stock market was up today...

For about 90% of those workers with a 401k the best thing they should do with their investment right now is NOTHING. They should never touch their investment other than continuing to put money in right now would be a good time to put more money in it. If 90% did that, there would not be this sell off today. If the people who manage my account where I have my money invested sell any of my stocks today, they will not be managing my account anymore.
I'm unsure how you disagree with my post. Powwow aren't actively managing their 401k and the people who are aren't trusting govt job numbers
Kamala having a better chance to win over Trump is another recent concern. But control of Congress will be far more impactful. I shudder at the possibility of Kamala not having at least a split Congress to keep her extreme views in check.
Well, she was 100% in favor of banning fracking in 2019. Lo and behold she showed up the other day saying she was against the ban on fracking. Will likely change that opinion if she gets elected. She changes positions more than when she was shagging Willie Brown! Agreed, we need her to at least be dealing with a split congress and then a full Republican Congress after the 26 midterms.
I'm unsure how you disagree with my post. Powwow aren't actively managing their 401k and the people who are aren't trusting govt job numbers
imo, managers who are managing these 401k's should not be selling anything. If they are, they are only doing it to collect transaction fees which can be steep at some places. I know someone who works at EJ that charges $55 to make a single trade, sell or buy, and it basically cost EJ nothing to make the trade. Making a ton of fees now selling and will be making a ton of fees later when they go to buy all these shares back.
Biden had nothing to do with the 20% ramp or this decline.

Why does everything have to be political?
If you really don’t think the runaway deficit and the crazy inflation from printing too much money have anything to do with our financial markets, then you should quit posting in this thread.
If you really don’t think the runaway deficit and the crazy inflation from printing too much money have anything to do with our financial markets, then you should quit posting in this thread.
Pretty much the industry has gone to fee based billing in lieu of transaction based billing. You’re paying your 1% whether you buy, sell, or sit tight. Only incentive for the broker is to grow your portfolio so their 1% is a larger number.
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imo, managers who are managing these 401k's should not be selling anything. If they are, they are only doing it to collect transaction fees which can be steep at some places. I know someone who works at EJ that charges $55 to make a single trade, sell or buy, and it basically cost EJ nothing to make the trade. Making a ton of fees now selling and will be making a ton of fees later when they go to buy all these shares back.
If..... and it's a large if...... you think you're better at investing and managing investments than people who manage your money, why don't you manage your own money?

You sound like a guy who takes your car for service then tells the mechanic how they should fix it. If you know how, do it.
The business is too big (or important) to fail. But that doesn’t mean that the stock is. Delta went to zero a bit over a decade ago but continued to employ people and fly their routes. The stock holders got nothing when it was recapitalized.
Valid concern. Look at Government Motors and Chry… er. Renault?
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It is quite remarkable -- BUT ENTIRELY PREDICTABLE --that the GOP gives the current administration no credit for the the 20-30 % run up of the last two years, but screeches how much at fault the administration is for a 5 % correction over the past week.

Y'all need to pick a theory and stick with it.
The DOW was $36,338 on 22/27/21 which IMO was the top of the COVID recovery. It currently sits at $38,826 - if my math is right 6.8% is a long ways from 20-30% and this correction is likely not complete yet. That’s annualized to 2.5% and you could have averaged 5% in CD’s at your local bank. Unless you’ve been overbalanced into the magnificent 7 stocks, you’ve lost money in light of the extreme inflation.

I understand you are 100% blue, but the reds have plenty of faults without creating some that don’t exist.
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Biden, or any President, has nothing to do with printing money.
Wrong - the POTUS appoints the head of the federal reserve and can replace them whenever they choose. We’ve seen numerous examples through the years of the president publicly stating needed federal reserve policy that’s followed shortly after.
Wrong - the POTUS appoints the head of the federal reserve and can replace them whenever they choose. We’ve seen numerous examples through the years of the president publicly stating needed federal reserve policy that’s followed shortly after.
A Fed chair who doesn't print money is a chef that doesn't cook. It is one of the reasons the Fed exists as an institution.

Your second statement is just wrong. Trump complained for his entire term about monetary policy that was in his mind too tight, from a Fed chair he picked.
If..... and it's a large if...... you think you're better at investing and managing investments than people who manage your money, why don't you manage your own money?

You sound like a guy who takes your car for service then tells the mechanic how they should fix it. If you know how, do it.
When I first started investing 30+ years ago I did go to an investment company but over the years I moved money around where I do manage a lot of my own money now. They make adjustments to it here and there and that is fine, but major adjustments they are to at least let me know first. Like near the end of last year, there was major adjustments made, they called me to let me know and I agreed to move from a 70-30 stock to bond ratio to about a 50-50 at the time assuming there would be interest rate cuts coming....

