Sudden Death Syndrome

What's causing the increase in sudden death and heart attacks

  • It's being caused by the virus itself

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Surfing legend, Barry Wolins, died suddenly on May 7, 2021. As seen in his posts, he scoffed at any warnings against the experimental fast-tracked Covid vaccines. His Nov. 14, 2021 post says he is fully vaccinated. The point made was anyone questioning “science” is stupid.


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You can really feel the pain this mother is going through in losing her son. Rowan was only 39 years old. The coroners report said that the cause of death was the Covid 19 vaccine. So sad!

Another mother in pain over losing her young healthy son 💔. Tyler was only 30 years old. Apparently he was forced to get the vaccine. She says the Pfizer injection cannot be ruled in or out. But common sense tells us young healthy people don’t just die in their sleep. The cause is obvious.

Kirsten passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on June 11, 2023. She took the booster Nov. 13, 2021, and double jabbed on Apr. 14, 2021.

In Sept. 2021, she refused to officiate a marriage for someone because she was not vaccinated.

As seen in her post, you cannot disagree with scientists.

Kirsten passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on June 11, 2023. She took the booster Nov. 13, 2021, and double jabbed on Apr. 14, 2021.

In Sept. 2021, she refused to officiate a marriage for someone because she was not vaccinated.

As seen in her post, you cannot disagree with scientists.

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So she had no problem with the woman marrying a convict, but had an issue with them being unvaccinated...
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In the very first paragraph

The retrospective cohort study consisted of members from seven Vaccine Safety Datalink sites from December 14, 2020 through August 31, 2021.

Does myocarditus simply form over night?? Sometimes it takes years to truly see the implications and harm caused by a vaccine. That's why it typically takes years of trials and tests on animals followed by human trials before it's pushed on an entire population. You can blame Trump as much as anybody else for this.
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Very first paragraph

The retrospective cohort study consisted of members from seven Vaccine Safety Datalink sites from December 14, 2020 through August 31, 2021.

Does myocarditus just form over night?? Sometimes it takes years to truly see the implications and harm caused by a vaccine. That's why it typically takes years of trials and tests on animals and then humans before it's pushed on an entire population. You can blame Trump as much as anybody else for this.
I’ve read it takes up to 5 years to see the damage. Buckle up children
It’s crazy how people die unexpectedly from heart attacks. You’d think heart attacks would be expected and planned for

Hey I present a simple challenge. Start posting cases of people dying of heart attacks or simply dying suddenly where it was a known fact that they were not vaccinated. You will obviously find a few cases in people who were not healthy but I bet for every single unvaccinated person you post that "dies suddenly" I can post 10 cases of vaccinated individuals "dying suddenly".
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The love and pain of losing a child as communicated by this father. As MMA fighter, Fabiano Winiarski, says it goes against human nature for a child to be gone before parents. There is nothing more painful 😢.

Fabiano’s daughter, Helena, was given the Pfizer Covid vaccine on Feb. 18, 2022. She died in her sleep Feb. 25, 2022.

Injecting a child with an experimental vaccine that was never proven to be safe should never have been allowed.

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This Hollywood actress shared that she was ending her life due to her vaccine injuries. She was diagnosed with an untreatable chronic neurological illness. Her lung function was deteriorating. She became disabled and no longer able to work.

By her posts, working on many sets, acting was her life. In Hollywood it was mandated to take the jab in order to work. She took the booster jab over a year ago.

Her last post was on June 1 from Switzerland, where she planned to commit suicide. This is so sad!!

Young boy collapsed at school and later died in the hospital. This is happening all over the world

A 19 year old CSU track athlete was found dead in his car. The coroner confirmed that he died from a blood clot. As we know, blood clots are caused by the spike protein.

Philip Shenk was beating cancer. Then the Cancer Center pushed him to take the Covid vaccine. Shortly after the 1st dose, the bladder cancer came back and was 3 times worse. He still went ahead with the 2nd shot and then the booster 🤯😩. During that time he had kidney failure and lost a leg. He passed away May 4, 2022.

His wife took the 2nd shot and now her uterus has large fibroid tumors.

This family was hit twice with painful loss in just a year and a half. Matt was 44 years old and was athletic and fit. He died suddenly and unexpectedly. His mother, Linda, also died unexpectedly in Nov. 2021. So sad



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Basketball player Óscar Cabrera Adames died Thursday of a heart attack while undergoing a stress test at a health center in Santo Domingo. He was just 28 years old.

Dominican sports commentator Héctor Gómez announced the news on Instagram.

Cabrera suffered from myocarditis, a disease that can reduce the heart’s ability to pump blood.

Following his death, social media posts surfaced where Cabrera claimed the heart condition came from two doses of the COVID vaccine — which he was required to get for work.

"I got a damn Myocarditis from taking a f-cking vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it! Many people warned me. But guess what? It was compulsory or I couldn’t work. I am an international professional athlete and I am playing in Spain. I have no health problem, nothing, not hereditary, no asthma, NOTHING! I suddenly collapsed to the ground in the middle of a match and almost died. I’m still recovering and I’ve had 11 different cardiology tests done and guess? They find nothing. I have no cholesterol, no fat, nothing! 7% body fat 93% muscle. When they give me the diagnosis, they tell me that I won’t be able to play for at least 5 months until my heart goes down again and they can’t give me that medicine."

Professional Basketball Player Dies Of Heart Attack, Previously Blamed COVID Vaccine For Myocarditis

George Watts Jr. was only 24 years old when he died... from what his autopsy confirmed were complications related to COVID vaccine-induced myocarditis.

Watts got the vaccine because his community college mandated it.

He also agreed to get it because government officials misled him to believe that Pfizer’s vaccine was “fully licensed” + “safe and effective.”

Please donate today to help support CHD’s landmark lawsuit against the DOD on behalf of George Watts’ family — and all of CHD’s legal, research, advocacy and education work. ⬇️

George Watts was only 24 years old when he died.

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