I think the generation lately born will be living through a crisis. There is no intent on changing course, and a crash landing is inevitable. Their standard of living will be down, although the data in the OP suggests, at best, SoL has been stagnant for 40 years. It seems inevitable we will bequeath them an impoverished, polarized, and very dangerous world.
I certainly don't mind where the discussion has led. Jared Diamond firmly believes evolution has already been at work in New Guinea - New Guineans as a whole are more intelligent than the West. I don't think it is evolution - I think social - it is a life which has to engage the real world in all four dimensions every waking hour. But I think his observations are valid - I believe the New Guineans have sharper wits, more fluid minds - but not better genes. Why do they not have "cargo?" Accident of geography.
NOW, you can take Diamond's argument too far. Haiti is a perfect example. To suggest the US has no culpability in the state of Haiti today is to deny history, is to deny the real world. No episode encapsulates the story of neoliberalism - the ideology even expressed here on this site - that Capital is more important than people (I believe droski and volinbham say they are equals) - than the tragedy of the Creole Pig.
Moreover, the Duvaliers are a product of US action in a ridiculous Cold War cycle. Suffice to say, just like in Afghanistan with Taraki, had we let Aristide lead as his democratic mandate, Haiti would be in FAR better shape today than it is - earthquake and all. Haitians NEVER supported the Duvaliers (strike that, the few that had Capital did).