SUV plows down Wisconsin Christmas parade as children watch in horror

No surprise they are hemorrhaging viewers.
Are you saying it's understandable that CNN viewers are smart enough to choose not to consume news that is almost as slanted and biased as Fox's, whereas Fox's numbers continue to rise?

I think you are on to something.
Odd VolNation mood tonight.

Some of the people who regularly (and rightfully) eviscerate cable news for running first, fast, probably wrong, wall-to-wall coverage of major events are now complaining that the same news outlets aren't doing the same for this.
"The self-proclaimed black supremacist who used his vehicle as a weapon to kill five people and injure 40 more has his first court appearance scheduled for 2:00pm CT tomorrow (Tuesday November 23, 2021) "
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"The self-proclaimed black supremacist who used his vehicle as a weapon to kill five people and injure 40 more has his first court appearance scheduled for 2:00pm CT tomorrow (Tuesday November 23, 2021) "

Link? Outlet?
Odd VolNation mood tonight.

Some of the people who regularly (and rightfully) eviscerate cable news for running first, fast, probably wrong, wall-to-wall coverage of major events are now complaining that the same news outlets aren't doing the same for this.
Well, I’m sure you know why they are
Odd VolNation mood tonight.

Some of the people who regularly (and rightfully) eviscerate cable news for running first, fast, probably wrong, wall-to-wall coverage of major events are now complaining that the same news outlets aren't doing the same for this.
Defelction. This is what Stalinist do.

“The entire purpose of training, educating and teaching the youth of today should be to imbue them with communist ethics.
But is there such a thing as communist ethics? Is there such a thing as communist morality? Of course, there is. It is often suggested that we have no ethics of our own; very often the bourgeoisie accuse us Communists of rejecting all morality. This is a method of confusing the issue, of throwing dust in the eyes of the workers and peasants.
In what sense do we reject ethics, reject morality?
In the sense given to it by the bourgeoisie, who based ethics on God’s commandments. On this point we, of course, say that we do not believe in God, and that we know perfectly well that the clergy, the landowners and the bourgeoisie invoked the name of God so as to further their own interests as exploiters. Or, instead of basing ethics on the commandments of morality, on the commandments of God, they based it on idealist or semi-idealist phrases, which always amounted to something very similar to God’s commandments.
We reject any morality based on extra-human and extra-class concepts. We say that this is deception, dupery, stultification of the workers and peasants in the interests of the landowners and capitalists.
We say that our morality is entirely subordinated to the interests of the proletariat’s class struggle. Our morality stems from the interests of the class struggle of the proletariat.
The old society was based on the oppression of all the workers and peasants by the landowners and capitalists. We had to destroy all that, and overthrow them but to do that we had to create unity. That is something that God cannot create.


Tamara Durand (left), 52, and Leana 'Lee' Owen (right), 71, were two members of the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies who died in Sunday's tragedy.



PICTURED: The five Dead Victims of Wukesha XMAS parade killer Darrell Brooks - including four affiliated with 'Dancing Grannies' group: Final Facebook posts HOURS before SUV plowed into them show them brandishing pompoms in their winter coats

Nurse, 79, and Dancing Grannies member is one of five killed in Waukesha tragedy | Daily Mail Online
Virginia Sorenson (left), 79, was a nurse and member of the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies, a group of elderly woman marching in the parade. Wilhelm Hospel (right), 82, the husband of one of the grannies, died from internal bleeding, according to his older brother
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I've read the thread.
Ash was a forerunner in the "escaping a different crime" theory.
Typical Stalin fashion of diverting.
Ash leans left, but he’s not a full on progressive and most of the time is open to other points of view. A handful of lefties on here are probably pretty good guys.
I've read the thread.
Ash was a forerunner in the "escaping a different crime" theory.
Typical Stalin fashion of diverting.

And when information came to light that he wasn't fleeing another crime, I changed my position. That's how quality information works.
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Who are the dancing grandmas? Parade group hit by too fast SUV in tragedy in Waukesha. - Clean Bowled
"Too Fast SUV"
Interesting headline, smh

"The MIlwaukee Dancing Grannies are an award-winning group founded in 1984. The group performs in approximately 25 parades each year from Memorial Day through Christmas. The group, which has won a number of trophies, is known for their enthusiasm and smiles. “These grandmas practice once a week for most of the year to get their best performance. The only requirement for membership is that she be a grandmother. Their ages range from early fifties to mid seventies! The number is always changing, but they boast about 100 grandchildren and even a few great-grandchildren, “claims the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies website."

Spend time with your loved ones, folks. Make the most of and enjoy the time you have.

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