TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

let's compare your picture / the message you're trying to convey, to what Jesus said (the picture of "male and female")

from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’

Matthew 19: 4Jesus answered, “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’a 5and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’b? 6So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

18th century
The early motto of Harvard was Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae, meaning "Truth for Christ and the Church".
History of Harvard University - Wikipedia
Calling @Orangeslice13, UT Rex has invaded a non-religious thread.

How many more paragraphs is UT Rex going to type up to try and convince grown adults that god trademarked rainbows?
I always get a kick out of people that quote the Bible in arguments with non-believers.

It’s akin to quoting Marx in an argument with a Democratic Capitalist.
"Treat with care" for almost all conservatives so far has been "don't talk about this at all" though

It only took a few weeks, to see how this type of issue unfolds in public discussion:

a. VS referred to this discussion as "non-religious" and called upon another Poster to apparently weigh in
b. 85SV referenced quoting the Bible
c. NV11 referenced how that certain citizens in our nation have apparently stopped talking about this at all

d. obviously, schools such as Harvard once spoke about these things all of the time (yet, for some reason, even the "clergy"' became intimidated / were convinced by someone to stop talking about these things in our schools)

18th century
The early motto of Harvard was Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae, meaning "Truth for Christ and the Church".
History of Harvard University - Wikipedia
"Treat with care" for almost all conservatives so far has been "don't talk about this at all" though

And I agree with your ideal, but currently, heterosexuality is advertised all over the place:

let's keep talking about these things --

on the premise of "from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’"

regarding: "When I found out ..."

(a) what did King David do, when he "found out" he was attracted to another man's wife ???

(b) what did he do when "he found out" the woman was pregnant by him ???

C. what did he do when "he found out" that what he had done as per (a) and (b) were sinful and wrong ???

2 Samuel 12:13, "And David said unto Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD""

temptation is normal (i.e. even King David was tempted -- even Christ was tempted)

repentance is normal (i.e. hearing and determining of wrongful activity leading unto repentance / turning away)

18th century
The early motto of Harvard was Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae, meaning "Truth for Christ and the Church".
History of Harvard University - Wikipedia
In your opinion, how would citizens go about getting discussion of the Bible back into our schools and places of business (like, e.g. how it's permitted here on the internet) ?

E.G. what if our students were permitted to participate in Bible classes ?

What is it that "church" "clergy" teach and talk about (and did teach and talk about in our schools for decades) ?

"With some 17,000 Puritans migrating to New England by 1636, Harvard was founded in anticipation of the need for training clergy for the new commonwealth, a "church in the wilderness". Harvard was established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony."

History of Harvard University - Wikipedia
In public schools, the Bible could be discussed in a World Religion class along with other religions' scriptures as long as it's unbiased.
Or maybe in an after school club as long as adherents of other beliefs have the same opportunity.
Public school is not the place for religious indoctrination.
In places of business it should be up to the business owner.
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In public schools, the Bible could be discussed in a World Religion class along with other religions' scriptures as long as it's unbiased.
Or maybe in an after school club as long as adherents of other beliefs have the same opportunity.
Public school is not the place for religious indoctrination.
In places of business it should be up to the business owner.

Ok, that is good news. So, then the students would learn what Jesus said about man and woman being made as man and woman

a. made this way = Matthew 19, 4Jesus answered, “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’
b. not to be altered cosmetically by surgery (as what's on the inside cannot be altered)

c. they would also learn the early history of the rainbow = Genesis 9:13I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.

18th century
The early motto of Harvard was Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae, meaning "Truth for Christ and the Church".
History of Harvard University - Wikipedia
You know that there's a major difference between then and now, right? Then they were pure spoof.
Would this be considered offensive today? I’d say it’s very likely.


That ^ is mocking. That ^ is no celebration of diversity.

White, hetero, cisgender males donning lipstick, fake boobs, and skirts as a “joke”. I don’t know - I could see that being pretty offensive to some.
Target stores in Oklahoma City are EVACUATED following Bomb Threats after controversy exploded over company's woke LGBTQ clothing lines

Several Target stores in Oklahoma City were evacuated Saturday after bomb scares that involved threatening emails being sent to local media stations and municipal agencies.

The Oklahoma City Police Department confirmed the emails and said the messages included threats about three bombs hidden at different stores and that police would have to figure out which of the locations were the right ones.

At least two stores were subsequently evacuated shortly at 5pm Saturday, just after police were alerted to the threatening emails.


One controversial element of the store's pride line were swimsuits that were advertised as having 'extra crotch coverage' and room for 'tucking.' The design is ostensibly to accommodate individuals with male genitalia who want swimsuits designed for women

Several Target stores are EVACUATED after bomb threats over companies' LGBTQ line | Daily Mail Online
Would this be considered offensive today? I’d say it’s very likely.

