State of Tennessee Wins the Injunction

Associated real estate agents get revenue shared with them from sales without being employees of the broker in most states. The bottom line is it's Congress's law is being broken here and if a compromise can be worked out which gets the necessary votes, Congress can change the status quo by giving the NCAA an antitrust exemption in exchange for certain concessions. That's what the NCAA is hoping for (again many pages ago someone asked what the NCAA's goal was, that's what started this conversation). That's what their goal is. Not saying they will get the votes, but if they did, legally it could happen and alter the current landscape.
I think that has been the aim of the NCAA also. They hired a former Governor of MA to lead the way and he's probably making calls and getting lobbying efforts (everyone needs to get paid to make Congress do anything, IMO) lined up.

I'm just not convinced Congress can fix anything very successfully related to compensation for college athletics while they cannot come close to passing fiscally responsible budgets for the nation.

Someone in the thread is arguing young people make bad decisions with money so we should "protect" them by limiting their access to it. Congress isn't young and they've been throwing money into the wind my entire life. I'm more skeptical of Congress than I am of college kids when it comes to money.
Who are you to say "this is what's best for all of them" with some kind of trust? Hendon Hooker did pretty good things with his NIL as has Arch Manning, I believe.

It's not your brush to paint with.
Never said it was. Also said most not all. But if you think the majority of 18-20 year olds are financially or in any way responsible good decision makers then you are probably their age and never have had kids. I also said it was what I thought, not rule, so stop being offended. Don’t like it don’t read it
Never said it was. Also said most not all. But if you think the majority of 18-20 year olds are financially or in any way responsible good decision makers then you are probably their age and never have had kids. I also said it was what I thought, not rule, so stop being offended. Don’t like it don’t read it
I'm not offended. It's pointed out by someone else that this seems headed to Congress.

Now there's an example of people who can't handle money. Oddly, none of them are 18-20, but you do you.
I read it as until yall get your sh** together and figure out definitive rules and regulations for NIL, you can’t do anything about it.

I don’t see it as the end of the NCAA.

Make players sign 2-4 year contracts to help with transfer portal issues. Problem solved
Contract, yeah that will solve it all. if i remember correctly, lane kiffin had a "contract" when he left for USC. dooley, butch, and pruitt all had a "contract" when they were fired. i have never seen a contract that couldnt be either broken or bought out of. i keep hearing that coaches "have to have a five year contract for recruiting purposes", yet i have never seen a coach who leaves mention that '5 year contrct' as they are telling their players goodbye
The last ruling was 9-0
Yeah, sure. Politicians are like weather vanes, they one way, then another, depending on where the wind of votes and money is blowing. I hope they side with CFB again, but it's my hard learned lesson to trust NO politician.
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Yeah, sure. Politicians are like weather vanes, they one way, then another, depending on where the wind of votes and money is blowing. I hope they side with CFB again, but it's my hard learned lesson to trust NO politician.
Elections are coming up, so I can't see congress taking a vote on it, until next year.
Ridiculous statement. Not saying we should control the amount of money people make. I am stating that young people are more apt to make bad choices otherwise there would be no need to parent them into their mid 20s nowadays. We could just let them discover whatever once they were eating on their own. I’m saying maybe let them make whatever but maybe make some of these people paying them put it into a trust of some sort so they can mature financially before they are just handed the keys. Most of you are forgetting the life lesson of college is a place of struggling and earning your way with ramen noodles and kool aid to be able to establish a hunger to succeed. Old school I guess but go ahead and get offfended that I think most young people are irresponsible and not capable of handling that type of money yet. You will probably be first in line to support them once they make bad decisions with more money they most make in a life time and squander it away on drugs parties cars and whatever else.
I'm sure that those young people don't care what you or anyone else thinks. It's their right to earn money from their NIL deals and it's their right to spend that money as they please.
I think that has been the aim of the NCAA also. They hired a former Governor of MA to lead the way and he's probably making calls and getting lobbying efforts (everyone needs to get paid to make Congress do anything, IMO) lined up.

I'm just not convinced Congress can fix anything very successfully related to compensation for college athletics while they cannot come close to passing fiscally responsible budgets for the nation.

