There is nothing wrong with cheesy 80s cliche, but this season lost so much immersion for me. This show was incredible because they shaped such a paranormal idea into such a realistic and immersive world. Yeah the concept itself isn’t entirely realistic, but with how the world was shaped it made it feel realistic. Season 1 was by far the most organic when it came to this. But this season had so many unrealistic decisions that were made that left me scratching my head.
One example was when... (spoilers) The kids were in a house and saw the monster. Rather than running away in their car they barricaded the house and stood there in helpless fear. It made no logical sense. They obviously had time to get into the car initially. If they wanted to have that El and Monster skirmish, they should have done it in a more realistic way. It was just lazy writing. I could go on about other examples but the whole season just seemed filled with stupid decisions. It was still good tv, but the writers in particular deserve criticism.