Survivor - Edge Of Extinction

I wonder Dan is really that sleazy, or if he’s been unfairly targeted?

What non-mentally challenged man in his position would have to be told 4 times? If I had innocent intentions and had to be told I was being too touchy just once, I would be so embarrassed I would never touch anybody the rest of the season.
What non-mentally challenged man in his position would have to be told 4 times? If I had innocent intentions and had to be told I was being too touchy just once, I would be so embarrassed I would never touch anybody the rest of the season.
Pretty much what I was thinking too. Even the producers warning him quietly off camera should have been enough to make him so careful nothing else ever happened again. Much less having the situation blow up to such a degree that it became the entire focus of at least one tribal council and several days following it.
It's interesting what happened with Dan this season. Most of these players are woke. CBS is supposed to be woke. But outside of Kelly and Janet, they all enabled Dan and let him get away with it for too long. Missy and Elizabeth didn't like it, they commiserated with Kelly, but when push came to shove, they wouldn't speak out with the other women. They were worried about how it would affect their advancement in the game. This really put Janet in a bad spot. She had nothing to gain and hadn't been offended, but she stood for what's right and it almost turned out disastrous for her. Then production talked to Kelly and asked, "what would you like us to do about it?" Which they should never ask her that. It's not up to her. Her responsibility is to tell them what's happening. Their job is to deal with that information. Jeff got his great moment where he told off Dan but Dan should have already been gone.

It's like all these things we've been told about how harassment is mismanaged and difficult to deal with in the workplace were present on this show.
What non-mentally challenged man in his position would have to be told 4 times? If I had innocent intentions and had to be told I was being too touchy just once, I would be so embarrassed I would never touch anybody the rest of the season.
While I believe that he was out of line and deserved to go, you do have the gameplay factor that could have over or even under exaggerated how bad his behavior was.
It's hard to say because we see an edited show. If it was my first season I'd think he was definitely a creeper. But after watching a bunch of seasons I thought maybe I'm not understanding human needs. In seasons past there have been boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives that snuggle up with other players and give a lot of physical contact. It wasn't a romantic thing or a huddle together to keep warm thing. It was just a need for human interaction I think.

But Elizabeth did straight up say she had no problems with Dan and didn't feel uncomfortable, but she would say the opposite if it would help her game. When missy had her conversation with Elizabeth it wasn't a legitimate concern about Dan conversation. It was a let's play this up to get him voted out. Missy's own words were "Right now that's our only play". I still have the episode on my dvr.

It looked to me like Kelly might have been legitimate bothered by him and a few others used that to turn Janet against Dan by exaggerating or fabricating concerns.

If they removed him for more unwanted touching then he's a dumbass that deserved it even if he didnt have creeper motivations. Like huff said above if it was me after one instance I'd probably ruin my game trying to prove to everyone I'm not a perv. This is being watched by millions.
Most of these people are super competitive and just don't care enough relative to the game.

The guy is obviously a creeper. His casting couch probably has a pet name. I'm guessing Jeff and CBS knew he was a creep. And they wanted their Me Too moment.
For the first time ever, the finale will not be live. Gee, I wonder why?

I don't think it's fair for them to discuss Dan ad nauseam while not inviting him to be there. The circumstances weren't so bad that he shouldn't be allowed to defend himself (unless the thing that got him sent home is much more egregious than the other stuff).
Bad season overall, but pretty strong finale. I wanted Janet to win, but Tommy was my 2nd pick and Janet won $ anyway. I thought the Dan thing was handled pretty well, too, and they put it at the very end for people who wanted to see it.
Agreed for the most part. Not the strongest season. Imo the island of the idols was kinda just meh. Maybe they imagined it being more meaningful but not to me. Just a new vehicle to introduce more idols into the game.

Would be nice if we could find out what Dan actually did to get kicked off. But even if they did offer him an invite I imagine he would have turned it down. There's no coming back from the accusations made and its probably just damage control for him now. Unwanted touching should end when someone says to stop, but honestly they didn't show him doing anything on camera that I havent seen on previous seasons. The show did the only thing they could do without ignoring it. Just fall on the sword and take blame.

