Starbucks is closing 16 stores due to a high frequency of 'challenging incidents'

I got news for you. A company can close down a business anytime they want for any reason they want. Personally, I would guess that between union demands and crappy clientele, they are probably losing money, so they decided to shut them down.
I know, but they're lying. They'd rather close down than give any of their employees any type of power.
I know, but they're lying. They'd rather close down than give any of their employees any type of power.
No doubt they're lying, with corporations it's all about money, they don't GAF about the people that pour drinks for a living, they're expendable.
People and corporations will virtue signal and stand with you only until the rubber meets the road (or their purpose had been served). When the consequences of actions begin to set in you turn around and poof! They gone!
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Imagine believing a piece of paper on a post over the actual crime statistics and real stories you can look up at literally any time thanks to the internet.
I have no doubt it's a combination of both.

But as a business Starbucks can choose the markets they want to compete. And if they make less money in those areas because of crime and unions then so be it. There is a vacuum these former employees can exploit.

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