State of Tennessee Wins the Injunction

The NCAA's greed? I think you're confusing the NCAA with the schools. The NCAA wasn't the one negotiating billion dollar TV contracts and paying coaches 10 million dollars a year.

I'm glad that Tennessee didn't let the NCAA push them around, but saying they're the ones wholly responsible is -- well, it's a neat little sleight of hand, I'll give it that.
No...but they did up until the 80's when the conferences seized it away from them. National Game of the Week was a thing. You saw your favorite team on a network, and you maintained healthy living for the next go-around. Their brilliant thinking was that too much football was bad for the game. Now Vols fans don't even have to miss a game against UTC.
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Most all major programs have been investigated and punished at one time or another over the last 20 years. Bama got hammered 20 years ago. This martyr complex that some here have--that the NCAA just wants to pick on us---is not valid. They investigated FSU for the same issue just before us, I believe. Is it very difficult if not impossible to enforce the rules in major-college football given how absurdly hyper-competitive it is and how crazy and demanding the fans are, which puts the coaches and their staffs under a TON of pressure, which leads to corner-cutting and rule-breaking or bet it is. The fans are crazy, and they get pissed when investigators scrutinize their program and whine that everybody else is the real cheater...You can bet your ass there'll be infinitely more problems going forward with everybody throwing cash at prospects and their money-grubbing families. You ain't seen nothing yet. Hate on the NCAA if you wish, but who do you think is going to keep a lid on it?
Wah wah wah, you think the NCAA does no wrong. Just stop. They had 4 years to work with NIL and never tried to work something out with it’s members. The NCAA and it’s ineptitude is why we are here. They don’t search for fairness they search for power and controlling who they want. Their uneven rulings and look away’s are there for all to see. Quit acting like the NCAA is some shining light for all. Them and their asinine huge rule book makes it impossible to schools to govern it all. The NCAA has caused all this! It has finally come home to roost.
No...but they did up until the 80's when the conferences seized it away from them. National Game of the Week was a thing. You saw your favorite team on a network, and you maintained healthy living for the next go-aroung. Their brilliant thinking was that too much football was bad for the game. Now Vols fans don't even have to miss a game against UTC.
And I'm pissed as hell if I miss 5-10 minutes of the 1st Qtr because a couple Who-Gives-A-F$%k universities go into overtime.

Those sports networks and their conference media deals are the only reason I pay a premium for my Comcast Infinity package.

I'm not even above pirate streaming either, it's just worth the premium not to risk a lagging stream.
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We keep saying the NCAA did this or that. The NCAA is a group that is run by the members. NCAA keeps saying that you are a voluntary member. They are enforcing the rules that you agreed as a member to follow. The members vote who is in charge, what the rules are and how they are enforced. I dont think the NCAA is independently making the decision to go after one school over another. It is who is in charge having a bias. To me the problem is that the members have different goals and needs. The goals and needs for podunk U are different from power 5. So who are the people at the NCAA pushing these agendas? The members can stop them. Why dont they? Interesting - UT is an NCAA member. The enforcement team came to UT & made accusations. UT called the NCAA President that they voted to be put in charge and he never returned their call? Instead his team leaked the dispute?
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Maybe. A virus-bacterium combo disease infects the government. Where big money is a factor Kickbacks Congress bow to lobbyists who pay them. The Supreme Court is proving to be corrupt, just puppets of the ultra-rich. I hope the UT and CFB wins this thing in the end, but I'd not bet my house on it.
The last ruling was 9-0
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Major capitalists supporter however I don’t think 17-18 year old kids need that kind of money given to them especially if they are coming from not having any money. Some will do fine and probably help their families out of financial woes and maybe be decently responsible with it. Most will not. A lot will get in trouble, develop unsustainable spending habits once the nil realizes that they are not the product worth being paid(as in disappointments) or some will develop attitudes that they don’t need to develop their craft better. You will have some that will have their parents or custodians taken advantage of them or even abusing them to get them in. It’s a huge mess and I talk to a few nfl and ex nfl players and they are worried about these issues. Again, I don’t want to or be told how much I can make, but these situations will arise and I don’t think most 17-20 year olds are ready for it
So educate and support them. You don’t have the right to take their money away, nor do you have the right to tell them how to spend it.
Major capitalists supporter however I don’t think 17-18 year old kids need that kind of money given to them especially if they are coming from not having any money. Some will do fine and probably help their families out of financial woes and maybe be decently responsible with it. Most will not. A lot will get in trouble, develop unsustainable spending habits once the nil realizes that they are not the product worth being paid(as in disappointments) or some will develop attitudes that they don’t need to develop their craft better. You will have some that will have their parents or custodians taken advantage of them or even abusing them to get them in. It’s a huge mess and I talk to a few nfl and ex nfl players and they are worried about these issues. Again, I don’t want to or be told how much I can make, but these situations will arise and I don’t think most 17-20 year olds are ready for it
GIVEN TO THEM? They aren't being given crap. If a player like Nico is getting big money, it's because he's worked hard to develop his God given talent.

