No it's not. We shouldn't have gone over there in the first place. The USA has a long history poking its nose where it doesn't belong.
Trumped-up war with the Nipponese and Korea to force them to engage in one-sided trade deals. Tried the same thing with the Chinese to force acceptance of Christianity, unfair trading, and basically colonization of their country. Korean War post WWII. Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, the lie that led to both Iraq Wars, etc. Not to mention the rape of African nations. And that's why long simmering resentment towards the USA is becoming more openly brazen, and will get worse. It's showing up in Greece, Turkey, some of the Hispanic countries. The Chinese and Russians are exploiting this underlying, but growing, resentment. But we're still too dense to either change our policy, or just go home and let them rot. The mess is not solely Obama, Biden, Bush, etc. We have always presumed to be the boss of whoever we could boss around at any given time. The price of that attitude and behavior is costing us ever more now.