TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

Target is losing market value for the same reasons: macro and a huge shrink problem.

It's not the social issues that's the main reason for the stock being down or Target would be underperforming Advance, Foot Locker, Ulta, Dollar Tree. etc....
We’ve gone over this already, I agree to an extent the 500M+ shrinkage/loss, flat sales etc. is cause but market value in the stock is sellers during that time. Earnings reports usually hit hard in the first few days, not continuous sell offs.
Target Extends Losing Streak; JPMorgan Downgrades Stock
"Stakeholder Capitalism" Is Just Corporate Communism

Another day of losses for Target shareholders.

But another day of victory (and visibility) for Target "stakeholders.

JPMorgan downgraded its outlook on Target's stock from a "neutral" rating to "overweight." Prior to the retailer coming out last week as satanic child groomers, JPMorgan had Target listed at a price target of $182. After the retailer came out of the closet as satanic child groomers, JPMorgan dumped that to just $144.
Hope you are enjoying your Pride Month, Target:

"We continue to believe that the consumer is broadly weakening while the share of wallet shift away from goods (51% of [Target's] sales) is ongoing," wrote JPMorgan analyst Christopher Horvers. "While still positive on a [three-year] basis, [Target] has been giving back share on a [one-year] view and we believe this share loss could accelerate into back to school and linger into holiday given consumer pressures and recent company controversies. This could turn [Target's] traffic negative after an impressive run of 12 consecutive positive quarters."​
"Target is facing consumer pressures and the effects of recent controversies," JP Morgan said.​

But remember, Blackrock, Vanguard, and Obama's other corporate socialist suckbuddies have engineered an economy based on "stakeholder capitalism" -- not shareholder capitalism, but "stakeholder" capitalism, in which everyone -- from the workers to the gays who have nothing at all to do with the company -- is of a higher priority than the actual owners of the company.

"Stakeholder capitalism" -- true name, corporate communism -- claims that everyone has a "stake" in a company. Everyone. A "stake" is an intangible, non-monetary interest.

Every person in the LGBTQ Mafia has a "stake" in Target whether or not they shop there, and whether or not they own stock. Their "stake" is a general stake in whether or not corporations act as "allies" and provide "visibility" -- mainstreaming -- to their groomer causes.

So Blackrock, Vanguard, and Obama's cadre of well-heeled radicals have invented a theory of fiduciary duty in which there is little to no duty owed to those with an actual financial stake in the company, and a major duty owed to those who don't have a stake in the company.
Trump has nothing to do with DG's stock tumbling.

Weird that a president who catalyzed inflation has nothing to do with our economy a few short years later.

The blame pie gets eaten by everybody, including you guys voting for the 2 party system.
To the left everything negative is on Trump. The man was in politics for 7 years and everything bad is his fault, meanwhile biden has been in politics for 50 years and he gets no blame

It's not all about Trump just like it's not all about Biden. Crazy, I know.
Yet you all spend most of your energy bashing Trump and giving Biden and other dems a full pass

Outright lies, but I doubt you're interested in the truth. You know we have a search feature to check post history, right?

This is the only time in the entire month of May that I brought up Trump, and it wasn't even really a point about him, it was about election credibility.

I promise you that if this system existed when Trump lost the election, he's still claiming fraud and people are still believing him. Too much happens behind the scenes. Joe Woodcock in small town Arkansas doesn't actually see with his own eyes that the fingerprint matching is valid, and he's not sure that it's not hacked, or manipulated, or whatever.

I don't think people would even believe it if it were done on blockchain.

Here's me making fun of Feinstein on Sunday

99.9% of the compensation for listed executives is related to financial performance. (Short term ROIC measures and long term stock options).

Per their proxy, 14% of Disney's bonus is related to "non-financial" components (i.e leading initiatives, ESG, succession planning, etc.). This 14% kicker was less than .01% of Iger's comp.

Iger isn't going to go all in to hit the nominal ESG bonus goals when he has hundreds of millions at stake with stock options. If he approves an ESG project, he is doing it because he thinks it will increase the value of his options...

I don't think that quite encompasses the scenario. Large equity/fund firms virtually all have ESG initiatives that they score companies on and to some degree decide whether to buy, hold, or divest upon.

Larry Fink/Black Rock, for example, sells ESG investing by stating they offer clients various vehicles with different objectives according to their investment goals. So, if Fink decides to invest in terrestrial fuels and wind/solar, he's covering both sides. But then Fink talks out the other side of his mouth when advocating an ideological position of net zero, that adoption often needs to be forced, and that Black Rock is forcing these behaviors, and that companies will fall in line or "lose their license to do business".

