Team Member Confirms 'Worley is the Starter'

Nathan Detroit?

Rancho Cucamonga?

Charlie Pyongyang?

Tokyo Rose?
Nothing to see here, move on....Worley has been the front runner all along, only QB with any expierience what so ever. I wish Worley all the luck in the world.
Go Vols
I am enrolled in class with one of the Junior WR (his last name is same as a city ..) and he said unless something major changes Worley will start. He has been the leader throughout and has helped others QBs develop too. He seemed very excited about Worley and said Worley has been very vocal and also very good in reads.
I would post a link if I could ...but you just have to believe me

Actually, I don't have to but don't take it personally.GO VOLS!
I am enrolled in class with one of the Junior WR (his last name is same as a city ..) and he said unless something major changes Worley will start. He has been the leader throughout and has helped others QBs develop too. He seemed very excited about Worley and said Worley has been very vocal and also very good in reads.
I would post a link if I could ...but you just have to believe me

Yes, but is he still staring down receivers in 1x1 drills?
A friend of mine lived near Dallas for two years, he was a east TN native and a former VOL letterman. His saying about Texas was, "Never have a people been so proud over so little."
Hey guys, I have news. A team member who I can't name confirmed to me that Worley is a quarterback on the team. This is trustworthy.
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I am enrolled in class with one of the Junior WR (his last name is same as a city ..) and he said unless something major changes Worley will start. He has been the leader throughout and has helped others QBs develop too. He seemed very excited about Worley and said Worley has been very vocal and also very good in reads.
I would post a link if I could ...but you just have to believe me

I dont know any football players and I could have told you this. But nobody has been named starter anywhere really so I doubt this is true. Im sure Worley prob does start but sounds like Peterman is getting better.
Obviously Worley is the odds on favorite to start the AP game but personally I'll be shocked if he is the starter the entire season.

And what makes you say this? because the coaches are pretty high on Worley. and on the opposite side say the other QB's have a long way to go.

Everyone that has actually seen a practice says Worley is the man.

So I am confused as to how anyone has this opinion.
All QBs sputtered in Spring. Now all QBs are doing much better. There really hasn't been anything to jumble the rankings, so sticking with experience makes since.

But three weeks is ample time for one of the other three QBs to blossom. If anything thus far, I would be worried about the Freshman QBs making a move on Peterman. Not because I am watching practice, just that he hasn't been talked about that much.
All QBs sputtered in Spring. Now all QBs are doing much better. There really hasn't been anything to jumble the rankings, so sticking with experience makes since.

But three weeks is ample time for one of the other three QBs to blossom. If anything thus far, I would be worried about the Freshman QBs making a move on Peterman. Not because I am watching practice, just that he hasn't been talked about that much.

I agree with you. It looks like Worley is the starter and it is a battle between Petterman, Dobbs, and Ferguson for the 2 spot. From what you hear on the true freshman front, Ferguson has a cannon but Dobbs has done a better job transitioning from high school. In the end I think Dobbs wins the job (as the back up) but the situation seems to be fluid.
Worley will be the starter in game 1 lets hope he is still the starter in game 12, that will mean we are having a decent season.
:lolabove: :lol:

Chucky is calling the plays from his cell while doing his gig with espn, all of this other stuff is a smokescreen like the number 1 recruiting class going and coach Jones is really a good coach, halftime Chucky will makes his entrance.:)

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