Tankers Attacked In Gulf: Price of Oil Up

I don't think the reaction to our action of sending the ship in should be sweaty palms and erratic decisions.

We are not just going to "strike" them, they know it. Provocation has been laid with sanctions. That is a direct threat to them. But, what are they going to do? The end game is already written and they know it. They can't win. Yet, why is it that they are solely focused on trying to appear to be "strong" and unafraid? Why do they persist and say and do things that give any indication that they are a threat to anyone?

First, to control, keep control of and over the people in the country, and second to preserve their power.

So, why do they push for a nuclear bomb? It is clear from the last few weeks and the comments from Rouhani saying that they will enrich and increase enriching uranium to any level they want. How else is this supposed to be taken. Maybe the words of a desperate and scared person, but, not what you say when the crux of the entire situation with his country is the fact they can not have a nuke. No matter what. Fair, not fair, doesn't matter, it is not an option.

It is simple, there is a reason they are a "threat", no matter if insignificant or large, and it is the Religious and theological beliefs that compel them to try and exert their felt national power. This driving force alone is the reason they are in the situation they are in. If they could live, and let others live, and had no care or concern for an agenda that holds killing, or at least, doing what it can, to erase another people's and country off the map, there wouldn't be a problem. They have an agenda and they don't hide it.

No one in today's world is storming their border and causing a war. Not Israel, not us, no one. The situation, now, doesn't warrant it. We are trying to prevent that, they don't like that we don't want them to have nuke.

To me, unfortunately, the only thing that works is us being involved, the alternative is disaster for the entire region. We step aside, and allow Israel to solely deal with this, Iran is wiped out. Honestly, I'm fine with that, let the countries in that area alone settle this, and if we, Russia, China can stay completely out of it, let the region figure it out and see what the "situation" is when the dust settles. Which unfortunately for Iran still has them losing.
The question is then, who is doing the poking?

Keep in mind, all of these recent events in the Persian Gulf were escalated nearly 3 months ago when the US sent the Abraham Lincoln into the gulf in an attempts to step up pressure on Iran.
Lol. Omg a US ship in international waters! Isnt that what you are freaking out about on Irans side? Their ships in international water.

And it's a big step to go from a war ship visiting the area, not sticking around, to seizing commercial shipping.
I don't think the reaction to our action of sending the ship in should be sweaty palms and erratic decisions.

We are not just going to "strike" them, they know it. Provocation has been laid with sanctions. That is a direct threat to them. But, what are they going to do? The end game is already written and they know it. They can't win. Yet, why is it that they are solely focused on trying to appear to be "strong" and unafraid? Why do they persist and say and do things that give any indication that they are a threat to anyone?

First, to control, keep control of and over the people in the country, and second to preserve their power.

So, why do they push for a nuclear bomb? It is clear from the last few weeks and the comments from Rouhani saying that they will enrich and increase enriching uranium to any level they want. How else is this supposed to be taken. Maybe the words of a desperate and scared person, but, not what you say when the crux of the entire situation with his country is the fact they can not have a nuke. No matter what. Fair, not fair, doesn't matter, it is not an option.

It is simple, there is a reason they are a "threat", no matter if insignificant or large, and it is the Religious and theological beliefs that compel them to try and exert their felt national power. This driving force alone is the reason they are in the situation they are in. If they could live, and let others live, and had no care or concern for an agenda that holds killing, or at least, doing what it can, to erase another people's and country off the map, there wouldn't be a problem. They have an agenda and they don't hide it.

No one in today's world is storming their border and causing a war. Not Israel, not us, no one. The situation, now, doesn't warrant it. We are trying to prevent that, they don't like that we don't want them to have nuke.

To me, unfortunately, the only thing that works is us being involved, the alternative is disaster for the entire region. We step aside, and allow Israel to solely deal with this, Iran is wiped out. Honestly, I'm fine with that, let the countries in that area alone settle this, and if we, Russia, China can stay completely out of it, let the region figure it out and see what the "situation" is when the dust settles. Which unfortunately for Iran still has them losing.

Look, I have said it a thousand times in here. There are two motivations. One, it is quite obvious that the only way to prevent the US from coming in and attacking you is to have an equalizer. Iraq, Libya and Syria have proven that. So one goal is self-preservation. Next, and probably the original goal all along before the US began to engage in regime change throughout the Middle East nearly 20 years ago is to improve their domestic infrastructure so that they can refine and process their own oil. Iran has not had any significant upgrades in its energy infrastructure since the days of The Shah in the late 1970's. If Iran is able to refine their own oil, they could bring their oil to market as cheap, if not cheaper than the Saudis.
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Iran seizes a foreign oil tanker 'smuggling oil to Arab states' in the Gulf strait

  • Iran has reportedly seized another foreign ship in the Gulf, claiming that it was smuggling 70,000 litres of oil to Arab states.
  • The tanker was boarded on Wednesday by the country's Revolutionary Guards which have detained the seven crew.
    It was intercepted near Farsi Island and has now been escorted to the south west coastal city of Bushehr where the alleged contraband fuel was unloaded.
    Commander Ramezan Zirahi said: 'The IRGC's naval forces have seized a foreign oil tanker in the Persian Gulf that was smuggling fuel for some Arab countries,' according to state TV.