The market creates the demand which creates the salaries. No one is GIVING anyone money. Nico has skills, the business that is UT football wanted those skills and arranged for Nico to get paid to use his skills for UT.

Where is the given????
We keep saying the NCAA did this or that. The NCAA is a group that is run by the members. NCAA keeps saying that you are a voluntary member. They are enforcing the rules that you agreed as a member to follow. The members vote who is in charge, what the rules are and how they are enforced. I dont think the NCAA is independently making the decision to go after one school over another. It is who is in charge having a bias. To me the problem is that the members have different goals and needs. The goals and needs for podunk U are different from power 5. So who are the people at the NCAA pushing these agendas? The members can stop them. Why dont they? Interesting - UT is an NCAA member. The enforcement team came to UT & made accusations. UT called the NCAA President that they voted to be put in charge and he never returned their call? Instead his team leaked the dispute?
Donde called the NCAA out in her open letter about the bold.

Rough summary (inexact at that)- The NCAA used an impromptu kangaroo committee and skipped some voting procedures bylaws required for rule changes when altering NIL/Boosters/Collectives policy.
Congress can designate by statute that student athletes are not employees. They have that authority. That provision is actually part of some of the bills being proposed. In fact, I can almost guarantee that you will see that designation made as to high school students at some point if things continue in their current direction. The question is, will they politically be able to get that provision passed at the college level? I'm thinking no, given how much money the colleges are making, but that is what the NCAA is playing at, it's their only hope, and if they were able to pull it off, they'd survive and have rule making/enforcing authority again. Once again, I think if they were able to get an exemption there would be conditions like some sort of profit sharing arrangement that would be part of the bill. Otherwise it's not going to pass.
Does not the Supreme Court review laws that are written? Does the Supreme Court hear cases questioning the legality of a written law?

I can see highschool kids deemed not employees, because it is law that kids HAVE to attend school? Kids do dropout of school, but are there laws stating kids must attend school?

College is voluntary and completely a choice. Does not the Constitution provide free and fair trade or am I just completely wrong? Whether deemed an employee or not, the big money is still made on name, image and likeness, the product that is put on the field based on the talents of those being fielded. Fans show up to watch how good players perform as a unit (a company, a brand), not how terrible players perform as a unit.

There is a HUGE difference from an entertainment value and financial value between the Power T consisting of, Heupel, Nico and this roster compared, Pruitt and that disasterous roster.....
Seems to me Donde and the team of UT attorneys who went to bat for everyone over this ought to be receiving near constant invitations to be wined and dined by eternally grateful peers from at least all the major universities.
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The NCAA needed a Closet Cleaning event. Going forward, the capacity they operate in and how much authority they have will be question. It will be hard to sign into membership with the NCAA because of their handling of this situation. What's more, their intent may have been to force the issue to get attention and visibility. They may have incorrectly assumed that they would gather support in the process for their existence. Instead, the bridges that they have burned may not be rebuilt.

