we need to send more kids to trade schools and stop this idiocy that everyone needs a college education. taking a C student, putting him in community college for a couple of years, and getting him tens of thousands in debt, only to have him work at the gap after graduation isn't helping anything.
we need to send more kids to trade schools and stop this idiocy that everyone needs a college education. taking a C student, putting him in community college for a couple of years, and getting him tens of thousands in debt, only to have him work at the gap after graduation isn't helping anything.
why do small private schools produce much higher results, though they have half the budget as government schools.
the fact remains that the average private school spends less per student than public schools in many states so it doesn't seem $$$ is the problem.
The parents.
The parents that are sending their children to private schools are wanting their children to suceed in life. They can afford to pay the money for a private school. They will take time and work with their children, make sure their homework is completed etc. The TV or PS3 is not their babysitter. They take the time to be a parent.
In public schools, you have some very good parents that care, same as the parents with children in private schools, they may just not be able to send their children to a private school.
In public schools , you have the parents that don't care what kind of grades their children make. They never go over homework, stick the children in front of a TV or video game all evening, no set bedtime, no stability of any kind. They do not take the time to be a parent, if their children makes bad grades or gets into trouble, it's the teacher or schools fault.
IMO, you can't blame the failure of the public schools on the teachers along. I know there are some bad teachers that need to be fired. You also have good teachers that take pride in teaching. Teaching starts at home.
Parents who don't care raises children who don't care.
If a child does not want to learn, no teacher will succeed with that child.
Just my 2cents.
Very true. It is not a money issue it is a teacher having control issue. In a private school, they will flunk you and chances are the parents paying for the education are going to flip if the kid is not pulling in atleast a passing grade. It's two fold with most private schools. The teachers only care about whether you learn it or not and do not give grade redemption and the parents are involved. Due to this, the classes are more composed and the standards are higher.
I went to private school every year except my senior year when my father was transferred to the home office in Ohio and I decided to try public school. At Goodpasture, I struggled to make straight A's. The classes were tough. Painfully tough to get an A in. 94%or higher was an A. In Ohio I went to one of the top Public schools in the area and was so bored that I decided to test out of my senior year and graduated 2 months into the year. I then went to Ohio State and tested out of my entire freshman year. There are stupid kids all around but facts are private school students get a better education.
And yes, most private school teachers make less and are happier. They are actually allowed to be teachers.
Whoopty damn do.
Amazing how a few people I know went to private, National Catholic Education accredited schools with $10,350 tuition fees. Guess what they're doing? Absolutely nothing.
I'll take my public school education.
Blaming teachers isn't going to do jack. It starts in the home.
Droski, does your wife have to offer this grade redemption and credit redemption that I have heard about?
That is insanity.
Everything starts in the home. Everything. But our public school system is a becoming a joke.
she's not teaching there anymore. currently she's at a catholic school. the principle has changed grades there because of parent complaints and one parent complianed she was giving a kid bad grades because she didn't understand her culture. so even private schools have these issues.
the teachers at Webb are probably better educated than any public school in town
we need to send more kids to trade schools and stop this idiocy that everyone needs a college education. taking a C student, putting him in community college for a couple of years, and getting him tens of thousands in debt, only to have him work at the gap after graduation isn't helping anything.
I'm infinitely pleased with most of my past educators. My school allowed you to take multiple AP classes in which the difficulty and amount of work were up to par or at times more difficult than college. I have no arguments with attending private schools, but to simply attack public-school teachers as the root of the problem, and frankly to the point of looking down on them is ridiculous. Most have more education than 99% of the public and make little to nothing.
we need to send more kids to trade schools and stop this idiocy that everyone needs a college education. taking a C student, putting him in community college for a couple of years, and getting him tens of thousands in debt, only to have him work at the gap after graduation isn't helping anything.