Sweeping Sexual Assault Suit Filed Against UT

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So now, a definitive unasailable protocol can be established.

1. Kid gets arrested
2. KPD notifies UTPD instead
of UTHFC (Jones) 5 min
3. UTPD notifies UT Law
Office (48 hours
if arrest is made late
Friday afternoon after UT
Law closes for weekend)
4. UT Law notifies by fax:
a: UT President
b: UTK Chancellor
c: UTK Athletic Department
1hr 36 min
5. UTAD clerk finishes
coffee and peruses
weekend faxes and finds
arrest notification and
carries to Athletic
Director's inbox.
24 min
7. The AD arrives back in
office 4 1/2 hrs later
from early meeting on
stadium improvements.
8. The AD reads arrest
notice and calls UTHFC
Jones to discuss options
available under Title IX
scrutiny with UT Law.
1 1/2 hrs

56 hours since the player was arrested and has spent the weekend in jail. No representative of the school who promised his parents they would "look after their son" has yet to "officially" make a move.

All his teammates know what happened because it got #Twittered and so Jones is going to know, and do what he thinks necessary.
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So now, a definitive unasailable protocol can be established.

1. Kid gets arrested
2. KPD notifies UTPD instead
of UTHFC (Jones) 5 min
3. UTPD notifies UT Law
Office (48 hours
if arrest is made late
Friday afternoon after UT
Law closes for weekend)
4. UT Law notifies by fax:
a: UT President
b: UTK Chancellor
c: UTK Athletic Department
1hr 36 min
5. UTAD clerk finishes
coffee and peruses
weekend faxes and finds
arrest notification and
carries to Athletic
Director's inbox.
24 min
7. The AD arrives back in
office 4 1/2 hrs later
from early meeting on
stadium improvements.
8. The AD reads arrest
notice and calls UTHFC
Jones to discuss options
available under Title IX
scrutiny with UT Law.
1 1/2 hrs

56 hours since the player was arrested and has spent the weekend in jail. No representative of the school who promised his parents they would "look after their son" has yet to "officially" make a move.

All his teammates know what happened because it got #Twittered and so Jones is going to know, and do what he thinks necessary.

Jmo but if a coach promised to look after the well being my son and he is arrested I would expect him to be treated like the rest of the population. I wouldn't expect him to get any kind of special treatment whatsoever.
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56 hours since the player was arrested and has spent the weekend in jail. No representative of the school who promised his parents they would "look after their son" has yet to "officially" make a move.

All his teammates know what happened because it got #Twittered and so Jones is going to know, and do what he thinks necessary.

Really nice analysis. The specific time hacks are of course arguable, but the point is well made.

Especially important is that the real-time flow of info is now reversed. Instead of the head coach hearing first a fact-based report from an authoritative source, he's hearing first from the rumor mill of players and assistant coaches, perhaps even family members. Instead of it being fairly clear what he's dealing with, it's a mess. And a mess for the coach means, ultimately, more of a mess for the players involved, for the university, and even for the KPD. Because you know that as soon as he hears the rumors, the coach is calling his liaison POC in the KPD asking what the heck they've got going. See? Reversed info flow, now from least authoritative to most, rather than most to least.

There are good and valid reasons that the existing system of courtesy coordination was established over the decades. To toss that out just because some in the media can't be bothered to try to understand those reasons or explain them to the public is a knee-jerk reaction. Short-sighted on the part of the leaders involved.
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Really nice analysis. The specific time hacks are of course arguable, but the point is well made.

Especially important is that the real-time flow of info is now reversed. Instead of the head coach hearing first a fact-based report from an authoritative source, he's hearing first from the rumor mill of players and assistant coaches, perhaps even family members. Instead of it being fairly clear what he's dealing with, it's a mess. And a mess for the coach means, ultimately, more of a mess for the players involved, for the university, and even for the KPD. Because you know that as soon as he hears the rumors, the coach is calling his liaison POC in the KPD asking what the heck they've got going. See? Reversed info flow, now from least authoritative to most, rather than most to least.

There are good and valid reasons that the existing system of courtesy coordination was established over the decades. To toss that out just because some in the media can't be bothered to try to understand those reasons or explain them to the public is a knee-jerk reaction. Short-sighted on the part of the leaders involved.

