Support thread for Coach Fulmer.

i support the vols and fulmer, but if we have another ho hum offense this year he has to go. he has done great things for the program, but he waited way to long to make changes to his staff. it could cost him this year.
As both alumni and long time supporters of UT, my husband and I are all too happy to see a topic dedicated (at least intended too) to supporting CPF. We're like the majority of other fans we love to win and hate to lose. It's human nature. But I think the thing a lot of people forget is CPF is human. Yes, he's a well paid coach of a major football program but he makes mistakes, bad decisions, whatever you may call it. You and I certainly have. We have all said if we could only do this over again... I'm sure CPF has thought outcomes of games might have been different if different plays were called, etc. He may wish he had recruited this one or that one, or not have taken this person. But the point is, yes last year was bad and no we definately do not want another season like that. UT has a reputation for excellence in academics and in sports. The day we settle for o.k. and come to expect that, is the day we need to close the door. And yes, from my user ID you can tell, I'm a lady whom many may think is giving you this nice little cheerleader rah,rah but stop and think about it. One person didn't take this team down and one person is not going to build it back up overnight so give Phil your support.
(vol_freak @ Jun 16 said:
Speaking of Pearl, a buddy of mine claimed to have seen him today in the Cedar Bluff area in a new Porsche with the sticker still on. :biggrin2:
I'd say that your buddy is right. My husband and I were at Texas Roadhouse at Turkey Creek back in February and he was getting out of a black Porsche as we were parking. He was going in to do the Monday night VolCall show. I made the comment to my husband about the car and how I wanted one. He said basically get over go over and look at Bruce's because that is as close as you'll get! So, I figure since he got that nice, heafty raise it was time for a new one. Maybe he handed the old one down to his kids :birgits_giggle:
(UTBBallLady @ Jun 16 said:
As both alumni and long time supporters of UT, my husband and I are all too happy to see a topic dedicated (at least intended too) to supporting CPF. We're like the majority of other fans we love to win and hate to lose. It's human nature. But I think the thing a lot of people forget is CPF is human. Yes, he's a well paid coach of a major football program but he makes mistakes, bad decisions, whatever you may call it. You and I certainly have. We have all said if we could only do this over again... I'm sure CPF has thought outcomes of games might have been different if different plays were called, etc. He may wish he had recruited this one or that one, or not have taken this person. But the point is, yes last year was bad and no we definately do not want another season like that. UT has a reputation for excellence in academics and in sports. The day we settle for o.k. and come to expect that, is the day we need to close the door. And yes, from my user ID you can tell, I'm a lady whom many may think is giving you this nice little cheerleader rah,rah but stop and think about it. One person didn't take this team down and one person is not going to build it back up overnight so give Phil your support.
Excellent post UTBBallLady!
(kiddiedoc @ Jun 16 said:
I'm with you. 78 more days of this??? Can I stand right behind you if you find a taker?
Let's start the Organization for Potentially Suicidal Tennessee Fans if we have another losing season. I can't take this anymore.
Phil will do a good job this season. Last season was a wake up call. If he doesn't then he won't have to worry it. He'll be gone. I personally hope the team does well which means CPF does well. Just about two months and a week until the chattering stops and the playing starts.
(milohimself @ Jun 16 said:
Let's start the Organization for Potentially Suicidal Tennessee Fans if we have another losing season. I can't take this anymore.

transcript from an actual call to the OPSTeF Hotline....

"Sir just put down the gun, pick up the remote control, and stop the TiVo of the Vanderbilt game. Then I'll tell you where the next group session will be in your area..."
(orange+white=heaven @ Jun 16 said:
transcript from an actual call to the OPSTeF Hotline....

"Sir just put down the gun, pick up the remote control, and stop the TiVo of the Vanderbilt game. Then I'll tell you where the next group session will be in your area..."
At this stage, I'd say a moblie crisis intervention team would be called in. :dunno:
Id rather light a fire under his arse than say we believe in you coach. If that means tough love and harsh criticism then so be it. Im pissed at fulmer for his worrying about bama's affairs than his own players committing crimes. Getting blown out at the peach bowl by 2 ACC schools will not suffice yet still getting a raise after each of those seasons.

