State of the Union Address

He's fallen into the "entertainment" trap. From what I saw I thought he was a legit and an unbiased (though still biased) as you can be commentator. Then he went all "cable news opinion commentator" on Fleischer. We are all smart enough to figure out where Fleischer is coming from.

I'd like to see straight up analysis even if dull. Those days are over apparently.

I think AB Stoddard on Fox is pretty straight up but she probably bends to the Fox spiel being between two righties though.

You won't find many. I like Fareed Zakaria. George Will is okay, even though I disagree with him on almost everything. Most on FNC are a joke. I always took a liking to Billy Kristol for whatever bizarre reason.
I wasn't impressed with any of it, speech or talking head pageantry afterward. Politics and cable news have become so dumbed down that intelligent debate is an afterthought. It's sad when you have too listen for an hour to get a decent point from one of these yahoos.

If these commentators are going to be stupid...fine, it is what it is. But they come across with this arrogance like they are smart and need to do the thinking for us. It is ridiculous.
Yep - the whole reason I watched MSNBC was for the bafoonery quotient.

It's pre-written crap. Any person with a brain can come up with equally or more thoughtful analysis.

On the whole (where Preparation H feels good) I came away with less faith in my government and the people telling me about my government.
I'm just gonna go to bed and forget the night ever happened.

Only thing I'll remember is Bachmann staring at another camera. too funny
I didn't realize Ed Schultz played college football at U of Minnesota.

edit: Maddow wasn't correct. He played at MSU (Minnesota State Univ.)
Maddow seems to be bashing CNN for playing Bachmann's response...


Now Maddow asks if CNN did a disservice to the Republican party by playing Bachmann's response.

Perhaps she is polar opposite after midnight.
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Maddow seems to be bashing CNN for playing Bachmann's response...


Now Maddow asks if CNN did a disservice to the Republican party by playing Bachmann's response.

Perhaps she is polar opposite after midnight.

I think this is why CNN chose to play the Bachmann response, no?
I would pay to watch you say that to a public school teacher's face.

Great thing about me is I am the same azzhole in person that I am on here. You either love me or hate me but you will always know where I stand and how I feel about you.

The teachers union is a huge problem with our education system. I also have a huge problem with grade redemption and credit redemption which I learned about from a public school math teacherin Smyrna who is leaving to go teach at Brentwood Academy. He said you would not believe how stupid and lazy 90% of these kids are and I can't flunk em. I can't even hand out homework.

That's pathetic.
Yep - the whole reason I watched MSNBC was for the bafoonery quotient.

It's pre-written crap. Any person with a brain can come up with equally or more thoughtful analysis.

On the whole (where Preparation H feels good) I came away with less faith in my government and the people telling me about my government.


Come for the Serta specials stay for the political analysis.
I watched for about 15 minutes or so. From the parts I heard, it sounded like he was offering about some guidelines of where he would negotiate with the republicans. Sounds like he's willing to make changes or even put off national healthcare, particularly small businesses, but not willing to negotiate on pre-existing conditions. Wants to make cuts across all government programs, including community development as well as military. But he's not willing to just scrap the Dept of Education or Energy (future, blah, blah). I might be reading too much into the future stuff for that. It sounds like he wants to cut corporate taxes but not other taxes as it is a form of deficit spending.

I mean he wasn't very specific, but I'm not sure if any SOTUA's are. But I thought he laid out some guidelines on what to expect. But it's about results not rhetoric.
listened to about 50 minutes of the speech, I'm really getting tired of speeches like this including applause lines, no matter who the speaker is. Applause lines should be saved for stump speeches and political campaigns, not Constitutionally mandated presentations and memorial events.

that said, it was typical Obama drivel, the only specific thing about it was its vagueness.
I don't know which was more agonizing to watch, the SotU or Bachmann's speech.

Although her description of the great battle of "Iwu Jamma" was quite the spectacle.

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