Sweeping Sexual Assault Suit Filed Against UT

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Lawsuit is looking more and more ridiculous in the court of public perception every day.

For Finebaum to point that out should be a good indicator. When this first came out, he was having a good ole time talking up the lawsuit. It is my understanding that one of the former UT employees for the plaintiffs mentioned in the lawsuit is/was a good friend of his.
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A handful of reasons- all that does (it's even in the article) is show that there is enough burden of proof to continue the case.

One, the case has completely fallen out of the national spotlight- it's been at least three weeks since I've seen anything outside of here, even on outside football forums.

Two, you're seeing stretches put out by the plaintiffs...things like Hart's past, for instance.

Three, charges were dropped or completely reduced against several of the players accused.

Fourth, it's apparent the university, or at least the football team, takes these things seriously. There was nothing more the AD could have done to the players before the cases were handled and innocence/guilt were proven.

My only concern is that Tennessee gets hammered on one of the many pieces of Title IX bullsh*t that literally zero schools in the US are compliant with- you know, the things that allow cases like we have seen at other schools where women make up claims against people to create a scene.
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Finebaum mentioned this yesterday. Surprisingly, he then stated that EVERY major university in the country does this.
Exactly!! Lol Wadwhani and her editors again using their best conspiratorial voice point out this along with 2 + 2 = 4 being an equation the Freemasons put in the schools to indocrinate youngsters for the coming one world government.
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It is very important to remember that when ruling on motions for dismissal, the court is obligated to take everything the non-moving party alleged as true.

So, to greatly over simplify, if you sued me for being a purple Alien that eats small children at night, and I answered the complaint agreeing that I was purple, but disagreeing that I was an Alien that eats small children, and I filed a motion to dismiss, the court would likely say the case can go forward because they have to assume that I'm an Alien that eats small children at night (because we disagree on that matter), but the court could dispose of any claims regarding me being purple, because we both agree I'm purple.
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On sports source today, Pennington says that now we are getting to the deposition stage that there is more talk of settlement at UT. Had a few of his "people over there" tell him that as well as Hubbs on Volquest. I personally think no coach wants to be put on the stand and that will cause the settlement. Take it for what it's worth
Jones suspended every player with an accusation against him. Briles not only let his guys with accusations against them play. But accusers and accusers' families were discouraged from pursuing action/charges. There is no comparison.
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Jones suspended every player with an accusation against him. Briles not only let his guys with accusations against them play. But accusers and accusers' families were discouraged from pursuing action/charges. There is no comparison.

You think that matters to the media, specifically the Tennessean, at this point in time? They went as far as to quote VN as "evidence" for their articles.

You and I know there is zero comparisons that can be made. But facts are something that tend to be overlooked and omitted during the reporting phase of any situation so long as it draws readers and viewers as well as the inevitable outrage.
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I think the UT administration is prepared to employ the Peyton Manning strategy. Let the outraged and pithy writers/ESPN talking heads squawk and demand response.

Lot of that.

They succumb to ADHD and chase the next perceived injustice and we go make another funny Nationwide commercial.
You think that matters to the media, specifically the Tennessean, at this point in time? They went as far as to quote VN as "evidence" for their articles.

You and I know there is zero comparisons that can be made. But facts are something that tend to be overlooked and omitted during the reporting phase of any situation so long as it draws readers and viewers as well as the inevitable outrage.

Yeah, I know. . . I'd just like Jones to come out and say something like, "Name one player or instance in which I didn't take appropriate action." Just to shut them up.

Everybody who thinks/thought we should settle the title 9 suit should keep Baylor in mind. They settled. It didn't "make everything go away." If we are not guilty (which I sincerely believe we are not guilty) of the accusations, then fighting to prove our case is the right move. JMO
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Yeah, I know. . . I'd just like Jones to come out and say something like, "Name one player or instance in which I didn't take appropriate action." Just to shut them up.

Everybody who thinks/thought we should settle the title 9 suit should keep Baylor in mind. They settled. It didn't "make everything go away." If we are not guilty (which I sincerely believe we are not) of the accusations, then fighting to prove our case is the right move. JMO

See previous post.
Sexual mis- conduct at christian university , some people veered from the path. Baylor is a private Baptist school.
The writer is stirring the pot. :question:
Jones suspended every player with an accusation against him. Briles not only let his guys with accusations against them play. But accusers and accusers' families were discouraged from pursuing action/charges. There is no comparison.

Actually, pretty sure Briles didn't play any of the guys after they were charged. And pretty sure any of the guys that did play were either cleared or the matter had just been dropped.
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It seems like an effective strategy as far as the media is concerned. The Tennessee smear campaign still pisses me off though.

It's designed to provoke. Baylor couldn't keep pretending they had done things right...facts wouldn't bear. Opposite of Tennessee under Butch. If our guys hold fast and don't take the bait, the squawkers break apart during reentry.

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