View attachment 556175

That ^ is mocking. That ^ is no celebration of diversity.

White, hetero, cisgender males donning lipstick, fake boobs, and skirts as a “joke”. I don’t know - I could see that being pretty offensive to some.
It doesn't denigrate anyone. If that offends anyone then those offended should grow up.
Like the opinion of men on the subject of female reproductive rights?
I floated that the other day.
That’s a factual statement.

Neither of us have a uterus. But we both have views on Abortion. And our views and opinions shouldn’t be nullified. Jmo.

His response was “choice”. We don’t choose to go without a uterus.

Still don’t think we should be limiting discussion.

I don’t buy “no kids, no opinion” any more than I buy the ridiculous “no uterus, no opinion”.
It doesn't denigrate anyone. If that offends anyone then those offended should grow up.
The difference is that is a mocking joke. There is zero interest in driving awareness or increasing inclusion or visibility.

There would absolutely be people offended.
In your opinion, how would citizens go about getting discussion of the Bible back into our schools and places of business (like, e.g. how it's permitted here on the internet) ?

E.G. what if our students were permitted to participate in Bible classes ?

What is it that "church" "clergy" teach and talk about (and did teach and talk about in our schools for decades) ?

"With some 17,000 Puritans migrating to New England by 1636, Harvard was founded in anticipation of the need for training clergy for the new commonwealth, a "church in the wilderness". Harvard was established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony."

History of Harvard University - Wikipedia

You don't think Bible discussions are permitted in places of business? Sometimes we pray at work. We certainly don't wave rainbow flags. You have to change the way the constitution is interpreted to get Bible discussions back in school, but I don't want that and I doubt you really do either. It sounds like a fine idea until you realize not everybody leading the discussion and participating in it is going to be friendly to the message you want.
Reality-wise, Advanced Auto's share price recently dropped from $112 to $64 on totally-unrelated news (comparison: Target dropped only from 176 to 126).

I.e. some investors actually earn income when share price value slumps.

The bigger picture here -- for 4000+ years, the rainbow has been God's symbol of His promise to mankind / the world.

Genesis 9: 12God said, “This is the sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for [g]all future generations; 13I have set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall [h]serve as a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth.

NO person in this thread or buying certain apparel at Target should have too much pride to honor and respect this promise (be humble).
let's talk about this picture, regarding the relationship to the rainbow (because there is some talk on the internet about persons not talking about this at all) --

are you aware,

a. the rainbow is God's sign (symbol, representation) to the world, of a promise, that He will never again destroy the world by flood waters

Genesis 9:12God said, “This is the sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for [g]all future generations; 13I have set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall [h]serve as a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth. 14It shall come about, when I make a cloud appear over the earth, that the rainbow will be seen in the cloud, 15and I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh. 16When the rainbow is in the cloud, then I will look at it, to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” 17And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.”

I'm aware of this made up story, yes. It's one of the most problematic stories in the Bible for me. It reflects so poorly on the God you believe in. I do not think God is a murderer who kills sinners. This idea that he's merciful because he no longer murders the world for sin is batshit insane and you are in an imaginary relationship that is abusive.

I can only believe in a God who is actually merciful and who is a Father who actually loves his children. Good fathers do not kill their children. If God is the way you think he is, I will not follow him.
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I'm aware of this made up story, yes. It's one of the most problematic stories in the Bible for me. It reflects so poorly on the God you believe in. I do not think God is a murderer who kills sinners. This idea that he's merciful because he no longer murders the world for sin is batshit insane and you are in an imaginary relationship that is abusive.

I can only believe in a God who is actually merciful and who is a Father who actually loves his children. Good fathers do not kill their children. If God is the way you think he is, I will not follow him.

Right, God is actually merciful --

in context of rainbow, the promise of "Never again" represents His mercy (Genesis 9:15, Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life).

Right, God actually loves his children << therefore, children who love their father listen to his words and obey.

to recall some of the words the father has told his children :

Lev 18:20You must not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife and thus defile yourself with her.

22You must not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination.
I'm like a really big super duper free market libertarian.

Also, you can't boycott Cracker barrel, you bigots!

Your satirical attempts are weak sauce. Stick to what you know.

Dude can boycott if he wants. Support his right to do so.

Doesn't make his reasoning any less goofy/subject to mockery.
Right, God is actually merciful --

in context of rainbow, the promise of "Never again" represents His mercy (Genesis 9:15, Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life).