I'm good with Tommy winning. Janet or Loren would haven beat him I think and he was able to get them out. Dean had a good final tribal. He really was just a goat for most of the season but had a couple things go his way at the end and he argued it well.
Agreed for the most part. Not the strongest season. Imo the island of the idols was kinda just meh. Maybe they imagined it being more meaningful but not to me. Just a new vehicle to introduce more idols into the game.

Would be nice if we could find out what Dan actually did to get kicked off. But even if they did offer him an invite I imagine he would have turned it down. There's no coming back from the accusations made and its probably just damage control for him now. Unwanted touching should end when someone says to stop, but honestly they didn't show him doing anything on camera that I havent seen on previous seasons. The show did the only thing they could do without ignoring it. Just fall on the sword and take blame.

I'm good with Tommy winning. Janet or Loren would haven beat him I think and he was able to get them out. Dean had a good final tribal. He really was just a goat for most of the season but had a couple things go his way at the end and he argued it well.

Based on what I read, it must've been some kind of grope. Apparently it was when they were going back to camp on a boat and he was climbing into the boat. The incident occurred with a member of production and at least one other player witnessed it.
Worst season and players yet.

I just about have to agree on this. The two mos interesting people were Janet and Elaine.

As for the finale, between the 3 left standing Tommy was the best choice. Dean was just an ass and Noura was just a loud mouthed psycho.
Anybody watching this winners season? Pretty good so far.

I can't believe Ben is a winner. I couldn't believe it as it was happening.
I'm back after my year off, good so far except I'm unhappy about edge of exstinktion. I kind of like them being able to sell stuff to players from there, I just hope it doesn't screw up the season at the end again. I'm glad Tony's crazy ass is back, and of course Parv. Lord I still hate Sandra. "I'm the queen" queen of laying around and talking a lot and doing nothing. Amber is a waste of a player spot, I fall asleep as soon as she speaks.
Her last season she laid around talking about getting Russ and Parv out only to vote with them everytime. She only won cause the jury was full of butthurt *****es.
Was Adam that good on his season? I barely remember him but he acts and talks like he's a top 3 player all time.

I'll say it again...I've missed Tony's goofy azz.
Was Adam that good on his season? I barely remember him but he acts and talks like he's a top 3 player all time.

I'll say it again...I've missed Tony's goofy azz.

Adam was pretty good.

I am guessing Ethan went home because the 4 voters saw an opportunity to both weaken Adam and Boston Rob, so it was a pretty good move but I wish they would show that strategizing. I hate this new trend where the person voted off wasn't discussed as a serious option in the episode.
Adam was pretty good.

I am guessing Ethan went home because the 4 voters saw an opportunity to both weaken Adam and Boston Rob, so it was a pretty good move but I wish they would show that strategizing. I hate this new trend where the person voted off wasn't discussed as a serious option in the episode.
Not a fan of that either. I think there was literally one throw away line where somebody mentioned his name while running through their options, but that’s all.
Adam was pretty good.

I am guessing Ethan went home because the 4 voters saw an opportunity to both weaken Adam and Boston Rob, so it was a pretty good move but I wish they would show that strategizing. I hate this new trend where the person voted off wasn't discussed as a serious option in the episode.
Same. The show wants a little unknown going into a vote but I wish they would explain why "voting Parvati would rock the boat too much". That's why they went with Ethan instead. They still wanted to hurt Rob. But voting Parvati would hurt him too much?
They wanted to weaken Rob while also showing Adam he wasn't running things. Jeremy and the one girl discussed it during the episode, I thought it was pretty obvious Ethan was going home.
They are idiots for not voting out Rob and Parv the first 2 votes though.

You and I have the same thoughts with regard to the old school players. The first people I'd be voting out on this season are Sandra, Rob, and Pavarti. Those 3 are an automatic no brainer to me. They might have gotten Parv out if Adam hadn't been such an idiot.
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