When your only option is to go to Congress for clarity and support, then, lots of luck. Any Federal law by Congress years to come will be challenged by States.

It appears, the NCAA is seeking Federally Mandated power to oversee College Athletics.
How would you feel as a coach working 100 hours a week with a weekly check of less than 10% of what a smart mouthed and disrespectful player was making who didn't even do much to benefit the team?
Just about every bit of your argument against NIL has been sanctimonious. This part I'm quoting is just asinine hyperbole and strawman fallacy.

Presumably, Nico has an 8M deal(total) rated at 2M a year. Nico has the largest NIL deal. Not one single coach on our staff makes less than 10% of that, and Nico is an outlier.

If a coach can't command the respect of his players, regardless of who makes what, then he isn't qualified to coach.

Thoughts and prayers for our former RB coach Jerry Mack. He will be making an upward move to the NFL next year where he will actually endure the horrific circumstances you've described.
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Congress can, but that's unlikely for college IMO. College Football and College Basketball are multi-million dollar businesses now, not really "student" oriented endeavors.

We all wanted Saturdays on TV and March Madness to be big games, on TV, etc and we got it. We wanted this, as fans and the schools wanted their program to be "high profile" and we got it.

What we didn't get was the emphasis on "this is about education." We want 'balls to the wall' pro level competition. We got the pro competition aspect and feel, stadiums, facilities, and now pro pay for the athletes.

Congress CAN declare college athletes amateurs. Congressmen are used to telling lies.
I don't think Congress will give them an exemption, and if they do it will be heavily conditioned on things like a revenue sharing agreement, but they can. Alot of people are like mega confused about the legal issues and I just try to help people understand the lay of the land there. I am for athletes getting paid, I will say though that football and basketball going independent (which is the way things are heading) is going to create an issue for non-revenue sports, as in they may cease to exist without the funding football/basketball provide, and that is something that alot of legislators may in fact care about and could increase the likelihood Congress acts.
Sorry to reply twice, but PLEASE let's not invite Congress further into our High Schools. I probably don't want my grandkids educated like kids from NYC in school. There's nothing wrong with that in America, as long as both views are Constitutional.

High School football in some TX schools have stadiums bigger than colleges and a ton of money flowing around. High school football in some areas of the country is guys wearing their jersey on Friday and a lame pep rally before the last class.

Congress SUCKS at governing, but Congress REALLY SUCKS at governing local issues like High School.

(I'm SayYouWant..... and I approved this message.)
I voted for Trump twice, so let's just say I'm not a fan of big government either, however Congress is already involved here, since it is laws they have passed which are at issue.
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Does not the Supreme Court review laws that are written? Does the Supreme Court hear cases questioning the legality of a written law?

I can see highschool kids deemed not employees, because it is law that kids HAVE to attend school? Kids do dropout of school, but are there laws stating kids must attend school?

College is voluntary and completely a choice. Does not the Constitution provide free and fair trade or am I just completely wrong? Whether deemed an employee or not, the big money is still made on name, image and likeness, the product that is put on the field based on the talents of those being fielded. Fans show up to watch how good players perform as a unit (a company, a brand), not how terrible players perform as a unit.

There is a HUGE difference from an entertainment value and financial value between the Power T consisting of, Heupel, Nico and this roster compared, Pruitt and that disasterous roster.....
The Supreme Court's decision in Alston was based on violation of the Antitrust laws Congress passed, not Constitutional provisions. There is not a Constitutional provision that is going to bail out someone in this situation who voluntarily participates in an activity (plays CFB) but wants to ignore it's rules. The only reason that is flying now is that the Courts are saying the NCAA is a monopoly that violates the Antitrust laws (originally passed to break up Rockefeller's Standard Oil), if Congress gave them an exemption that would solve 99% of their legal problems. Once again, I don't see that happening unless some sort of profit sharing arrangement is, a condition of the exemption. That's what the NCAA is hoping for (someone asked what their goal was and that's what started this conversation).
Just about every bit of your argument against NIL has been sanctimonious. This part I'm quoting is just asinine hyperbole and strawman fallacy.

