SUV plows down Wisconsin Christmas parade as children watch in horror

It was intentional. No getting around that.
I mean the drivers motivation. Were they fleeing police, another car, some event and ended up running into a street parade?

I don’t think anyone would suggest hitting people was purely accidental, but maybe they made the decision to drive through not with the intent hit pedestrians but to continue fleeing whatever they wanted to get away from.

Or perhaps they came upon the parade and said we can hit a few people and that might slow down whoever we’re running from?
No let's go all Nick Sandmann and rush to judgement (again and again and again)!
Pretty much. The video is really hard to watch but it doesn’t show intent. There is a post above that the SUV was fleeing another crime scene. Even there it isn’t clear they were the perpetrator of that crime or scared shitless and driving as fast as they could away. Things should start coming out pretty quickly I’d guess as WI has enough people on edge right now and will want to diffuse the situation as quickly as possible.
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I mean the drivers motivation. Were they fleeing police, another car, some event and ended up running into a street parade?

I don’t think anyone would suggest hitting people was purely accidental, but maybe they made the deck to drive through not with the intent hit pedestrians but to continue fleeing whatever they wanted to get away from.

Or perhaps they came upon the parade and said we can hit a few people and that might slow down whoever we’re running from?

See my response to VolnJC.

It could have been someone fleeing from a previous crime and panicking.
I mean the drivers motivation. Were they fleeing police, another car, some event and ended up running into a street parade?

I don’t think anyone would suggest hitting people was purely accidental, but maybe they made the decision to drive through not with the intent hit pedestrians but to continue fleeing whatever they wanted to get away from.

Or perhaps they came upon the parade and said we can hit a few people and that might slow down whoever we’re running from?

Either way they should cease to exist as soon as possible.
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I'm not going to start speculating, but some of what I'm seeing has a bad look to it.
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Damn I really hate listening to the news talking heads speculating the absolute worst outcomes on all this.

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