why do teachers in small private schools, that get half the pay as public school teachers, keep teaching?
why do small private schools produce much higher results, though they have half the budget as government schools.
Throw in health. My econ was tied in with social studies.
So you would take 5-6-7 years of college to make 45K? I don't know how about you, but I don't shoot for making 45k.
Probably for idealistic reasons, if you're talking about small religious schools. They teach there because they believe in the religious mission of the school.
Oh, I don't know.
This is like saying your parent's contribution to society is/was worthless.
I would have to compare how easy the job is and the amount of stress involved to the salary to say what is worth it or not.
45K for a job that you can't be fired from, is never going to get downsized, and you have 3 months off is not a bad gig.
Also, education does not dictate salary. We have had this debate on here before but education is not a factor.
45K to work 9 months and nice benefits is not next to nothing. That's not a great salary but it is also not horrible. It's middle income. I would say teachers should be middle income.
And yes, the teachers union does more harm than good in this country.
there is a lot of stress in being a teacher. They work long hours that most never see
This site puts it at 38,000.
If you're one member of a two-income family, then 38,000 is better than nothing, and probably helps out.
If you're the sole provider for your family and you have kids, then 38,000 is not enough to live on.
And from what I hear, it's rarely 9 months of work. You have to work about a month of the summer when it comes down to it, and you have to take work home in the evenings.
I wouldn't do it. If it came down to it, and I found myself unemployed, I'd sooner look for a manual labor job than put up with the red tape, unruly kids, critical parents, and low salary of a high school teaching job.
I would have to compare how easy the job is and the amount of stress involved to the salary to say what is worth it or not.
45K for a job that you can't be fired from, is never going to get downsized, and you have 3 months off is not a bad gig.
Also, education does not dictate salary. We have had this debate on here before but education is not a factor.
If you're the sole provider for your family and you have kids, then 38,000 is not enough to live on.
compared to what? once you have been teaching for a while all your lesson plans are already made. you work from what 8am-2pm? you have some grading true. but you have summers off and every bs holiday. certainly not a difficult job compared to most.