TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

If you don't think there is a huge number of people thinking everyone needs to speak English blah blah blah then IMO talk to more people
They're on the fringe. Most people I know don't care what language anyone speaks in unless they're they're (the people I know) being addressed. And I know some very conservative people.
And restricting all discussion of the entire group in schools isn't "usual" for anyone heterosexual at all
There's discussion and there's advertising. Some school staff have been know to push their own agenda. I's something we need to treat with care. Ideally there'd be no pressure in schools on kids to go in any direction sexually.
If you don't think there is a huge number of people thinking everyone needs to speak English blah blah blah then IMO talk to more people

I don't see the huge number of people with this requirement. Maybe the thinking is assimilating to our country's language. Is that wrong?
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There's discussion and there's advertising. Some school staff have been know to push their own agenda. I's something we need to treat with care. Ideally there'd be no pressure in schools on kids to go in any direction sexually.

"Treat with care" for almost all conservatives so far has been "don't talk about this at all" though

And I agree with your ideal, but currently, heterosexuality is advertised all over the place:

No. They need to talk about this with their parents.

Parents do a terrible job at talking about most/all of these things lmao. Part of why sex ed in school exists so that kids at minimum learn the basics.

"You see, son, gay people are abominations..."
"Treat with care" for almost all conservatives so far has been "don't talk about this at all" though

And I agree with your ideal, but currently, heterosexuality is advertised all over the place:

How is or has been heterosexuality advertised to kids in primary school? Public school shouldn't push any sexual agenda on kids.
Parents do a terrible job at talking about most/all of these things lmao. Part of why sex ed in school exists so that kids at minimum learn the basics.

"You see, son, gay people are abominations..."

So the school/government is your preferred option of teaching this to children?
So the school/government is your preferred option of teaching this to children?

I guess preferably for me the parents would discuss it with their kids in a way that goes above and beyond what schools do, but schools exist to ensure that students have a basic level of knowledge which includes sex ed
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I guess preferably for me the parents would discuss it with their kids in a way that goes above and beyond what schools do, but schools exist to ensure that students have a basic level of knowledge which includes sex ed

Sex Ed is more about anatomy and practicing safe sex. Should schools offer the psychiatric treatment the alphabet kids need?
Sex Ed is more about anatomy and practicing safe sex. Should schools offer the psychiatric treatment the alphabet kids need?

The LGBTQ+ content in schools and around kids (*gasp*) largely doesn't even rise to that level, and is discussing the fact that gay and trans people exist and what some of those terms mean. People react to the most extreme example they can find and act like schools are showing gay porn en masse
I guess preferably for me the parents would discuss it with their kids in a way that goes above and beyond what schools do, but schools exist to ensure that students have a basic level of knowledge which includes sex ed
Schools can teach it in a way that doesn't push kids toward one path or another. Today there's a lot of advertising for certain paths.
The LGBTQ+ content in schools and around kids (*gasp*) largely doesn't even rise to that level, and is discussing the fact that gay and trans people exist and what some of those terms mean. People react to the most extreme example they can find and act like schools are showing gay porn en masse

There’s plenty of examples where some schools have done just that yet when parents read the material at school board meetings they try and shut it down.
There’s plenty of examples where some schools have done just that yet when parents read the material at school board meetings they try and shut it down.

From what I remember, that wasn't even part of classroom material and was a book some parent found in one high school library, which was then reviewed in a number of districts and re-approved, so that falls more in the category of "reacting to an extreme example" for me
From what I remember, that wasn't even part of classroom material and was a book some parent found in one high school library, which was then reviewed in a number of districts and re-approved, so that falls more in the category of "reacting to an extreme example" for me

Willful ignorance
Schools can teach it in a way that doesn't push kids toward one path or another. Today there's a lot of advertising for certain paths.

Agree with the first sentence and agree to disagree with the second. From what I've seen it's more about letting kids know that it's okay to be gay/lesbian/different rather than encouraging them to be gay and discouraging being straight.

