Team Member Confirms 'Worley is the Starter'

Mid Session classes are on

No, they ended Friday. And even if you were in class with him for the past few weeks and decided for some reason to wait until Sunday to post this, why would he tell you who the starting QB is gonna be???
Think about this. During the scrimmage. CBJ had the #2s QB (Dobbs) run twelve straight running plays. Why would that be? It's loosely called the option. Our other three QBs could not run to the potty without being beat to the bowl by the biggest and slowest guys on the team. CBJ is going to go option; this is no secret. Dobbs can run the ball.
Nobody actually believes that any team member actually has been informed who will be the QB. CBJ want to surprise our foes. Can't blame him there.
I am enrolled in class with one of the Junior WR (his last name is same as a city ..) and he said unless something major changes Worley will start. He has been the leader throughout and has helped others QBs develop too. He seemed very excited about Worley and said Worley has been very vocal and also very good in reads.
I would post a link if I could ...but you just have to believe me
Your first mistake...saying you saw a football player in class:eek:lol:
I fully support this staff starting the best candidate who will give us the best chance to win, regardless of what year they are. Having said that, I really do hope that candidate IS Worlely. I think it is in this team's and this program's best interest that Worely be the guy. He's the upperclassmen, he probably possesses the most maturity and the most respect among his team mates. He has in game SEC experience. Also by naming him the starter it creates a scenereo where the other QB aren't likely to transfer.
On rare occasion a freshman can do it, but the odds are they won't. It's the same mentality that we have around here every year. The new recruit will be the savior. Hell, I remember when people viewed Worley that way and now they are ready to bench him for the next guy. The same will most likely happen to the "next guy" as soon as we bring in another QB.

Yep. And it happens at every position. I had a long running argument with a poster here that thought Lane would start as a Fr over Poole. Poole was coming off a 1000 yd season... but Lane was an elite talent 4* the other guy assured me.

Lane played sparingly and though Poole could not repeat his Jr year... no one took his job.
I feel it is going to be Worley to start the season but he is going to have a short leash.


He appears to be separating himself some. IMHO, he would have to make a sleugh of mental and physical mistakes to get pulled. Maybe he will... but I don't think his leash will be any shorter than any other Jones QB.

That said, Jones has shown little hesitation in replacing a QB he did not think was playing well.
Think about this. During the scrimmage. CBJ had the #2s QB (Dobbs) run twelve straight running plays. Why would that be? It's loosely called the option. Our other three QBs could not run to the potty without being beat to the bowl by the biggest and slowest guys on the team. CBJ is going to go option; this is no secret. Dobbs can run the ball.
Nobody actually believes that any team member actually has been informed who will be the QB. CBJ want to surprise our foes. Can't blame him there.

You... have some serious issues with the "facts".

Dobbs is not a running QB. He has good athleticism for a pro style QB but he's not dual threat. The closest thing to a dual threat QB of the 4 scholarship QBs is Peterman.

Our other three QBs could not run to the potty without being beat to the bowl by the biggest and slowest guys on the team.
FTR, you don't know what you're talking about. Peterman is the fastest of the 4.
That may be the last time a receiver named after a city gives away our "super secret" starting QB information for fear of being moved to defense.
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I am enrolled in class with one of the Junior WR (his last name is same as a city ..) and he said unless something major changes Worley will start. He has been the leader throughout and has helped others QBs develop too. He seemed very excited about Worley and said Worley has been very vocal and also very good in reads.
I would post a link if I could ...but you just have to believe me
Online class?
I am enrolled in class with one of the Junior WR (his last name is same as a city ..) and he said unless something major changes Worley will start. He has been the leader throughout and has helped others QBs develop too. He seemed very excited about Worley and said Worley has been very vocal and also very good in reads.
I would post a link if I could ...but you just have to believe me

You lie. I have it on an infallible source that the starting QB will be a weeping angel. The as yet unnamed player is selected because opponents attention will be hindered by our towering and massive OL. Thus allowing the QB to score at will in stealth mode. I won't name my source because everyone knows Who told me.
As long as he keeps his head on right and uses his brain on the field then I have no problem with him being the starter. He wouldn't be a Vol if he couldn't play. I think his problem so far was that he didn't have any coaches who could actually teach him how to play QB on the college level.

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