Survivor - Edge Of Extinction

You and I have the same thoughts with regard to the old school players. The first people I'd be voting out on this season are Sandra, Rob, and Pavarti. Those 3 are an automatic no brainer to me. They might have gotten Parv out if Adam hadn't been such an idiot.

Especially ones that you have watched dominate the game multiple times. I'd go Rob then Parv then Sandra, maybe Yul before Sandra actually.
Honestly Ethen would have been the last old school person I went after, him and Amber seem pretty lost now.
It was impressive how much trust he gained with Adam when that allegiance was not reciprocal.

True but I think some of that was him being the least scary of the 3, so Adam focused on him. Plus he seems lost so most likely to flip. If I was playing and not a puppy dog for Parv, I would focus on Ethan.
Especially ones that you have watched dominate the game multiple times. I'd go Rob then Parv then Sandra, maybe Yul before Sandra actually.

I see Yul but so far he's been fairly average.

Honestly Ethen would have been the last old school person I went after, him and Amber seem pretty lost now.

Agreed, but at that point in the show Ethan was in that alliance of Rob, Parv, Ethan. Yeah, the people on redemption island are essentially gone. What was it the last time they did redemption island they let a total of 2 players back in over the period of the entire season?
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I see Yul but so far he's been fairly average.

Agreed, but at that point in the show Ethan was in that alliance of Rob, Parv, Ethan. Yeah, the people on redemption island are essentially gone. What was it the last time they did redemption island they let a total of 2 players back in over the period of the entire season?

I think Yul is playing it right though, pushing things in a direction when he needs without being aggressive. He seems best fit to slide between old and new without people really noticing.

That's true but Parv and Rob will never kneel so to speak, I think you could reel Ethan in if he was alone.

Yeah it was 2 I think. I hate redemption honestly, but I am curious to see how the coins will factor. Maybe buy their way back in?
What happened to not being able to sit out challenges back to back? Sandra's fat azz doesnt have to do anything
Jeremy and Wendall are the best players out there. You need to stay somewhat low key while still making moves that you can take credit for later.
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Jeremy and Wendall are the best players out there. You need to stay somewhat low key while still making moves that you can take credit for later.

I picked Wendel day 1. I think he's the best player among the non-big targets
What happened to not being able to sit out challenges back to back? Sandra's fat azz doesnt have to do anything
I think that's only when they do reward and immunity as separate challenges before a tribal.

But I agree on Sandra not doing anything. Sometimes I think the thought of "as long as this person is still in they're my shield" is more prevalent than the show admits.
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I think that's only when they do reward and immunity as separate challenges before a tribal.

But I agree on Sandra not doing anything. Sometimes I think the thought of "as long as this person is still in they're my shield" is more prevalent than the show admits.


It definitely is, people talk all the time about keeping the bigger target/shield around as protection. Credit to her because she has perfected this, though a lot of the times it's after she says I'm getting so and so out and fails at it. Props for getting Tyson though.
I wish they would show the entire vote during the credits like they used to instead of the player walking up the island to meet the other people voted off.

Or are we too assume every vote that wasn't nick or Kim for Tyson?
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I wish they would show the entire vote during the credits like they used to instead of the player walking up the island to meet the other people voted off.

Or are we too assume every vote that wasn't nick or Kim for Tyson?

I generally assume when they don't show them that all the remaining voted were for the player that left. But I assume a lot of wrong things in life sooo
I think Yul is playing it right though, pushing things in a direction when he needs without being aggressive. He seems best fit to slide between old and new without people really noticing.

That's true but Parv and Rob will never kneel so to speak, I think you could reel Ethan in if he was alone.

Yeah it was 2 I think. I hate redemption honestly, but I am curious to see how the coins will factor. Maybe buy their way back in?

Yul in this last episode is a smooth talker for sure. The guy knows how to talk to people and go through walls they might have put up.

What happened to not being able to sit out challenges back to back? Sandra's fat azz doesnt have to do anything

On a Facebook post she answered the question. She said her team just automatically assumes she's the worst physically and they allegedly always allow her to sit out.
I can't remember though, did she participate in this last immunity challenge?

I wish they would show the entire vote during the credits like they used to instead of the player walking up the island to meet the other people voted off.

Or are we too assume every vote that wasn't nick or Kim for Tyson?

Yes! I didn't know they stopped that even until tonight. I was curious if both Ben and Adam actually voted for Rob.

Kudos to that group for doing the absolute right thing in voting off Rob. You still have Parv and Sandra in there though.
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On a Facebook post she answered the question. She said her team just automatically assumes she's the worst physically and they allegedly always allow her to sit out.
I can't remember though, did she participate in this last immunity challenge?

I'm sure they do she sucks at anything remotely athletic, maybe bottom 3 ever. Which is why she wouldn't sniff my top 7 players ever. She didnt participate in the previous 2, I think she did in the first, third and last episode.
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Rob is a great, albeit slightly overrated, player. That was some sh*t gameplay though. You are with 2 guys that have openly targeted you twice, eliminated an alliance member, and you dont even try to flip to the girls? Adjust your strategy dude.
My top 3 to win rn would be Yul, Wendell, and Jeremy they all play similar games too IMO

My sleeper, if there is such a thing amongst an all winners cast, would be Sarah. Shes a lot like the 3 guys above, adapts well on the fly, friends people easily, and is pretty cerebral in her approach.

I like him I'm so Bias, but props to Tony for changing up his game and being pretty under the radar so far. I'm hoping if he makes the merge he starts creating chaos again, ideally with Parv and Sarah.
Wendell having an old fling on there makes this tricky, especially because people know about it.
Also, Sarah is really good, maybe one of the top 3 players this season, but she was so cutthroat in her season I doubt she flies under the radar once the big guns are all gone.
Wendell having an old fling on there makes this tricky, especially because people know about it.

I have no idea how he could even be around her let alone date her, her speech pattern and voice makes me want to inject the coronavirus straigh into my ****
You know we are going to end with some janky final 3 with the young country guy, the blonde that barely exists, and weird talking girl

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