I'm so glad you perfectly understand the point I'm making.
Lawsuit filed against the Department of Justice and the oDUMBa admin because of this title 9 garbage.

I just caught a tiny bit of this on FOX news as I was channel surfing.

I think it was a football player from Co or Co state that was tossed off the team and out of school for a alledged rape that never happened.

Girl involved even said it was consensual and they had sex again the very next day.

A friend of the girl told the school her friend was raped and the school must have feared a Titla 9 lawsuit and got rid of the football player fast to try to protect the school.

The football player was known as a great kid and had very excellent grades and now can't get into another school on a scholly because this crap is hanging over his head.

IMO this lawsuit against the DOJ and the Presidents admin should become a class action suit with UT and every other school joining in to get this title 9 garbage tossed in the trash.

Title 9 is a open invitation for every lawyer to look for any girl wiling to make a false accusation against any kid anywhere that plays any sport just to make headlines and try to coerce the school into a payoff in hopes the money will make it go away.

This Title 9 law needs to go away fast!

Protect the kids that play sports if there's nothing to a accusation.

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56 hours since the player was arrested and has spent the weekend in jail. No representative of the school who promised his parents they would "look after their son" has yet to "officially" make a move.

All his teammates know what happened because it got #Twittered and so Jones is going to know, and do what he thinks necessary.

And the kicker is that the media is going to expect the coach to be able to speak to this and make a statement as to suspension etc. regarding the student ASAP.

This timeline also implies that player continues to attend class, practices and plays until the cycle is complete - which seems contrary to what those filing the lawsuit would want.

Folks want to treat the athletes like regular students. I get that. But we seem to forget that they are in fact different - they become public figures at a university like Tennessee. They are written about in the newspaper, they are interviewed on national television - they are quoted - people know their faces. They are expected to exhibit the best behaviors and unlike their counterpart students, if they have done something not considered right by anyone it is public knowledge and media folks are going to ask what happened and write lots of articles about what happened. And those that are responsible for them in the public part of their life (their coaches) should have the facts ASAP to give whatever support is needed until a parent (or other responsible party) is able to take over.
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Lawsuit filed against the Department of Justice and the oDUMBa admin because of this title 9 garbage.

I just caught a tiny bit of this on FOX news as I was channel surfing.

I think it was a football player from Co or Co state that was tossed off the team and out of school for a alledged rape that never happened.

Girl involved even said it was consensual and they had sex again the very next day.

A friend of the girl told the school her friend was raped and the school must have feared a Titla 9 lawsuit and got rid of the football player fast to try to protect the school.

The football player was known as a great kid and had very excellent grades and now can't get into another school on a scholly because this crap is hanging over his head.

IMO this lawsuit against the DOJ and the Presidents admin should become a class action suit with UT and every other school joining in to get this title 9 garbage tossed in the trash.

Title 9 is a open invitation for every lawyer to look for any girl wiling to make a false accusation against any kid anywhere that plays any sport just to make headlines and try to coerce the school into a payoff in hopes the money will make it go away.

This Title 9 law needs to go away fast!

Protect the kids that play sports if there's nothing to a accusation.


I hope someone is suing the friend.
Jmo but if a coach promised to look after the well being my son and he is arrested I would expect him to be treated like the rest of the population. I wouldn't expect him to get any kind of special treatment whatsoever.

I'll bet you've not once been arrested and thrown in jail.
I have, twice, once in juvinile for shoplifting when I was 14 on a dare. The 2nd time I spent a week in jail for vagrancy while hitchhiking across America.

And you're telling us you'd let your own kid (guilty or not) spend a weekend in jail because you wouldn't provide 'special treatment'.

I remember every hour I spent in jail. Some for the vagrancy charge ... well you really can't unring a bell.

I have no respect for your position.

We as Tennesseeans, should require the administrators of The University of Tennessee to do everything legally in their power to secure the release, if possible, of any student the University sought out and brought on campus. They wouldn't be here otherwise, and they may be innocent.

The bells don't stop ringing in a holding tank.
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I hope someone is suing the friend.

I agree with you on that my friend.

Reality is that no attorney is going to take a case and file a suit against someone that has no money or attachable assets to get a payoff.

