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Agnostic deist is the best label. I want there to be a God. I try to live the way I think a perfect Father would want me to (basically golden rule), which makes me happy and fulfilled. I just admittedly don't know that there is a God.

Former seminary student here, and my current views align very much with yours. Nice to know someone else thinks in a similar way.

I, too, want there to be a God—a GOOD God—one Who doesn’t do things like intentionally destroy the world in some deluge or Who condemns the vast majority of humanity to eternal torment in hell, all the while He could have prevented the behaviors which supposedly led Him to do such things. And some call that “just.”

I see the suffering on this Earth and I think “how can there be a God;” but, I also see such goodness & beauty in this world and think “how can there not be?”
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Agnostic deist is the best label. I want there to be a God. I try to live the way I think a perfect Father would want me to (basically golden rule), which makes me happy and fulfilled. I just admittedly don't know that there is a God.
Are you worried about what happens to you when you die?
Agnostic deist is the best label. I want there to be a God. I try to live the way I think a perfect Father would want me to (basically golden rule), which makes me happy and fulfilled. I just admittedly don't know that there is a God.

How can anyone, except for the biblical figures, know there is God? If we knew, there would be no need for faith. If there is faith, there is no need to know. Faith (and hope) will eventually no longer be needed. Love will be all that remains.

Faith is challenging especially for intelligent people. Our intellect demands evidence and proof. And there are many resources out there which make an empirical case for Christ's deity. But even those resources leave the reader with a choice to consider. That choice will come back to faith.
How can anyone, except for the biblical figures, know there is God? If we knew, there would be no need for faith. If there is faith, there is no need to know. Faith (and hope) will eventually no longer be needed. Love will be all that remains.

Faith is challenging especially for intelligent people. Our intellect demands evidence and proof. And there are many resources out there which make an empirical case for Christ's deity. But even those resources leave the reader with a choice to consider. That choice will come back to faith.

Yeah, nobody can know but that doesn't stop people from saying so. I guess I would say I don't even "believe." I just hope. I don't really have any use for faith. God doesn't need me to have it and it does nothing for me. Even when I was in the thick of it, I never really understood its importance. I know other people thrive on it. I'm just saying I don't relate
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Yeah, nobody can know but that doesn't stop people from saying so. I guess I would say I don't even "believe." I just hope. I don't really have any use for faith. God doesn't need me to have it and it does nothing for me. Even when I was in the thick of it, I never really understood its importance. I know other people thrive on it. I'm just saying I don't relate
Are the any aspects of your life which aren't provable but you choose to believe in?
Are the any aspects of your life which aren't provable but you choose to believe in?

Nothing comes to mind but lots of things are not provable but supported by evidence. I guess law of supply and demand would count
Nothing comes to mind but lots of things are not provable but supported by evidence. I guess law of supply and demand would count
How about:
Time travel
Intelligent aliens visiting earth
Multi dimensions
Huff paint? That’s you the drug addict bartender that robs tip jars.

Hey, look... the same joke you've made dozens of times before. Now, I'm curious.... if I'm the bartender in this scenario you've created, how am *I* the one robbing the tip jar? I'm just trying to dissect the deep chasm of your wit.

My bartenders probably make more money than you do.
Hey, look... the same joke you've made dozens of times before. Now, I'm curious.... if I'm the bartender in this scenario you've created, how am *I* the one robbing the tip jar? I'm just trying to dissect the deep chasm of your wit.

My bartenders probably make more money than you do.

Same jokes?
Theirs is no contradiction their forehead. A self admitted uppity drug addict doesn’t phase me in the least.

And yes, there is. A bartender collects their cash tips from the tip jar. When you call me a bartender who robs tip jars, that doesn't make sense to anyone with an IQ beyond that of a yeti cooler's internal temperature.

If I didn't faze* (you're welcome) you, you'd probably just shut the **** up and disregard me 🤣 but you can't.

And yes, there is. A bartender collects their cash tips from the tip jar. When you call me a bartender who robs tip jars, that doesn't make sense to anyone with an IQ beyond that of a yeti cooler's internal temperature.

If I didn't faze* (you're welcome) you, you'd probably just shut the **** up and disregard me 🤣 but you can't.

I would tell yall to kiss and make up but that would be kinda gay.
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You're all over the place. I'm very familiar with the Bible. I was a full time minister for 2 years. He can promise to deliver the Israelites and that does not erase the event that you believe in where he murdered the world. I suppose I can conclude you are having trouble reconciling this because you can't stick to the event in question.

Yeah, nobody can know but that doesn't stop people from saying so. I guess I would say I don't even "believe." I just hope. I don't really have any use for faith. God doesn't need me to have it and it does nothing for me. Even when I was in the thick of it, I never really understood its importance. I know other people thrive on it. I'm just saying I don't relate

Jesus said you need to have it ; Jesus spoke the words of the Father (therefore, God wants you to have it).

Word comparison --

Mark 11:22, 22And Jesus answered saying to them, “Have faith in God."

Are you familiar with this / what Jesus said about faith ?
I'm aware of this made up story, yes. It's one of the most problematic stories in the Bible for me. It reflects so poorly on the God you believe in. I do not think God is a murderer who kills sinners. This idea that he's merciful because he no longer murders the world for sin is batshit insane and you are in an imaginary relationship that is abusive.

I can only believe in a God who is actually merciful and who is a Father who actually loves his children. Good fathers do not kill their children. If God is the way you think he is, I will not follow him.

Re: made up story

Peter referred to the Flood as truth / real-life, literal event (just as Sodom). It could be well-supposed, that most of the persons to whom you ministered are familiar with Peter's reference.

2 Peter 2: 1Now there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2Many will follow in their depravity, and because of them the way of truth will be defamed. 3In their greed, these false teachers will exploit you with deceptive words. The longstanding verdict against them remains in force, and their destruction does not sleep.

5if He did not spare the ancient world when He brought the flood on its ungodly people, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, among the eight; 6if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction,b reducing them to ashes as an example of what is coming on the ungodly;c 7and if He rescued Lot, a righteous man distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless 8(for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)— 9if all this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.

You're all over the place. I'm very familiar with the Bible. I was a full time minister for 2 years. He can promise to deliver the Israelites and that does not erase the event that you believe in where he murdered the world. I suppose I can conclude you are having trouble reconciling this because you can't stick to the event in question.

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