Someone in the thread is arguing young people make bad decisions with money so we should "protect" them by limiting their access to it. Congress isn't young and they've been throwing money into the wind my entire life. I'm more skeptical of Congress than I am of college kids when it comes to money.
Yeah a former governor is going to convince POLITICIANS to join in on an exceedingly popular curtailing of free enterprise. Dies upon proposal.
What exactly has UT won? The chance to out-bribe all the other majors for high-school prospects? Good luck with that. Vol fans seem to have deluded themselves into thinking that NIL in recruiting is going to give us some sort of competitive advantage. Seriously? You think Georgia, Bama, OSU, Florida, Michigan and all the rest are going sit around whistling Dixie while we buy a national title team? Ha, ha. A&M just spent $76 million to fire a coach. Every major and their fans are insane, and nobody is getting a competitive advantage. It's a fool's game, a corrupt game, and it will turn high-school prospects into cynical mercenaries.

The judge's ruling is nonsense. His legal point about anti-trust is only relevant because the schools were stupid and opted to drag NIL into recruiting. It wasn't conceived to be used to bribe prospects. Had none of the schools formed collectives and starting throwing money at pimply prospects--half of whom won't even pan out in college--none of this would be an issue.

At the end of the day, it will be a huge waste of money--and there will be a lot of 3rd-string safeties laughing at all the money their making for spending one hour a month walking around a shopping mall and signing 5 autographs. Damn: Everybody thought they'd be good players, but turns out, they weren't.

But if you guys want to cash out your 401K's to try and help our collective sign that tight end from Indiana--who says that if we just boost our bribe by 25 percent, we'll jump into his top 5, well go for it. If it doesn't work out, you'll still have your cars to sleep in.
Well, the ruling did prevent the Vols from being crushed under the NCAA boot while other favored schools continued business as usual…I guess that’s something.
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Never said it was. Also said most not all. But if you think the majority of 18-20 year olds are financially or in any way responsible good decision makers then you are probably their age and never have had kids. I also said it was what I thought, not rule, so stop being offended. Don’t like it don’t read it
So do you think there should be a limit on potential earnings for all 18-20 year olds? Even the ones not in college who work full time somewhere? What about those 18-20 years old who have families to support? Or are you saying that only the 18-20 year olds that grew up in poverty or lower class should have their earning capped. Do you
think only the 18-20 year olds from wealthy families are responsible enough to handle money? Also why is 20 the magical age for you? Why not cap earnings for 30 & 40 year olds? Or do you just want to cap the earning potential of individual that play sports? What about actors, musicians, tech developers, landscapes, independent contractors, and entrepreneurs? Should their earning potential be capped in case they become successful and can’t handle money? Please explain your thinking. I would love to know who, when, and what profession that someone should be allowed to earn the maximum amount that someone else is willing to pay them. What about the people who are offering to pay them? Do you also think they are the problem?
On 2-6-24, Marsha Blackburn and Corey Booker introduced the NCAA Accountability Act to protect student athletes, institutions and staff who are being investigated by NCAA. Let's see how that progresses.
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I'm sure that those young people don't care what you or anyone else thinks. It's their right to earn money from their NIL deals and it's their right to spend that money as they please.
I’m sure you’re correct on both of those. That don’t mean it is what should happen. I’m glad tn won. I’m happy that we won’t get into trouble, I also hope these super young professional athletes don’t get into trouble either. I also hope those of you that don’t want to hear from us oldtimers about this, don’t mind when we serve your crow with a little dumbass comment
I’m sure you’re correct on both of those. That don’t mean it is what should happen. I’m glad tn won. I’m happy that we won’t get into trouble, I also hope these super young professional athletes don’t get into trouble either. I also hope those of you that don’t want to hear from us oldtimers about this, don’t mind when we serve your crow with a little dumbass comment
LMAO. I am one of the old timers. I'm just not a control freak about what other people do with their own money.
I’m not either, but if you think an 18 year old with a million dollars is a recipe for anything other than disaster, you’re kidding yourself.
I just want to come in and say. This doesn't affect me in the slightest. My Saturday entertainment will still be there no matter how much money the kids have in the bank. My opinion, if I had one, is irrelevant. Go Vols!
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Yeah, sure. Politicians are like weather vanes, they one way, then another, depending on where the wind of votes and money is blowing. I hope they side with CFB again, but it's my hard learned lesson to trust NO politician.
Whichever side puts the most money out wins in congress.
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