TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

You make a false assertation that defies logic, history and reality. People suffer because of this fallacy when it becomes law/policy, that was totally predictable. Someone Points that out. You then project guilt on the person that pointed that out. Typical leftist.

What are you talking about? What assertion did I make? That I don't know anybody who was abused by an LGBT supporter? It's still true. You found a data point and now you think you have a smoking gun. Guess what? I would have bet a million dollars that you could find a data point. I bet you can find another. I bet you don't understand what I'm saying right now.
I understand that your dodging and weaving, trying to avoid the obvious.

Your assertations are by the arguments of that which you support. That allowing men with perverse obsessions into a women's restroom won't have negative consequences, because ultimately that is the position you and the rest of the pro trans movement have supported. I don't think I have ever once heard gay men and women asked to use the opposite genders restroom. Target was one of the first stores that started that. Of course I can find data points the ultimate outcome is obvious the same as when they allow trans inmates into women's prisons.
I understand that your dodging and weaving, trying to avoid the obvious.

Your assertations are by the arguments of that which you support. That allowing men with perverse obsessions into a women's restroom won't have negative consequences, because ultimately that is the position you and the rest of the pro trans movement have supported. I don't think I have ever once heard gay men and women asked to use the opposite genders restroom. Target was one of the first stores that started that. Of course I can find data points the ultimate outcome is obvious the same as when they allow trans inmates into women's prisons.

You try to get so wordy and you think it makes you sound smart but it sounds like nonsense. I have not commented on on anything about bathroom policy and you will never learn to stop making stupid assumptions about me.

What you fail to understand is that passing a law doesn't fix the problem. There was a rule against the trans kid being in the bathroom. The rule is at the very least part of the cause of the conflict actually, and bad **** happens in bathrooms in high schools among kids of the same makeup all the time. I don't know what you're trying to prove with this anecdote. The rule failed miserably. There are no easy answers.

My wife's privacy was violated by a straight man in a woman's bathroom stall at a mall, where he was not allowed to be. He was literally trying to slide under the side and catch a peep. I could choose to single out his demographic and lead a crusade against his kind but that would make me a POS. The world is a big place and bad **** happens and I'm not going to demonize a group based on singular events. People are responsible for themselves, not other people in their group.
huffhines, I don't know how to tell you this, but you're one of the most prolific leftist posters in here, there's very little about you that is in anyway an "assumption" at this point. You defend every leftist media talking point to a T.

Just awful to see people support this and the Physicians that perform make me nauseous.. Mutilate their bodies, injections of all sorts.
I keep saying it: we're turning into the "Country of Dr. Moreau."

Anyone that advocates or performs this kind of crap on kids is the moral equivalent of the same ilk as Dr. Josef Mengele and his band of merry experimental surgeons.
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It's not just Catholics, but I don't see you picking on Catholics (because that would be wrong) like you are picking on LGBTQ.

The churches with hierarchical structure are the ones where it's easy to see these problems, but it's a problem in all denominations. Anecdotally, I know too many people who got abused because of association with non-Catholic churches and the BSA (before it went gay), including one of my closest friends and a sibling. IDK anybody who got abused by LGBTQ supporters.

Just takes a quick google search. There’s literally thousands or more.

Former NCAA swimmer forced to compete with Lia Thomas details 'extreme discomfort' in the locker room
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You try to get so wordy and you think it makes you sound smart but it sounds like nonsense. I have not commented on on anything about bathroom policy and you will never learn to stop making stupid assumptions about me.

What you fail to understand is that passing a law doesn't fix the problem. There was a rule against the trans kid being in the bathroom. The rule is at the very least part of the cause of the conflict actually, and bad **** happens in bathrooms in high schools among kids of the same makeup all the time. I don't know what you're trying to prove with this anecdote. The rule failed miserably. There are no easy answers.

My wife's privacy was violated by a straight man in a woman's bathroom stall at a mall, where he was not allowed to be. He was literally trying to slide under the side and catch a peep. I could choose to single out his demographic and lead a crusade against his kind but that would make me a POS. The world is a big place and bad **** happens and I'm not going to demonize a group based on singular events. People are responsible for themselves, not other people in their group.

