Sudden Death Syndrome

What's causing the increase in sudden death and heart attacks

  • It's being caused by the virus itself

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Iranian Soccer Player Dies Of Cardiac Arrest On Football Pitch - Iran Front Page

We do not know for sure if this young man was vaccinated or not. The chances are very high that he was vaccinated as Iran, in 2021, mandated digital vaccine passports to access public transportation along with access to such as attending school, going to the cinema, etc. One thing we know, we have never ever seen this many young healthy athletes dying like this.
Causes of Death Among College Students

Causes of Death Among College Students
April 27, 2023 • by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Deaths Explained in 87% of Cases–Public Should Question “Cause of Death Unknown” in Public Reports

Wow, a couple extra unexplained deaths in a population of nearly 10,000 students. We really got something here.

"For University of Alabama with a total enrollment of ~38,000 students, this means the university could expect 8.5 deaths per year. If they were equally divided per class and assuming an average 5 year enrollment per student, then a graduating class could have at most 2 student per year on a memorial notice for graduation. This makes 12 for the Crimson Tide distinctly unusual for the class of 2023."
Wow, a couple extra unexplained deaths in a population of nearly 10,000 students. We really got something here.

"For University of Alabama with a total enrollment of ~38,000 students, this means the university could expect 8.5 deaths per year. If they were equally divided per class and assuming an average 5 year enrollment per student, then a graduating class could have at most 2 student per year on a memorial notice for graduation. This makes 12 for the Crimson Tide distinctly unusual for the class of 2023."

First of all, 12 is a 500% increase over 2 but yeah, nothing to see here. You and I both know that if those "extra unexplained deaths" were covid deaths they would have shut the entire university down......since when is it normal to have young people dying of unexplained causes?
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First of all, 12 is a 500% increase over 2 but yeah, nothing to see here. You and I both know that if those "extra unexplained deaths" were covid deaths they would have shut the entire university down......since when is it normal to have young people dying of unexplained causes?

I don't know and neither do you, but that doesn't stop your nonstop "researching"
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Wow, a couple extra unexplained deaths in a population of nearly 10,000 students. We really got something here.

"For University of Alabama with a total enrollment of ~38,000 students, this means the university could expect 8.5 deaths per year. If they were equally divided per class and assuming an average 5 year enrollment per student, then a graduating class could have at most 2 student per year on a memorial notice for graduation. This makes 12 for the Crimson Tide distinctly unusual for the class of 2023."

A 30 second Google search shows multiple auto deaths, a drowning, multiple suicides, and drug OD....

This same analysis was previously done for NC state and the overage all turned out to be suicide...
A 30 second Google search shows multiple auto deaths, a drowning, multiple suicides, and drug OD....

This same analysis was previously done for NC state and the overage all turned out to be suicide...
Those were all listed as Covid deaths in 2020. Why start getting serious about cause now. 😁
Those were all listed as Covid deaths in 2020. Why start getting serious about cause now. 😁

Because a cardiologist (that profits off his stance) with no statistical background continously issues "statistical analysis" that can be debunked by simple Google searches and violates basic statistical principles...

I'm awaiting the riveting analysis from the guy that is trying to short life insurance companies next next...

If Fauci (who has no stats experience) as well presented a stat paper, you all would *rightfully* jump all over it...
Because a cardiologist (that profits off his stance) with no statistical background continously issues "statistical analysis" that can be debunked by simple Google searches and violates basic statistical principles...

I'm awaiting the riveting analysis from the guy that is trying to short life insurance companies next next...

If Fauci (who has no stats experience) as well presented a stat paper, you all would *rightfully* jump all over it...
I think your underwear may be a bit snug. Breathe a little. Or maybe this is you having big fun. 🤷‍♂️
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A 30 second Google search shows multiple auto deaths, a drowning, multiple suicides, and drug OD....

This same analysis was previously done for NC state and the overage all turned out to be suicide...

If I google " University of Alabama students who died in 2022" I see multiple articles about the young man who drowned and the student who apparantly had a drug OD. The 2nd article on the first page is a death from 2014. There are 2 other articles further down about students who died but there is no cause of death listed.
Better analogy:

A bunch of trees that have been given an experimental fertilizer fall down at an age that trees don't typically fall.
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Better analogy:

A bunch of trees that have been given an experimental fertilizer fall down at an age that trees don't typically fall.

You left out the part where the fertilizer company asked that all details in regards to the ingredients that were used in this experimental fertilizer as well as other key and important details be withheld from the public for 70 years.

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