Huff's entire point is that there shouldn't need to be an "again"
Right, God actually loves his children << therefore, children who love their father listen to his words and obey.

This is not a "therefore" that makes sense because you reversed it; no one was talking about whether or not these are children who love their father. How many loving fathers murder their children for disobedience?
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I'm aware of this made up story, yes. It's one of the most problematic stories in the Bible for me. It reflects so poorly on the God you believe in. I do not think God is a murderer who kills sinners. This idea that he's merciful because he no longer murders the world for sin is batshit insane and you are in an imaginary relationship that is abusive.

I can only believe in a God who is actually merciful and who is a Father who actually loves his children. Good fathers do not kill their children. If God is the way you think he is, I will not follow him.

We had folks in the recent What Does the Bible Say forum who spoke this tone.

Truth is, for centuries, our schools such as Harvard spoke about Christ and the church / about the Flood and salvation in Christ Jesus (they received their info from the same Bible we have today).

What you and I are doing, is giving the people the option to see who they want to follow.

Now, in context of rainbow and "pride" remember what God said:

Lev 18:20You must not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife and thus defile yourself with her.

22You must not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination.

18th century
The early motto of Harvard was Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae, meaning "Truth for Christ and the Church".
History of Harvard University - Wikipedia

Calling @Orangeslice13, UT Rex has invaded a non-religious thread.
Your satirical attempts are weak sauce. Stick to what you know.

Dude can boycott if he wants. Support his right to do so.

Doesn't make his reasoning any less goofy/subject to mockery.

Just funny how dude gets ultra butthurt any time people with traditional values choose to participate in the free market in this type of way but he never flinches when a gaggle of LGBTs calls for boycotts along with public harassment and doxxing.
This is not a "therefore" that makes sense because you reversed it; no one was talking about whether or not these are children who love their father. How many loving fathers murder their children for disobedience?

His point focused all upon the decision of God the father and failed to reference or mention the wicked actions of the children (1 John 2:16, For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. --

5Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was altogether evil all the time.

"the wickedness of man was great upon the earth"
"every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was altogether evil"
"all the time"

I'm aware of this made up story, yes. It's one of the most problematic stories in the Bible for me. It reflects so poorly on the God you believe in. I do not think God is a murderer who kills sinners. This idea that he's merciful because he no longer murders the world for sin is batshit insane and you are in an imaginary relationship that is abusive.

I can only believe in a God who is actually merciful and who is a Father who actually loves his children. Good fathers do not kill their children. If God is the way you think he is, I will not follow him.
Right, God is actually merciful --

in context of rainbow, the promise of "Never again" represents His mercy (Genesis 9:15, Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life).

Right, God actually loves his children << therefore, children who love their father listen to his words and obey.

to recall some of the words the father has told his children :

Lev 18:20You must not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife and thus defile yourself with her.

22You must not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination.

So he's merciful except that one time where he murdered the world. Kind of a big deal to people with the expectation that he is a perfect and loving Father.
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Would this be considered offensive today? I’d say it’s very likely.

View attachment 556175

That ^ is mocking. That ^ is no celebration of diversity.

White, hetero, cisgender males donning lipstick, fake boobs, and skirts as a “joke”. I don’t know - I could see that being pretty offensive to some.
Not offensive.
Just funny how dude gets ultra butthurt any time people with traditional values choose to participate in the free market in this type of way but he never flinches when a gaggle of LGBTs calls for boycotts along with public harassment and doxxing.

Traditional is a fun veil for bigoted. Lol.
So he's merciful except that one time where he murdered the world. Kind of a big deal to people with the expectation that he is a perfect and loving Father.

Firstly, it's not "made up." Secondly, the Israelites are fully aware of God's promises of deliverance (afterall, He delivered them out of bondage from Egypt = another, true life event (just like the Flood)). God delivered Noah and his fam.

Likewise, God sent His son (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) = another promise of deliverance.

Are you aware of the Israelites and of Solomon's temple, which once stood on the mountain in Jerusalem ?

I'm aware of this made up story, yes.
Firstly, it's not "made up." Secondly, the Israelites are fully aware of God's promises of deliverance (afterall, He delivered them out of bondage from Egypt = another, true life event (just like the Flood)). God delivered Noah and his fam.

Likewise, God sent His son (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) = another promise of deliverance.

Are you aware of the Israelites and of Solomon's temple, which once stood on the mountain in Jerusalem ?

You're all over the place. I'm very familiar with the Bible. I was a full time minister for 2 years. He can promise to deliver the Israelites and that does not erase the event that you believe in where he murdered the world. I suppose I can conclude you are having trouble reconciling this because you can't stick to the event in question.

VN Store
