Tankers Attacked In Gulf: Price of Oil Up

GV was right to step away. VN is a great place. I've been here for a while now. But just like Knoxville, there are places you don't go after dark. So it goes here.

I doubt if anyone has ever changed anyone else's mind on these threads. Waste of time and good oxygen to try. Ours is a nation divided. It's not Trump's fault, or Obama's, or any of the favorite targets. It's ours. It takes a village to raise a child, and once we let the state start raising our kids, or telling us how to do it, we lost that generation. And the next one, and the next one, and so forth. When the Constitution and the Bible became legal arguments instead of a guiding light, the decline began. Again, JMO.

From here on, it's Football and the 2nd Amendment thread. Two things I know a little bit about, and two of the very few threads on VN anymore where the trolls and naysayers are easy to spot. Enough is enough. I don't come here to get aggravated.

So...Go Vols...Go Colt, and if you can find Federal 5.56 62 grain JSP SBCT at less than $.90 / round, please send me the link.

Iranians killing non-Iranian civilians vs. US killing non-American civilians. If you want to count the Iraq/Iran war where we gave Iraq chemical weapons, let's do it.

Neither holds the moral high ground. I'm not defending Iran, I'm showing you the beam in your eye. The idea that we have moral high ground is only going to lead to more trouble for everybody, including ourselves.

GV was right to step away. VN is a great place. I've been here for a while now. But just like Knoxville, there are places you don't go after dark. So it goes here.

I doubt if anyone has ever changed anyone else's mind on these threads. Waste of time and good oxygen to try. Ours is a nation divided. It's not Trump's fault, or Obama's, or any of the favorite targets. It's ours. It takes a village to raise a child, and once we let the state start raising our kids, or telling us how to do it, we lost that generation. And the next one, and the next one, and so forth. When the Constitution and the Bible became legal arguments instead of a guiding light, the decline began. Again, JMO.

From here on, it's Football and the 2nd Amendment thread. Two things I know a little bit about, and two of the very few threads on VN anymore where the trolls and naysayers are easy to spot. Enough is enough. I don't come here to get aggravated.

So...Go Vols...Go Colt, and if you can find Federal 5.56 62 grain JSP SBCT at less than $.90 / round, please send me the link.


Wasn't GV affiliated with law enforcement, also?

I find that rather interesting.

I at least gave you more credit than GV, Wolf.
GV was right to step away. VN is a great place. I've been here for a while now. But just like Knoxville, there are places you don't go after dark. So it goes here.

I doubt if anyone has ever changed anyone else's mind on these threads. Waste of time and good oxygen to try. Ours is a nation divided. It's not Trump's fault, or Obama's, or any of the favorite targets. It's ours. It takes a village to raise a child, and once we let the state start raising our kids, or telling us how to do it, we lost that generation. And the next one, and the next one, and so forth. When the Constitution and the Bible became legal arguments instead of a guiding light, the decline began. Again, JMO.

From here on, it's Football and the 2nd Amendment thread. Two things I know a little bit about, and two of the very few threads on VN anymore where the trolls and naysayers are easy to spot. Enough is enough. I don't come here to get aggravated.

So...Go Vols...Go Colt, and if you can find Federal 5.56 62 grain JSP SBCT at less than $.90 / round, please send me the link.

Don't let the idiots run you off. If it's anything like the last ten years you will be more pissed off with UT football than in the PF.
Wasn't GV affiliated with law enforcement, also?

I find that rather interesting.

I at least gave you more credit than GV, Wolf.

You miss the point, Ras. It's not the debate with those who have a different viewpoint. I actually get something from seeing the other side.

It's the complete waste of time and energy in a pointless venture. The energy can be replaced. The time cannot. Live and let live. Nothing you, I, or anyone else on this board says will change the world, or the course of history. We are goldfish bitching about the water temperature. It ain't gonna change.

So...football and guns. That's where I started here, and that's where I belong. If there is a "law enforcement connection", it's that most (good) cops are smart enough to realize a complete waste of time when they see one, and will generally move on to something more useful and/or productive. In this case, my yard.

Nothing personal, just time for me to make better use of what I have left.

Go Vols.
They need to bring back the WWII type convoys. Escorts through the Gulf and Hormuz.

I disagree. I think they should let Iran run amuck in the straight and let them destroy their own world credibility. Once they attack another European ship let them step up and decide whether they want to be part of NATO and pay their way and help the US defend them or shut up and let the Jihadist run unchecked.
I disagree. I think they should let Iran run amuck in the straight and let them destroy their own world credibility. Once they attack another European ship let them step up and decide whether they want to be part of NATO and pay their way and help the US defend them or shut up and let the Jihadist run unchecked.
Too many people would die.
It won't be only the Iranians.

