SUV plows down Wisconsin Christmas parade as children watch in horror

Sounds like he was so angry and upset at the domestic situation that he had just left that he couldn't stand anyone else being happy and decided to target random people just because they were happy.

As Wisconsin does not have the DP why waste time and just put him in prison for the rest of his life, no parole eligibility.

Why is it so taboo to think that he may have actually carried out actions in accordance with his stated beliefs? He's a racist POS. We've got Dr. Phil out here spinning theories from whole cloth about being so upset about his home life that he just snapped and mowed down children and dancing grannies at a parade. Why not start your theories with the things we KNOW for a fact he believes?
Why is the Emmitt Till memorial sign shot to pieces so often it has be replaced almost annually?

Maybe one day we'll get around to studying the dynamics of how race and reactions to race function in America.

If it is like 2/3 of reported hate crimes, it is probably a hoax being perpetrated by a black person.
Why is it so taboo to think that he may have actually carried out actions in accordance with his stated beliefs? He's a racist POS. We've got Dr. Phil out here spinning theories from whole cloth about being so upset about his home life that he just snapped and mowed down children and dancing grannies at a parade. Why not start your theories with the things we KNOW for a fact he believes?

Why is it so taboo to think that he may have actually carried out actions in accordance with his stated beliefs? He's a racist POS. We've got Dr. Phil out here spinning theories from whole cloth about being so upset about his home life that he just snapped and mowed down children and dancing grannies at a parade. Why not start your theories with the things we KNOW for a fact he believes?


But okay maybe you are right. How you'd prove it was one and not the other I have no idea.

But I get what you want it to be. Pretty obvious you want more ammo for your narrative. Whether it's there or not.
It's fascinating how everyone falls all over themselves to pin criminals who do atrocious sh*t as part of <insert political foe here> in an effort to paint them as subhuman and in an attempt to marginalize them and the group from whence they came.

It's hard to know where this scumbag fit on the political spectrum, but what is clear is that he was obviously a bama fan.
To be fair, I don't think he's a subhuman piece of shat for anything he posted or liked on the internet. I look at his decades long record and his actions yesterday. That's all I need to know.

He was a scumbag for multiple reasons, the least significant among them are his political stances and color of his skin.

But okay maybe you are right. How you'd prove it was one and not the other I have no idea.

But I get what you want it to be. Pretty obvious you want more ammo for your narrative. Whether it's there or not.
Weren’t you pretty much positive about what Rittenhouse was up to?

Drawing reasonable inferences left and right if memory serves 🤔
People need to pull back on the partisanship and focus on the actual crime. We don't have to politicize every tragedy. It's ridiculous that we do.

I don’t think everyone does they just recognize when others do and the double standard that goes along with it.

You get the impression this guy shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel for at least one of a couple of things. Anger management or vehicle management. In either case he doesn't seem to be up to keeping pedestrians and his vehicle separate = shouldn't be allowed to drive period.
Again, jumping to conclusions a little early. Cops werent chasing him, ok. Still could have been fleeing a stabbing as I heard earlier. Early info is like fog of war intelligence, very hard to be sure of and often changes from day to day. Luckily, we dont need to make any decisions based on that info. Lets let them do their jobs and find out. It will come out soon and picture will be much clearer in the next week.

For sure if no one was chasing or no other matter, it leans toward intentional terrorism using a vehicle.

Again, from my perspective, it does not matter. IF they can conclusively determine that it was him, he should be tried by a jury and if guilty, hung by the neck until dead.

I don't know about the rest of you, but barricades on roads trigger me especially when somebody thinks they have to dig up a road to plant utilities for a new subdivision or similar. I have to admit running down people digging up perfectly good streets (especially one of the seemingly few in good condition) seems to be a worthy goal.
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But okay maybe you are right. How you'd prove it was one and not the other I have no idea.

But I get what you want it to be. Pretty obvious you want more ammo for your narrative. Whether it's there or not.

When you have to pretend to be a psychologist to come up with a theory as to what happened rather than taking the suspect at his own words, you're the one with a narrative.

And it seems the timing issue would favor the racist pos argument due to the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict occurring just a couple of days ago.
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The five deceased victims are 81-year-old Wilhelm Hospel, 79-year-old Virginia Sorenson, 71-year-old LeAnna Owen, 52-year-old Tamara Durand, and 52-year-old Jane Kulich.


Waukesha Christmas parade horror: Who are the victims?
Exactly, as long as everyone participates in that division they win. I’m not saying we all have to sing kumbaya together but just some common decency would help.

When I can find some common decency shown by leftist politicians, pundits and their corporate media shills I’ll show them some back.

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