I mean, have you seen how kids talk to each other? If a high school kid eats a banana in front of his friends they'll call it "gay" or "sus", it's still very much not cool to be anything other than extremely manly and vaguely homophobic
Agree with the first sentence and agree to disagree with the second. From what I've seen it's more about letting kids know that it's okay to be gay/lesbian/different rather than encouraging them to be gay and discouraging being straight.

I mean, have you seen how kids talk to each other? If a high school kid eats a banana in front of his friends they'll call it "gay" or "sus", it's still very much not cool to be anything other than extremely manly and vaguely homophobic
Gay is definitely advertised as preferable quite a bit in public schools, including to primary kids. I've not heard of anyone being ridden for eating a banana, but then I don't hear all conversations.
Trans is advertised too. Little Lisa's favorite sport to play is football? Let's send her to Guidance and tell her she may be in the wrong body, the school can help her, and not to tell her parents. Ideally that happens very rarely, but it does happen.
They're spoof now. Have you been to a drag show?
I meant acted by straight men pretending to be women as a spoof. Not by actual transvestites.
I haven't been to a drag show in the US. I've watched a couple of shows in Thailand (open air at beer gardens) for a few minutes but left after the novelty wore off.
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I'm like a really big super duper free market libertarian.

Also, you can't boycott Cracker barrel, you bigots!
"Treat with care" for almost all conservatives so far has been "don't talk about this at all" though

And I agree with your ideal, but currently, heterosexuality is advertised all over the place:

Re: "don't talk about this at all"

Hold on, let's take a closer look at this concept -- for decades / a few centuries in this country, the Bible was permitted to be talked about in our schools. Then, at some point, teachers and students were no longer permitted to openly talk about the Bible.

Tell us: who said "don't talk about this at all" regarding the Bible in, for example, our schools and places of business ?

What about talking about "John 3:16" at football games on television (behind the goal post) ? Don't you think there are "conservatives" who would like to continue talking about such ?

"Treat with care" for almost all conservatives so far has been "don't talk about this at all" though

let's talk about this picture, regarding the relationship to the rainbow (because there is some talk on the internet about persons not talking about this at all) --

are you aware,

a. the rainbow is God's sign (symbol, representation) to the world, of a promise, that He will never again destroy the world by flood waters

Genesis 9:12God said, “This is the sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for [g]all future generations; 13I have set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall [h]serve as a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth. 14It shall come about, when I make a cloud appear over the earth, that the rainbow will be seen in the cloud, 15and I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh. 16When the rainbow is in the cloud, then I will look at it, to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” 17And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.”
There's discussion and there's advertising. Some school staff have been know to push their own agenda. I's something we need to treat with care. Ideally there'd be no pressure in schools on kids to go in any direction sexually.

"Treat with care" for almost all conservatives so far has been "don't talk about this at all" though

And I agree with your ideal, but currently, heterosexuality is advertised all over the place:

In your opinion, how would citizens go about getting discussion of the Bible back into our schools and places of business (like, e.g. how it's permitted here on the internet) ?

E.G. what if our students were permitted to participate in Bible classes ?

What is it that "church" "clergy" teach and talk about (and did teach and talk about in our schools for decades) ?

"With some 17,000 Puritans migrating to New England by 1636, Harvard was founded in anticipation of the need for training clergy for the new commonwealth, a "church in the wilderness". Harvard was established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony."

History of Harvard University - Wikipedia
"Treat with care" for almost all conservatives so far has been "don't talk about this at all" though

And I agree with your ideal, but currently, heterosexuality is advertised all over the place:

Our nation's early schools spoke about Christ and his church.

Christ cannot be labeled either "conservative" nor "liberal" and Christ spoke about "heterosexuality" --

Matthew 19: 4Jesus answered, “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’a 5and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’b? 6So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

18th century
The early motto of Harvard was Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae, meaning "Truth for Christ and the Church".
History of Harvard University - Wikipedia

^^ These are truths that our schools once talked about among teachers and students regularly / daily / all the time.

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