Stacey Abrams chosen to give Democratic response to Trump's State of the Union

Pointing out the upcoming liberal playbook is living in fear? Wait and see Loother..... wait and see.... it will slap you in your pork chop looking face and you'll still claim it's not what they're doing
I have no delusions, with a crowded field we will end up with candidates trying to appeal to a variety of the sub-groups of the democratic party. That's how the repubs ended up with Trump. He appealed to the bitter whiteness within a lot of conservatives. There will be a candidate that gets the bitter non-white vote on the left. I have complete confidence that whoever ends up winning the dem. nomination will be light years beyond Trump.
Most everyone in this forum are regulars and while the insults and etc. may seem excessive .... I think we all know how to take them ... and give them.... we all give LG hell.... Loother is loother..... Dink likes to rage on just about anyone from time to time.... it's just the norm for the political forum.
I try and act more like a human being everywhere except here
And there’s never any issues, except when a particular person drops by.... hmmmm
Most everyone in this forum are regulars and while the insults and etc. may seem excessive .... I think we all know how to take them ... and give them.... we all give LG hell.... Loother is loother..... Dink likes to rage on just about anyone from time to time.... it's just the norm for the political forum.
I try and act more like a human being everywhere except here
There's a post pinned that addresses this. I think it clarifies the "may seem excessive" part
You're a buzz kill man..... you must be a riot at parties
I try to avoid parties where people spout slurs and insult each other for no reason. Why tolerate that mess? It gets old reading the same mess by the same people and watching posters leave this forum because of it

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