IMO a law needs to be put in place where people that make false accusations that cause harm to other people should serve specific jail time.

A law like that would stop false accusations and useless lawsuits that waste the courts time and our tax dollars.

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I'm of the opinion that folks like BruinVol are the type that have caused once great places like Sweden to become hellholes.

Hard pass on that garbage at my school.
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Shaun King is a piece of sh!t who is pretending to be black for financial gain. Hes so full of sh!t that even black lives matter ran him off. He was debunked by clay travis then it moved onto jason whitlock slamming his a$$, which if you have time to listen to it, it was pretty damn funny. I don't wish any ill will towards Mr. King but that guy needs a SERIOUS reality check. Shaun if you read this, give it up man your white and quit lying. Everything that comes out of your mouth has been nothing but a lie and the worst part is you publish this stuff.

I wish ill will against Shaun King.
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Been there done that and deserved to be there. Didn't deserve any special treatment or anything else.

OK so YOU DESERVED to be there. And how fortunate you were no one cared enough to help you out so now you can claim no special treatment. And how very fortunate you were no one thought you should give them your blanket and pillow. And how fortunate you were when you didn't have to climb the corner bars or get drawn in when the fights broke out. And how fortunate you were you didn't have to put off the attentions of some crazy old man with the DT's every few hours. Fortunate you were also, not to have to clean the right- out-in-the-open stainless steel ****ter covered with it so your shoes wouldn't slip off when you had to go, while scowling at that crazy old alky with the DT's staring at you an grinning ear to ear. How nice for you. But if you did, how nice for you. Time in jail 'makes a man outta you", right? Ol' Son.

The scholarship student brought here by the university has a real chance of being innocent. If not totally innocent, they have a high probability of not being guilty of the total number of charges, or of the charge of felony vs a correct charge of misdemeanor reasulting in no jail time at all. Police do like to make as many charges as possible, and as high up the scale as possible. They know some will be dissmissed and others reduced.
We, the people of Tennessee, should have the back of anyone our university brings here, that in all probability would not be here otherwise.
An innocent kid, possibly an early enrollee who could be still a senior in high school, deserves no less.
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I saw a couple of headlines today saying that Baylor knew about all about Shawn Oakman. Bleacher Report included this

"Joe Rodgers of Sporting News reported on Saturday that Oakman likely will have a grand jury hearing to determine what charges he'll face. On Monday, Alex Dunlap of Rivals.com revealed incident reports dating back to 2013 indicating Oakman has a pattern of violence toward women"

The NCAA also delivered a second notice of allegations to UNC. Not wishing problems on others, but just perhaps this will be enough fodder to keep us out of the headlines for a while.
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Doug Mathews just said that he was told that the University believes it has a very, very strong case and to look for the lawsuit to go on for an extended period of time because they have no intention to settle. Only caveat given is unless the plaintiffs were to drastically reduce their demands....perhaps the University might reconsider in that case.
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Doug Mathews just said that he was told that the University believes it has a very, very strong case and to look for the lawsuit to go on for an extended period of time because they have no intention to settle. Only caveat given is unless the plaintiffs were to drastically reduce their demands....perhaps the University might reconsider in that case.

I have heard the same thing from other sources. It is time for UT and other Universities to take a stand against the flaws in the Title IX legislation.
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Positioning. This is all about positioning. Soon, depositions will begin and a boatload of people will have to be deposed. That is where the rubber will meet the road and the university and/or the petitioners will find out how strong there case is.
Federal judge said lawsuit can proceed. Statute of limitations has expired for something in 2014 but that plaintiff can still pursue action by UT after reported. Plaintiff who was not sexually assaulted but said retaliated after roommate assaulted can stay in lawsuit per middle TN newspaper.
Now reporting about list of lawyers given to players. It is so old I am surprised they didn't refer to it as mimeographed copy. Tim Priest is on there and he has no idea why as do others. Think 2-3 actually represent players and they have been actively doing it for years.
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Now reporting about list of lawyers given to players. It is so old I am surprised they didn't refer to it as mimeographed copy. Tim Priest is on there and he has no idea why as do others. Think 2-3 actually represent players and they have been actively doing it for years.

Finebaum mentioned this yesterday. Surprisingly, he then stated that EVERY major university in the country does this.
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