They do this, singly or in concert with other equity firms, by coercing their view of ESG upon them and performing audits for compliance. So there's a tension between purely fiduciary/pecuniary investment and non-pecuniary, ESG 'stakeholder' investing/capitalism. ESG is neither merit based corporate policy, not is it merit-based investing.

To the wealthy who can move markets and not suffer themselves, and view themselves as technocratic overlords of society, ideology has it's own value.
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Weird that a president who catalyzed inflation has nothing to do with our economy a few short years later.

The blame pie gets eaten by everybody, including you guys voting for the 2 party system.

Funny you blame Trump while Biden blamed the Russians (see first link below) for high gas and food costs that Biden caused with his war against oil/gas, major components of the high CPI that Biden created. This along with his continually paying people to not to work (2 to 3 trillion more in spending fueling inflation - see second link below) and his Inflation Reduction Act that did not reduce inflation but squandered a trillion dollars on the man-made warming lie fueling inflation even more with needless spending. Biden nominated Powell for a second term who continued to wastefully print money after covid has died down. Biden's war on oil caused higher prices driving up CPI BEFORE Russia invaded Ukraine creating over $140 per barrel of oil (see link third below) and natural gas hitting multi-year highs.

Then Biden tried to blame inflation he created on oil companies high profits that Biden created (see link 4 below) with his war on energy. Then tried to blame businesses for price gouging (see link 5 below) for the high CPI he created. Biden's inflation caused rapid interest rate hikes leading to some of the biggest bank failures in history, (link 6 below). Another massive spending bill, Build Back Better, (see link 7 below) to bail out blue states squandered about 2 trillion fueling inflation even more. Trump spent a trillion on a covid relief bill that would have had minimum impact on was Biden's CONTINUED squandering of TRILLIONS MORE and his attack on oil/gas that brought about high CPI. Democrat economist Larry Summers blames Biden's out of control spending for inflation (see link 8)...."In February, Summers penned an op-ed for the Washington Post where he laid out his worries about Biden’s massive spending and said the trillions of dollars Biden wanted to spend could create “inflationary pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation.”

Biden says he 'can't do much' about gas prices, blames Russia
Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus bill: What could be in store
How the Russia-Ukraine war accelerated a global energy crisis
Inflation and Price Gouging
How Biden's policies ignited inflation
Larry Summers raises inflation concerns as he blasts Biden’s spending
Funny you blame Trump while Biden blamed the Russians (see first link below) for high gas and food costs that Biden caused with his war against oil/gas, major components of the high CPI that Biden created. This along with his continually paying people to not to work (2 to 3 trillion more in spending fueling inflation - see second link below) and his Inflation Reduction Act that did not reduce inflation but squandered a trillion dollars on the man-made warming lie fueling inflation even more with needless spending. Biden nominated Powell for a second term who continued to wastefully print money after covid has died down. Biden's war on oil caused higher prices driving up CPI BEFORE Russia invaded Ukraine creating over $140 per barrel of oil (see link third below) and natural gas hitting multi-year highs.

Then Biden tried to blame inflation he created on oil companies high profits that Biden created (see link 4 below) with his war on energy. Then tried to blame businesses for price gouging (see link 5 below) for the high CPI he created. Biden's inflation caused rapid interest rate hikes leading to some of the biggest bank failures in history, (link 6 below). Another massive spending bill, Build Back Better, (see link 7 below) to bail out blue states squandered about 2 trillion fueling inflation even more. Trump spent a trillion on a covid relief bill that would have had minimum impact on was Biden's CONTINUED squandering of TRILLIONS MORE and his attack on oil/gas that brought about high CPI. Democrat economist Larry Summers blames Biden's out of control spending for inflation (see link 8)...."In February, Summers penned an op-ed for the Washington Post where he laid out his worries about Biden’s massive spending and said the trillions of dollars Biden wanted to spend could create “inflationary pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation.”

Biden says he 'can't do much' about gas prices, blames Russia
Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus bill: What could be in store
How the Russia-Ukraine war accelerated a global energy crisis
Inflation and Price Gouging
How Biden's policies ignited inflation
Larry Summers raises inflation concerns as he blasts Biden’s spending
Yep Biden has been a disaster for inflation. So was Trump. You know who made Fauci the face of Covid? It was Trump. And before you ask, of course those are directly related
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