    Iran seizes a foreign oil tanker 'smuggling oil to Arab states' in the Gulf strait | Daily Mail Online
Iran seizes a foreign oil tanker 'smuggling oil to Arab states' in the Gulf strait

  • Iran has reportedly seized another foreign ship in the Gulf, claiming that it was smuggling 70,000 litres of oil to Arab states.
  • The tanker was boarded on Wednesday by the country's Revolutionary Guards which have detained the seven crew.
    It was intercepted near Farsi Island and has now been escorted to the south west coastal city of Bushehr where the alleged contraband fuel was unloaded.
    Commander Ramezan Zirahi said: 'The IRGC's naval forces have seized a foreign oil tanker in the Persian Gulf that was smuggling fuel for some Arab countries,' according to state TV.

    Iran seizes a foreign oil tanker 'smuggling oil to Arab states' in the Gulf strait | Daily Mail Online
why is it illegal to ship oil, and why does Iran care what other countries are doing?
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They keep poking the bear...eventually they will go too far. I want no part of it...I want a strong economy, peace, and trump reelected with more time to finish the wall and settle these foreign trade agreements. Guess we will see.

Side note...those F15s have always been my favorite. My walls were covered with USAF lithographs (posters meant to be framed for offices etc on base) the 15s were always my favorite. The most beautiful and arguably best air superiority fighter ever...until the 22s stealth technology changed the game. Incredible planes. They can accelerate flying straight vertical...and travel 2000mph..mach 2.5+...not surprised that 30 years later they are right in the thick of it over in the sandbox. My dad would love that. We used to go watch them takeoff at dusk..so beautiful. As long as we rule the skies, we will remain the most powerful military in the world, regardless of how many ships China builds or how many nukes Russia stockpiles. Air force catches a lot of crap, and it's funny, about 5 star hotels etc.. but I would bet every soldier or marine on the ground, and every sailor at sea loves to hear the sound of that ROAR from up above when the "fast movers" show up. Death from above. We completely destroyed Iraq in the 1st 24 hours without ever putting any boots in harm's way. You can bet that our enemies took note of that, and how completely defenseless they were despite their efforts.
Look, I have said it a thousand times in here. There are two motivations. One, it is quite obvious that the only way to prevent the US from coming in and attacking you is to have an equalizer. Iraq, Libya and Syria have proven that. So one goal is self-preservation. Next, and probably the original goal all along before the US began to engage in regime change throughout the Middle East nearly 20 years ago is to improve their domestic infrastructure so that they can refine and process their own oil. Iran has not had any significant upgrades in its energy infrastructure since the days of The Shah in the late 1970's. If Iran is able to refine their own oil, they could bring their oil to market as cheap, if not cheaper than the Saudis.

Iran has had the money to do whatever it wanted with it's infrastructure for decades. It chose not to.
NorthDallas40, I hate to do this again, but just like the South China Sea was given that name for a reason, so was Farsi Island...

Again, think about it.... Farsi Island.
Out of curiosity Ras can you find a claim from Iran that this vessel violated their territorial waters?
NorthDallas40, I hate to do this again, but just like the South China Sea was given that name for a reason, so was Farsi Island...

Again, think about it.... Farsi Island.
racist white people?

I am something like 99% positive before Europeans showed up the natives didn't refer to it by "China". such a dumb freaking argument

I guess China should stay out of the INDIAN OCEAN, we better get out of the GULF OF MEXICO, Russia needs to get out of the SEA OF JAPAN.

Bay of Bengal, Gulf of Thailand, Norweigan Sea, Greenland Sea, English Channel, Gulf of OMAN.

How many examples of international waters named after countries that don't have a claim on them do you need? plus one city.
Oil inventories are drawing at 1 million barrels a day in the US and production isn’t showing a surge yet; however, this risk off over the last week has taken about $6-7 out of the market (at a time that was likely there last chance for price for a while). Oil longs are hanging their heads.
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Don't ships and planes still have INS for back up navigation? Too much reliance on GPS.
Yes they both have INS still and they all have compasses also. Most nav systems used now are EGI’s which is Enhanced GPS aided INS. So they have the pure inertial without GPS. But we have all become so dependent on GPS and that’s not a good thing from a military standpoint. Hell its in our phones and cars.
Yes they both have INS still and they all have compasses also. Most nav systems used now are EGI’s which is Enhanced GPS aided INS. So they have the pure inertial without GPS. But we have all become so dependent on GPS and that’s not a good thing from a military standpoint. Hell its in our phones and cars.

In a near peer, you can bet those satellites will be the first to go. Supposedly the Iranians even hacked military grade comms to take the RQ-170.
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