"bond duration"
"A bond's duration is a measure of how sensitive its price is to changes in interest rates. In general, for every 1% change in interest rates, a bond's price will change in the opposite direction by an amount equal to its duration in years. For example, if a bond has a duration of 1 year and interest rates increase by 1%, the bond will lose 1% in value. However, if the bond has a duration of 10 years and interest rates increase by 1%, the bond will lose 10% in value."

So for every 1% the Fed cuts interest rates my bonds will gain 10% in value. I had no problem with this change being made in my investments but I at least want to know what is going on.
The fear porn isn't as effective that way though
Clickbait for people who don't watch it often. Another common tactic is to emphasize the nominal decline in the Dow because 1000 points or 2000 points sounds much worse than 5% or quoting the nominal decline from the Nasdaq or S&P, which have smaller index values.
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When I first started investing 30+ years ago I did go to an investment company but over the years I moved money around where I do manage a lot of my own money now. They make adjustments to it here and there and that is fine, but major adjustments they are to at least let me know first. Like near the end of last year, there was major adjustments made, they called me to let me know and I agreed to move from a 70-30 stock to bond ratio to about a 50-50 at the time assuming there would be interest rate cuts coming....

"bond duration"
"A bond's duration is a measure of how sensitive its price is to changes in interest rates. In general, for every 1% change in interest rates, a bond's price will change in the opposite direction by an amount equal to its duration in years. For example, if a bond has a duration of 1 year and interest rates increase by 1%, the bond will lose 1% in value. However, if the bond has a duration of 10 years and interest rates increase by 1%, the bond will lose 10% in value."

So for every 1% the Fed cuts interest rates my bonds will gain 10% in value. I had no problem with this change being made in my investments but I at least want to know what is going on.
With things like 401k investments, of course one can choose a direction or percentage and should, but the day to day, nuts and bolts, buy and sell is best handled by pros OR people like some here on VN who keep a close and keen eye on investments and enjoy it.

If you're one of those, fine. I got the idea you were watching every move your 401k managers make which would drive me nuts.

If I didn't trust them to do better than me, I'd not be there in the first place. If I do trust them, I employ them to get the best returns they can within my chosen direction and make a little money for their trouble.

I'm not one to stand over the plumber's shoulder and make suggestion that "this might be a better way" or "now, I know what I asked for and I'm not going to be taken advantage of....."

I would likely respect your profession and expect you to respect mine if we're working together. If I don't, why are we working together?
With things like 401k investments, of course one can choose a direction or percentage and should, but the day to day, nuts and bolts, buy and sell is best handled by pros OR people like some here on VN who keep a close and keen eye on investments and enjoy it.

If you're one of those, fine. I got the idea you were watching every move your 401k managers make which would drive me nuts.

If I didn't trust them to do better than me, I'd not be there in the first place. If I do trust them, I employ them to get the best returns they can within my chosen direction and make a little money for their trouble.

I'm not one to stand over the plumber's shoulder and make suggestion that "this might be a better way" or "now, I know what I asked for and I'm not going to be taken advantage of....."

I would likely respect your profession and expect you to respect mine if we're working together. If I don't, why are we working together?
I do trust them to make adjustments from time to time as economic conditions change but major adjustments I would like to know about first. Even with a car mechanic, even though he knows more about the car than I do I would still like to first know what he is going to do and how much it will cost me before he does anything.
It is quite remarkable -- BUT ENTIRELY PREDICTABLE --that the GOP gives the current administration no credit for the the 20-30 % run up of the last two years, but screeches how much at fault the administration is for a 5 % correction over the past week.

Y'all need to pick a theory and stick with it.
Lol. You all blamed Trump for the Covid economy, then claimed credit for the recovery.
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If..... and it's a large if...... you think you're better at investing and managing investments than people who manage your money, why don't you manage your own money?

You sound like a guy who takes your car for service then tells the mechanic how they should fix it. If you know how, do it.

I’ve did that. I didn’t have the proper tools or the time to do it myself. It helped them out a lot.
I’ve did that. I didn’t have the proper tools or the time to do it myself. It helped them out a lot.
It's in the approach. If I'm using a professional, particularly a mechanic, because I'm on the road or lack the time, I still want them to know I appreciate that they've likely seen and fixed whatever it is far more times than I have and have probably seen "that one time when it looked like......." that I haven't.

Treating professionals with respect and having a decent rapport with your mechanic, plumber, etc can come in really handy when things really go sideways.

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