Team Member Confirms 'Worley is the Starter'

Worley cant play dead. He may start the first game but he will be relegated to holding the clipboard with in a cpl games.
I think it is quite likely that Worley will start against Austin Peay whether he can hold the job over Ferguson remains to be seen.
I think it is quite likely that Worley will start against Austin Peay whether he can hold the job over Ferguson remains to be seen.

Of course he will. Look guys, Worley is your starter! I don't care that CBJ hasn't officially announced it. He's not saying anything because he wants all the QB's to continue battling and practicing at as high a level as they can. He doesn't want there to be a drop off in effort, which is why he's keeping quiet. All you have to do is look at who's getting the reps with the 1's and that guy IS Worely. I guarantee you that CBJ will announce him as the starter going into game week when they start prepping specifically for Austin Peay.
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Worley = Matt Simms.

Yeah... except for a better arm, better poise, better leadership, and better overall ability as a QB... you are absolutely right.

There are no "Matt Simms" in this group. I am not sure that UT has had a scholarship QB in the past 20 years that would not have beaten Simms out. He is the worst QB I have EVER seen take a snap for UT. Worley was 10X better than Simms as a Fr... and that is without regard to whether Worley wins the job this year or not.

Your statement was flat dumb.
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People are WAY jumping the gun even assuming Ferguson would be #2 on a depth chart if released today. To say he's improved... to say he had a good day last Saturday... is NOT to say that his body of work has earned him one of the top two slots.
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If worley has it between the ears he may stick around longer than we think even with his water pistol arm, we haven't seen a qb around here in a while who actually gets it, my hopes aren't up.
You lie. I have it on an infallible source that the starting QB will be a weeping angel. The as yet unnamed player is selected because opponents attention will be hindered by our towering and massive OL. Thus allowing the QB to score at will in stealth mode. I won't name my source because everyone knows Who told me.

They could send us all back in time to enjoy winning seasons while they feed on the displaced time energy. Everyone would be happy.


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