Presumably, Nico has an 8M deal(total) rated at 2M a year. Nico has the largest NIL deal. Not one single coach on our staff makes less than 10% of that, and Nico is an outlier.

If a coach can't command the respect of his players, regardless of who makes what, then he isn't qualified to coach.

Thoughts and prayers for our former RB coach Jerry Mack. He will be making an upward move to the NFL next year where he will actually endure the horrific circumstances you've described.
Evidently Nico did but now he is 10th on the list. Sanders is #1.

Overall NIL earners in the NCAA
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I don't think Congress will give them an exemption, and if they do it will be heavily conditioned on things like a revenue sharing agreement, but they can. Alot of people are like mega confused about the legal issues and I just try to help people understand the lay of the land there. I am for athletes getting paid, I will say though that football and basketball going independent (which is the way things are heading) is going to create an issue for non-revenue sports, as in they may cease to exist without the funding football/basketball provide, and that is something that alot of legislators may in fact care about and could increase the likelihood Congress acts.
Short of VERY, VERY anti-capitalist laws, Congress isn't controlling markets like college football. That's not to say they won't control it, but it won't be coming from a capitalist viewpoint.

Making a law saying: these valued workers cannot be professionals because that's not what "our society needs" is a LONG LONG way from capitalism. We need to acknowledge that.

What are we asking for with an Antitrust Exemption and laws that college students aren't employees, despite the fact they are an integral part of the labor in a multi-million dollar business, isn't free market capitalism.
We need a system that works for the universities and the athletes. It can be done. That is what most everybody wants. Nothing is perfect but the college game is too important for people not to find a good solution.GBO!
Short of VERY, VERY anti-capitalist laws, Congress isn't controlling markets like college football. That's not to say they won't control it, but it won't be coming from a capitalist viewpoint.

Making a law saying: these valued workers cannot be professionals because that's not what "our society needs" is a LONG LONG way from capitalism. We need to acknowledge that.

What are we asking for with an Antitrust Exemption and laws that college students aren't employees, despite the fact they are an integral part of the labor in a multi-million dollar business, isn't free market capitalism.
I think you keep missing the point here. Nothing is getting passed without some sort of profit sharing arrangement, it's not happening. There aren't going to be anywhere close to the votes for that, however Congress can legally pass a law amending it's own law if they can agree on something. The only thing that has a prayer to pass is something dictating that a substantial percentage of the TV money be shared with the players, and provided that it is shared the NCAA will have authority to enforce it's rules to promote fair competition and fund the non-revenue sports, (which are pretty much all women's sports and spring sports) while being immune from Antitrust suits. Ironically, it was initially argued that the Antitrust laws themselves were anti-capitalist. Certainly, if they did not exist (and the pure libertarian position would be that Congress should have never have passed them to begin with), the NCAA would have free reign here, so this capitalism argument rings kind of hollow in this context because government legislation has already created the current situation.
I think you keep missing the point here. Nothing is getting passed without some sort of profit sharing arrangement, it's not happening. There aren't going to be anywhere close to the votes for that, however Congress can legally pass a law amending it's own law if they can agree on something. The only thing that has a prayer to pass is something dictating that a substantial percentage of the TV money be shared with the players, and provided that it is shared the NCAA will have authority to enforce it's rules to promote fair competition and fund the non-revenue sports, (which are pretty much all women's sports and spring sports) while being immune from Antitrust suits.

lol, how are the schools going to fund the non-revenue sports when they have to split the actual revenue?
lol, how are the schools going to fund the non-revenue sports when they have to split the actual revenue?
There's plenty of TV money to go around, will just have to prioritize their spending a little better. You imagine it will be better if football and basketball go independent and that money is no longer available at all to women's sports/spring sports?

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