TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

You're all over the place. I'm very familiar with the Bible. I was a full time minister for 2 years. He can promise to deliver the Israelites and that does not erase the event that you believe in where he murdered the world. I suppose I can conclude you are having trouble reconciling this because you can't stick to the event in question.

1. Ok.

2. Wrong conclusion.

Here's the Biblical description (the meaning of which you and I are very familiar)--

7So the LORD said, “I will blot out man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—every man and beast and crawling creature and bird of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them.”
8Noah, however, found favor in the eyes of the LORD.

As for mercy:

16And whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of every kind that is on the earth.”
Traditional is a fun veil for bigoted. Lol.

We'll have to agree to disagree on that. Bigotry thriving at the same time as good traditional values does not render traditional values as bigoted by association. Throwing out the good traditional values in order to root out bigotry is short sighted.
You're all over the place. I'm very familiar with the Bible. I was a full time minister for 2 years. He can promise to deliver the Israelites and that does not erase the event that you believe in where he murdered the world. I suppose I can conclude you are having trouble reconciling this because you can't stick to the event in question.

Now, who is so full of pride that they are having trouble reconciling this way of Leviticus 18

:22You must not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination.

^^ this one is in the same context as this one,

20You must not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife and thus defile yourself with her.

Verse 22 represents the actual event(s) in question (along with the usage of the rainbow to represent the very activity contrary to :22).
Not offensive.
I obviously weigh your input more than others.

But I will say I, personally, would not expect gay men (for the most part) to find that offensive. More likely to generate a laugh and a “good show!”

My guess is there would be plenty of DEI busy bodies out on patrol that would disagree with it though.
We'll have to agree to disagree on that. Bigotry thriving at the same time as good traditional values does not render traditional values as bigoted by association. Throwing out the good traditional values in order to root out bigotry is short sighted.

If you refuse to eat somewhere because of a rainbow colored chair, then you are 100% a bigot.

If you refuse to eat somewhere because of a drag brunch and you don't think it is family friendly, that's reasonable.
You're all over the place. I'm very familiar with the Bible. I was a full time minister for 2 years. He can promise to deliver the Israelites and that does not erase the event that you believe in where he murdered the world. I suppose I can conclude you are having trouble reconciling this because you can't stick to the event in question.

Were you an ordained minister?
If you refuse to eat somewhere because of a rainbow colored chair, then you are 100% a bigot.

If you refuse to eat somewhere because of a drag brunch and you don't think it is family friendly, that's reasonable.

You can be sick of corporate virtue signaling independent of whether you agree with the cause or not. Doesn't necessarily make you a bigot.
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1. Ok.

2. Wrong conclusion.

Here's the Biblical description (the meaning of which you and I are very familiar)--

7So the LORD said, “I will blot out man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—every man and beast and crawling creature and bird of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them.”
8Noah, however, found favor in the eyes of the LORD.

As for mercy:

16And whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of every kind that is on the earth.”

What do you think you are teaching me right now? In no way are you explaining how it was OK to mass murder his children. Not just sinners. Literal innocent children supposedly drowned too, right? All you are saying is he changed his ways, which is another way of saying what happened was fkd up
You're all over the place. I'm very familiar with the Bible. I was a full time minister for 2 years. He can promise to deliver the Israelites and that does not erase the event that you believe in where he murdered the world. I suppose I can conclude you are having trouble reconciling this because you can't stick to the event in question.

What do you think you are teaching me right now? In no way are you explaining how it was OK to mass murder his children. Not just sinners. Literal innocent children supposedly drowned too, right? All you are saying is he changed his ways, which is another way of saying what happened was fkd up

a. you're familiar with the Bible
b. you were once a full time minister (2 years)

We're talking about pride parades, and their meaning as it relates to what you and I know as Leviticus 18:

20You must not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife and thus defile yourself with her.

We're also speaking about the rainbow (the promise it represents as per Genesis 9 long ago / a promise still active to this day).

You mean because of all the people that aren't accepting of LGBTQ?

Putting a pride shirt on your kid won't make them gay, but it might fellowship someone who is struggling. I've got 3 nieces and a nephew who have been going to pride parades their whole lives with their progressive parents and gay Aunt and somehow they are all still straight. That's crazy, right?
I obviously weigh your input more than others.

But I will say I, personally, would not expect gay men (for the most part) to find that offensive. More likely to generate a laugh and a “good show!”

My guess is there would be plenty of DEI busy bodies out on patrol that would disagree with it though.
Oh, some folks will for sure. I just believe they're wrong. Folks are way too sensitive these days.
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That's so rarely the case, and you know it.

Neither one of us can possibly know it. Are you basing that off of your Facebook feed or was there a pew research poll I missed?

My wife's sister is a bisexual woman who had a 20 week abortion. She literally said "Oh for Christ's sake" when she read about the tuck friendly swimsuits at target. I don't think she has boycotted, but if she is sick of corporate pandering, how many non-bigoted normies have also met their breaking point?
Oh, some folks will for sure. I just believe they're wrong. Folks are way too sensitive these days.
Agree 100%

The vast majority of LGB get a laugh out of it. The vast majority of straight get a laugh too.

Others looking to take offense need a vacation. Go sit on a beach or something.
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I get your point, and not necessarily disagreeing.

But what do you call them? The folks that once fell in the “traditional” bucket?

Just average, run of the mill folks.

Eating at CB while they have a rainbow chair out front does not make one any less traditional. It's not like you're riding the float at the pride parade.

To answer your question, I would call them "not an ignorant ass turd."
Eating at CB while they have a rainbow chair out front does not make one any less traditional. It's not like you're riding the float at the pride parade.

To answer your question, I would call them "not an ignorant ass turd."
I wasn’t asking about CB rocking chairs. That’s a dumb thing to be in a tizzy over.

I was asking in the generic sense.
Ambivalent people? Live and let livers?

I get it. I try to be a non-dilhole.

But not sure non-dilholes is gonna catch on in some circles.

“Non-traditional” family unit can mean many different things. Often described as - Single parent, co-habited, multi-generational, same sex, etc.
Agnostic deist is the best label. I want there to be a God. I try to live the way I think a perfect Father would want me to (basically golden rule), which makes me happy and fulfilled. I just admittedly don't know that there is a God.
I think that describes a good portion of our Founding Fathers.
I get it. I try to be a non-dilhole.

But not sure non-dilholes is gonna catch on in some circles.

“Non-traditional” family unit can mean many different things. Often described as - Single parent, co-habited, multi-generational, same sex, etc.

In a world with staggering divorce rates, custody battles, and households with two full time employed parents, I don't know if "traditional" is a valid label anymore.
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