At some point in time you need to stand up to a bully and punch them in the face or they will forever harass you. Sure, some people will die, but a lot more people will die if we act like Obama and bury our head in the sand. Choose to be strong or weak, it's a choice someone needs to make. I'm just glad Trump is making it instead of the Democrats.
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At some point in time you need to stand up to a bully and punch them in the face or they will forever harass you. Sure, some people will die, but a lot more people will die if we act like Obama and bury our head in the sand. Choose to be strong or weak, it's a choice someone needs to make. I'm just glad Trump is making it instead of the Democrats.
Iran stood up to the bully. Do you know the naval history of the British Empire? Britain got a taste of its own medicine after they hijacked the Iranian tanker in Gibraltar.
Iran stood up to the bully. Do you know the naval history of the British Empire? Britain got a taste of its own medicine after they hijacked the Iranian tanker in Gibraltar.

So reality, what are real outcomes, all probability Iran loses. Just the way it is, no right, no wrong, no idealism, no ethics or morals, nothing other than the outcome.

Is it fair we are bigger and badder and more capable of demolishing a foe?

Is it right that no matter any issue when it comes down to disputes between different groups of people on this planet from it's inception that might makes right?

If people (countries) can live free from one another and never cause any threat of violence against the other at any point and coexist this is all we can ask for as perfect.

But, even in a utopia and a perfect world, it will still be inevitable that these things will continue because people are people and some people are crazy and it only takes one real crazy to get others going and then things happen, agenda's happen. Religion, politics, resources, access to new opportunities and gains, it's a long list.

Fair or not, might makes right, and the victor will continue on, and regardless of any philosophical argument it doesn't matter, one winner. History can discuss, and even then, "history is written by the winner".
GV was right to step away. VN is a great place. I've been here for a while now. But just like Knoxville, there are places you don't go after dark. So it goes here.

I doubt if anyone has ever changed anyone else's mind on these threads. Waste of time and good oxygen to try. Ours is a nation divided. It's not Trump's fault, or Obama's, or any of the favorite targets. It's ours. It takes a village to raise a child, and once we let the state start raising our kids, or telling us how to do it, we lost that generation. And the next one, and the next one, and so forth. When the Constitution and the Bible became legal arguments instead of a guiding light, the decline began. Again, JMO.

From here on, it's Football and the 2nd Amendment thread. Two things I know a little bit about, and two of the very few threads on VN anymore where the trolls and naysayers are easy to spot. Enough is enough. I don't come here to get aggravated.

So...Go Vols...Go Colt, and if you can find Federal 5.56 62 grain JSP SBCT at less than $.90 / round, please send me the link.


That is a shame. I enjoyed your perspective despite being my opposition on many issues. I felt you towed the thin blue line too much (for obvious reasons due to your work) and seemed to be a little too gung-ho to get into more pointless military conflicts in the sandbox, but your views have always been thought out and respectfully given. Are we going to get a GreyWolf takes his ball and goes home thread?
So reality, what are real outcomes, all probability Iran loses. Just the way it is, no right, no wrong, no idealism, no ethics or morals, nothing other than the outcome.

Is it fair we are bigger and badder and more capable of demolishing a foe?

Is it right that no matter any issue when it comes down to disputes between different groups of people on this planet from it's inception that might makes right?

If people (countries) can live free from one another and never cause any threat of violence against the other at any point and coexist this is all we can ask for as perfect.

But, even in a utopia and a perfect world, it will still be inevitable that these things will continue because people are people and some people are crazy and it only takes one real crazy to get others going and then things happen, agenda's happen. Religion, politics, resources, access to new opportunities and gains, it's a long list.

Fair or not, might makes right, and the victor will continue on, and regardless of any philosophical argument it doesn't matter, one winner. History can discuss, and even then, "history is written by the winner".
With great power comes great responsibility...
Agreed. But, you don't poke the bear if you are trying to avoid the bear's reaction which can be complete gorging and death.
The question is then, who is doing the poking?

Keep in mind, all of these recent events in the Persian Gulf were escalated nearly 3 months ago when the US sent the Abraham Lincoln into the gulf in an attempts to step up pressure on Iran.
The question is then, who is doing the poking?

Keep in mind, all of these recent events in the Persian Gulf were escalated nearly 3 months ago when the US sent the Abraham Lincoln into the gulf in an attempts to step up pressure on Iran.
I'm surprised you haven't gone further back than that to the increase in sanctions and getting out of the JCPOA.

JFYI, the John C. Stennis was sent into the Persian Gulf in December of 2018.

US aircraft carrier enters Persian Gulf after long absence

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