bible study in between practices. Which would lead this idiot to ask,"why doesn't Butch hold Bible study at halftime, that's what we did when I played".
OregonVol, let's get your opinion on one simple question: What do you think would have been the outcome if Butch had chosen to leave the first team in until the end of the third quarter? I don't believe it is a stretch in the least to assume that we would have led 56-0 or 63-0. In the greater scheme of things, however, which do you think is more important in that particular game, building as big a lead as possible or giving the ENTIRE second team a half's worth of live game reps. In his post-game show, Butch described the latter scenario as "invaluable."
Its pretty apparent that OregonVol is one of those Upward alums.
you've just gone through 3 years of incompetence.

you had a 45-0 win on saturday (forget the opponent for a second).

and this is the **** you are thinking about on sunday.

Did you actually watch the FL game? Toledo gave FL all they could handle.
Obviously this team is just giving too much effort to get to the other side of the field. Clearly, we don't need that mentality on this team. Too much effort shall not be tolerated.
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Reserve energy is a premium in the game of football. Especially when it comes to 4th and 1 or goal line situations.

Having our OL sprint down the field is dumb imo.

Your thread title is accurate.

Your explanation is moronic.

If I'm in my corner, exhausted, trying to catch my breath, and my opponent is in his corner doing push ups...I ain't gonna lie, I'm prolly gonna quit. That's some demoralizing ish.
They're not going to do that every game, are they?

Energy issue aside, it looked silly.

Every game...and every practice...I hear they're taking the act on the road...opening hospitals, supermarkets and such :)
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Why don't they install LazyBoy recliners and cots on the sideline? If this theory of reserving energy works then why stop at limiting running? If we are going to do this let's do it right.
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Why don't they install LazyBoy recliners and cots on the sideline? If this theory of reserving energy works then why stop at limiting running? If we are going to do this let's do it right.

because then I can see some wku shmuck throwing water or something on Big Dan as he is reclining, and him jumping up and running up in the stands and killing the wrong wku fan.
Reserve energy is a premium in the game of football. Especially when it comes to 4th and 1 or goal line situations.

Having our OL sprint down the field is dumb imo.

Yeah, they should bring out golf carts and shuttle them to the other end. The plan to have them move themselves to the other end is a waste of carb calories.

Or maybe the 2nd string could piggyback them.
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