Supreme Court kills affirmative action in university admissions

You can whine about it, if you want to ...

Affirmative Action is very popular within the black community. The polls have consistently shown that for decades now.

I fully believe it's popular with a lot of people in that community, for decades now you've been telling them they can't succeed without it and they bought it.
lol....Just making it clear for those who struggle.
I'll take it one more step for you....
Affirmative action wasn't a step away from colorblindness; it was compensation for a history of color obsession and a necessary step for becoming more colorblind.

Antiquated and overdue to be abolished. It has allowed countless morons to be put in positions they never had any business to be in.
Well if it’s so popular I guess it won’t be those against it whining.
Republicans act like they don't understand why African-Americans vote against their candidates in such high percentages ... and they whine over it. 2024 will be no different. It's very easy to pin this decision on Trump and Senate Republicans - due to their 3 Supreme Court nominees and confirmations.
Republicans act like they don't understand why African-Americans vote against their candidates in such high percentages ... and they whine over it. 2024 will be no different. It's very easy to pin this decision on Trump and Senate Republicans - due to their 3 Supreme Court nominees and confirmations.

And Dems should campaign hard on that. Nothing brings in votes like telling a whole group of people they aren't good enough without help.
It’s not that hard to work around. They can just start giving preference to students who excel at low quality, majority black schools. They don’t have to identify the schools as majority black, just create a list. They can justify it by saying they they’re looking for quality minds, not a paper trail and just grade on a curve for those schools. It’s not that different from what happens with gerrymandering.

there's an article in the WSJ that explores how schools in states where this was already banned have tried work arounds - mixed success but yes there are ways they can work around
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Republicans act like they don't understand why African-Americans vote against their candidates in such high percentages ... and they whine over it. 2024 will be no different. It's very easy to pin this decision on Trump and Senate Republicans - due to their 3 Supreme Court nominees and confirmations.

Well I’m 100% against affirmative action and 100% against voting for Republicans sooooo again I’m failing to see the downside. Except that 5 years from now my daughter’s pediatrician will probably have been selected to med school and residency based on medical skills and not a quota. That’s sad.
I don’t think so, based on their elections cases.

Alabama was denying representation to black people because they were democrats and IIRC, the court said that because of the state’s history they had to account for race in redrawing the districts and make sure that minority voters weren’t underrepresented.

On the other hand, it’s hard for me to square the UNC case with what they did in the Alabama redistricting case.
I’m not really following you on the comp you’re making with gerrymandering cases.

But are you saying that if Harvard comes up with a supposedly benign process that doesn’t explicitly use race, but results in clearly disproportionate outcomes for Asian Americans, they couldn’t claim impact?
And Dems should campaign hard on that. Nothing brings in votes like telling a whole group of people they aren't good enough without help.
That's what YOU interpret Affirmative Action to be.

That has never been what the vast majority of African-Americans interpret Affirmative Action to be.
Athletic scholarships?

outreach, guarantees that the top X% of in state high school grads can attend, etc.

even SCOTUS said race can play an issue; just that the individual needs to show merit and their demonstration of that can be in part at least based on describing how their race created challenges they overcame.
No, they shouldn't.

I'm really not complaining about this at all ... just don't act surprised when your 2024 nominee gets less than 10% of the black vote again.

I don’t see this being the rain maker of votes that you think it it’s going to be. My 6 year old child could make the argument that Joe Bidens drug policies have done 100x the harm in the black community than evening up college admissions standards.
outreach, guarantees that the top X% of in state high school grads can attend, etc.

even SCOTUS said race can play an issue; just that the individual needs to show merit and their demonstration of that can be in part at least based on describing how their race created challenges they overcame.

State schools might already do it but I think priority should go to instate students, maybe 75% of slots set aside for instate students.
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