SUV plows down Wisconsin Christmas parade as children watch in horror

Former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis, "we have to separate people like this from society" when asked how he was let out 3 days earlier.

VP Giggle Harris is a big time supporter of letting criminals back out on the street soon as possible. She'll even set up a Go Fund Me account to do so. So, most democratic politicians encourage the mayhem to be bloody & violent as ever. They won't to change America to stay in the gutter.
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This should be an interesting trial. At least 5 counts of murder and 40 counts of attempted murder with the MSM expectation that he gets off like KR because he was oppressed.

Sure Biden will make a comment on our justice system.
Catchy. I may tend to agree in some matters with that, but not when it concerns Dems and politics. They need everything possible thrown back into their faces. Maybe they will slow their roll some.....unlikely, but maybe.
Yea The high road has been taken too often, sometimes you gotta fight dirty with dirty
How could you leave out California, DC and NYC?

They have been crazy for decades.

The three I named are up and comers.

I remember when the wizards were called the bullets and they changed the name due to the stigma and all their gun violence issues.

It’s really odd though that a heavily Democrat area with high black on black crime would pick the name “wizards.” Wonder if their fans are called “the klan.” Sorry, my ADHD kicked in.
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Sounds like it was clearly leaning that way if you believe the third defendant, which I'm inclined to do. It certainly doesn't help his case to admit that.

Dont want to derail this thread but sounds like he could be a racist yet I dont see evidence that the killing itself of Arbery was racially motivated.

A formal, official statement from an LEO authorized to provide information to the public.
After watching the multiple angles and perspectives of the incident, I feel comfortable saying that if it was a race related incident then the driver is an idiot as well as a killer. Driving patterns in the videos show him going around some parts of the parade where there was room, slightly adjusting course to avoid hitting a little girl just off the sidewalk, and aiming for the path of least density when ramming the marching band. Minor course and speed adjustments could have resulted in significantly greater casualties and terror.

Is racial motivation still on the table? Yes. But the most logical option at this point is still that the assailant was fleeing the scene of another crime and the parade was in his way.

Ok, here's your "official statement". What are your thoughts now?

Again, jumping to conclusions a little early. Cops werent chasing him, ok. Still could have been fleeing a stabbing as I heard earlier. Early info is like fog of war intelligence, very hard to be sure of and often changes from day to day. Luckily, we dont need to make any decisions based on that info. Lets let them do their jobs and find out. It will come out soon and picture will be much clearer in the next week.

For sure if no one was chasing or no other matter, it leans toward intentional terrorism using a vehicle.

Again, from my perspective, it does not matter. IF they can conclusively determine that it was him, he should be tried by a jury and if guilty, hung by the neck until dead.
Hard for me to imagine any significant number of Dems coming forward to support someone who attacked a parade, especially one where children are part of the victim count. One very stupid comment from a Dem in Illionois does not constitute widespread Dem support. It's ridiculous to assume Dems are going to side with him simply because he's black.
Again, jumping to conclusions a little early. Cops werent chasing him, ok. Still could have been fleeing a stabbing as I heard earlier. Early info is like fog of war intelligence, very hard to be sure of and often changes from day to day. Luckily, we dont need to make any decisions based on that info. Lets let them do their jobs and find out. It will come out soon and picture will be much clearer in the next week.

For sure if no one was chasing or no other matter, it leans toward intentional terrorism using a vehicle.

Again, from my perspective, it does not matter. IF they can conclusively determine that it was him, he should be tried by a jury and if guilty, hung by the balls until dead.

I don't often do this but FYP
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Kyle Rittenhouse: 'I support the BLM movement'
To the extent that I care (not much), this is hilarious and demonstrates just how shallow the culture war is for both Trumpers and libtards

If Rittenhouse is being genuine, neither side would accept this premise, because it cannot fit in their worldview.

Carthage must be destroyed.
Kyle Rittenhouse: 'I support the BLM movement'
To the extent that I care (not much), this is hilarious and demonstrates just how shallow the culture war is for both Trumpers and libtards

If Rittenhouse is being genuine, neither side would accept this premise, because it cannot fit in their worldview.

Carthage must be destroyed.
There's an entire thread dedicated to Kyle...........

Kyle Rittenhouse - The Truth in 11 Minutes
Kyle Rittenhouse: 'I support the BLM movement'
To the extent that I care (not much), this is hilarious and demonstrates just how shallow the culture war is for both Trumpers and libtards

If Rittenhouse is being genuine, neither side would accept this premise, because it cannot fit in their worldview.

Carthage must be destroyed.

If Rittenhouse supports BLM, then he is a fool.

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