SUV plows down Wisconsin Christmas parade as children watch in horror

There was a fake image making rounds on Twitter earlier so this one could be fake as well.

Human fecal matter of all stripes are going to try to shoehorn this to fit their chosen narrative. Those with itchy ears who sit next to the Twitter and Telegram toilets waiting for next piece of information to float to the top from their sources are going to have a field day.

Just tune them out. Not everything is part of some grand narrative.
Doesn't take away from the tragedy...but from reports it wasn't terrorism but high speed chase from stabbing incident

That's what it looks like right now. If true the driver will likely face the death penalty in Wisconsin if it is available there. They had plenty of time to stop and think of their actions it looks like.
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Doesn't take away from the tragedy...but from reports it wasn't terrorism but high speed chase from stabbing incident

A common criminal running from a crime scene I suppose is possible but driving into crowds where there's thousands of witnesses doesn't really coincide with that very well.
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I can't figure out what race or hairstyle has to do with this. Just something for the "Ermahgerd, it's a KR verdict backlash!!!!11111eleven" to go nuts with.

sadly per your earlier post race will have everything to do with this - too many people with public microphones that put everything through this filter first.
Human fecal matter of all stripes are going to try to shoehorn this to fit their chosen narrative. Those with itchy ears who sit next to the Twitter and Telegram toilets waiting for next piece of information to float to the top from their sources are going to have a field day.

Just tune them out. Not everything is part of some grand narrative.
I mainly check twitter just to get an idea of what's going on on the ground.

Definitely agree though that there are way too many people itching for this to be some kind of racial issue or whatever narrative they choose.

Just the sad reality of American politics these days.
I can't figure out what race or hairstyle has to do with this. Just something for the "Ermahgerd, it's a KR verdict backlash!!!!11111eleven" to go nuts with.

No matter the explanation some folks will embellish whatever the details are to continue to promote a narrative. And I say that without regard to what it turns out to be.
Doesn't take away from the tragedy...but from reports it wasn't terrorism but high speed chase from stabbing incident
If true, fleeing the cops from an earlier crime isn’t a valid defense against charges for multiple murders (as well as other resulting charges).
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I’m ignoring any of these reports. If they have one person already in custody, there is no reason to speculate about this.
Someone is going to alot of trouble in doing it if misinformation there is a Red SUV parked at that address and a person named Darell Brooks lives there...guess it will come out eventually 20211121_212110.jpg
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One comment though - how would an eye witness know if the driver was wearing shoes? That makes this report very difficult to take seriously.

didn't one of them run? (thought I saw that earlier in the thread)

or it could be a witness that saw the person get in the vehicle if it was running from another crime?
One comment though - how would an eye witness know if the driver was wearing shoes? That makes this report very difficult to take seriously.
There was an image shared by CBS of the vehicle parked in a driveway so maybe someone saw him fleeing the vehicle.

Again though, all of this speculation is irrelevant. We should know much more tomorrow.

Edit: volinbham beat me to it

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