Time table doesn't seem feasible if they plan on doing it right. They have to tab someone to write it (or adapt it if they base it off a previously published Star Wars story) and then of course there will be re-writes. Adding in casting, location scouting, and everything else involved in pre-production and it just doesn't seem possible to have a quality movie by 2015. All the filmimg and then post-production, I'd think 2017 or 2018 would be more realistic IMO.
I will say thank God Lucas is finally surrendering control. I admire his original creation immensely, but his God complex was too much to take when it came to listening to fan input. The prequels could have been so much better.
Personally. I hope they set it a ways into the future. The original cast could not pull off the Thrawn trilogy and seing anyone else playing such iconic roles would be a huge disappointment. Also, I would hate to see them write off the history established in the novels. I've enjoyed the continuing stories and feel like they have added a lot to the Star Wars mythos. I think it would be cool to set the next trilogy around Ben(Luke's son) and Jaina(Han and Leia's daughter). Maybe that's why there are currently no novels set to publish focusing on the timeframe after Fate of the Jedi.
Whatever happens, I just hope they do it right and please don't let them screw up the Star Wars mythos. I love Star Wars. I read all the novels. Yes, I'm that nerdy. I'd hate to see them throw aside all the history the novels have established because they have truly fleshed out Star Wars in a way Lucas never could. But I'm afraid that's what they're going to do.