This season is make or break for him. Get off your ass coach and get results!!!!
(jakez4ut @ Jun 16 said:
this is about where i stand as this point in time given last year, and the declining performance of the program the previous 3-5 years before that, it's hard to say that some change wouldn't be good for the program. But it's also hard for me to just trash the guy when he has done so much for the program as well. For me, i'd love for CPF to be the guy that turns it around and gets us back to where we need to be. If he doesn't, and proves that he can't do it, then change is inevitable and i'd support that.

cause i think it was hillbilly that said it, CPF is NOT the program. I support the program. If CPF is the guy in charge of that, he'll get my support until the PROGRAM can't get any better under his leadership. Last year to many is proof that that time has come, and surely 5-6 is no indication that the program is headed in the right direction. but it was his first losing season ever. Give him the chance to turn it around, if he does, great. If he doesn't or can't, for the good of the program, make a change and i'll support it.

I have a feeling that there are a lot more fence riders like myself than either of the pro or anti fulmer people on the board. Most of us are in a "wait and see" mode.
This pretty much sums up how I feel. I'd love for Fulmer to be the one to turn things around, but if he can't do that, it's time to get somebody who can. For the time being I will support him because he is the hc.
Realize its tough for some vol fans to support Fulmer,
Even with Cutcliffe on board.
Team needs to turn around next year and
I hope Cutcliffe and Fulmer can do it.
Running a spread offense with
Eric Ainge should help.

(Chattownsfinest @ Jun 15 said:
I fully support him and only for one reason: He is our coach for at least next season and no amount of bitching and whining is going to change that. So I fully support him and hope he can turn it around.



Hoping for the best next year, and
I'm expecting a turnaround.
Depends a lot on
Eric Ainge's development.

Time will tell if
Having Eric work with Cutcliffe will get
Eric's confidence back.

Coach Fulmer is really on the hotseat
And I bet he realizes it. He
Needs to show a lot of improvement.
Depends a lot on the schedule and the
Young players maturing quickly.
I am afraid that CPF's ship has sailed. I hope I am wrong. To let a bush league OC run your program into the ground is simply not acceptable. The talent has evaporated.
(Lexvol @ Jun 16 said:
I am afraid that CPF's ship has sailed. I hope I am wrong. To let a bush league OC run your program into the ground is simply not acceptable. The talent has evaporated.
It didn't evaporate, it followed Rodney Garner to UGA.
This is where you and I part ways. I give Richt a little more credit for the turnaround in recruiting, and contend that Gardner was becoming a devisive member on UT's staff at the time. We just have different sources with different points of view.

Gardner + Richt = talent in the right scheme. Gardner + Donnan or Golf = 3rd in the SEC east.
(Lexvol @ Jun 16 said:
This is where you and I part ways. I give Richt a little more credit for the turnaround in recruiting, and contend that Gardner was becoming a devisive member on UT's staff at the time. We just have different sources with different points of view.

Gardner + Richt = talent in the right scheme. Gardner + Donnan or Golf = 3rd in the SEC east.
Ray Goff wouldn't have won big if he had the '85 Bears in the SEC. However, given the infusion of talent at Georgia and the commensurate drain at UT, UGA would passed the Vols if Donnan had stayed long enough to reap the benefits of Rodney's recruiting.
Given what Donnan did at Marshall you may have the superior argument, but I still think he was a little lost in the big leagues.
(Lexvol @ Jun 16 said:
Given what Donnan did at Marshall you may have the superior argument, but I still think he was a little lost in the big leagues.
I agree with that. He always seemed to exhibit the deer in the headlights syndrome. Still does on his TV job...
(Lexvol @ Jun 16 said:
Given what Donnan did at Marshall you may have the superior argument, but I still think he was a little lost in the big leagues.
Take Jamal Lewis, Cosey Coleman, and Deon Grant away from UT and put them on the UGA roster. I bet Donnan wouldn't have looked nearly as lost.

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