You should check out his recent nonsensical tirades about a nazi socialist collective taking over the world in the vaccine thread.
'Profit before pride!' Top firms such as Vogue, Pfizer and General Electric are accused of hypocrisy for celebrating Pride Month with rainbow logos in the US... but NOT in the Middle East

  • Pfizer, Cisco and Mercedes-Benz support Pride, but only in some markets
For LGBT Pride Month many global corporations swapped out their logos on Twitter for substitutes featuring the colors of the Pride flag - but now some are being called out for showing their support in the West, but not elsewhere.

Brands like Pfizer, Cisco, General Electric, Mercedes-Benz, Vogue and Bethesda changed their logos on their flagship Twitter profiles, but made no changes to accounts targeting Middle Eastern markets.

For example, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer changed its logo in markets including America, Mexico, and Canada, but kept it the same on its Saudi Arabia profile.

Multinational companies are called out for celebrating Pride Month in US but not in the Middle East | Daily Mail Online
'Profit before pride!' Top firms such as Vogue, Pfizer and General Electric are accused of hypocrisy for celebrating Pride Month with rainbow logos in the US... but NOT in the Middle East

  • Pfizer, Cisco and Mercedes-Benz support Pride, but only in some markets
For LGBT Pride Month many global corporations swapped out their logos on Twitter for substitutes featuring the colors of the Pride flag - but now some are being called out for showing their support in the West, but not elsewhere.

Brands like Pfizer, Cisco, General Electric, Mercedes-Benz, Vogue and Bethesda changed their logos on their flagship Twitter profiles, but made no changes to accounts targeting Middle Eastern markets.

For example, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer changed its logo in markets including America, Mexico, and Canada, but kept it the same on its Saudi Arabia profile.

Multinational companies are called out for celebrating Pride Month in US but not in the Middle East | Daily Mail Online

Well there's the solution. All the MAGA gay=mental illness types would move to Iran.

Need boxes?
Seems a core issue is the ever expanding lifestyles that are being added under the pride umbrella.

Homosexuality by all accounts is biological. Transexuality may or may not be and has a range of expressions from crossdressing, drag to full on gender dysphoria. Some are lifestyle choices; some are born that way immutable characteristics.

The loud, stupid sides in the public debate treat the issue as black and white - you are either against any expression of support for any of the range of people falling under the flag or you treat any objection to any part (eg. questioning the wisdom of endorsing "gender-affirming care" to children) as complete bigotry towards anyone that falls under the flag.
Save the military industrial complex, by all means

You don’t think it’s odd to see the hard left wing pushes by so many companies across the board? I feel like you constantly downplay issues like this.

If you’re doing so simply because many on here do seem to over-blow some of the issues, I get it to a point. But it seems obvious corporations are making these moves with a gun to their head
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You don’t think it’s odd to see the hard left wing pushes by so many companies across the board? I feel like you constantly downplay issues like this.

If you’re doing so simply because many on here do seem to over-blow some of the issues, I get it to a point. But it seems obvious corporations are making these moves with a gun to their head

No! They're doing it strictly for profit! You're a conspiracy theorist if you think it's anything besides pure American greed!
Target shares and value continue to drop as they follow left-wing fringe policies.

Elon Musk says Target can expect shareholder lawsuits soon as retailer's woes mount | Fox Business

You guys are clowns. Only one I can't verify is Michelob

Edit: michelob has a partnership too. All confirmed

Half of America's 10 most popular beers have LGBTQ+ partnerships

A major problem / at issue here, is those who "approve of those who practice" such things << advertising the rainbow for such cause, is approving of the activity.

Do you know of any corporations showing similar public approval of, e.g. disobedience to parents, or being untrustworthy ?

look at this list --

Romans 1:26For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged natural relations for that which is contrary to nature, 27and likewise the men, too, abandoned natural relations with women and burned in their desire toward one another, males with males committing [t]shameful acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

29people having been filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, and evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice; they are gossips, 30slanderers, [w]haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31without understanding, untrustworthy, unfeeling, and unmerciful;

32and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also approve of those who practice them.

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