State of Tennessee Wins the Injunction

NCAA is dead for big time college football. Now the big schools need to get together and decide how they want to govern themselves in the future.
Lawyers getting inundated as we speak. The NCAA be tied up in court from Hawaii to Delaware. Dr. Baker best stock up on the Pepto. :cool:
Nationwide. The lawsuit was brought by the AGs in Tennesse and Viriginia and the case was heard in a U.S. District Court. All 520,000+ athletes should be celebrating.
wrong for now it only applies to Tennessee and Virginia. Pete Nakos and NIL lawyers are saying the preliminary injunction only applies to Tennessee and Virginia so far but that will expand if more states join.
Saban be like...
wrong for now it only applies to Tennessee and Virginia. Pete Nakos and NIL lawyers are saying the preliminary injunction only applies to Tennessee and Virginia so far but that will expand if more states join.
You can bet more states are lining up as we speak. The NCAA lawyers are going to be really busy. If they have any sense, they will end the UT investigation and end this NIL charade now and cut their losses.
Let's add this to the talking points with recruits. Tennessee was one of only two schools willing to file a lawsuit against the NCAA to protect the rights of student athletes.
I may be wrong but I believe we were the only school involved in the suit, the state of Virginia AG was the party involved from the commonwealth. I don’t believe a specific school was attached.
NCAA is already moving on from being able to police the students to going after administrations. Anything to keep them relevant I guess.

Based on what? The NCAA can't touch NIL used in recruiting or transfers. What else are they going to go after coaches and administrators for? Plowman, White, and Heupel for daring to stand up to them?
NCAA is already moving on from being able to police the students to going after administrations. Anything to keep them relevant I guess.

That’s if there is an NCAA infractions committee going forward. Today is the first step in the demise of the NCAA as we know it.

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