Teams reaction to new smokey uniform this morning

Listen (or don't). as someone who NEVER posts but only comes on here for the amazing insight and knowledge of quite a few posters on the site, I find it absolutely mind blowing why anyone would be opposed to the idea of these jerseys. If you don't actually enjoy the design choice or scheme they chose, then that's one thing. But to claim that the team or CBJ and staff are veering from Tennessee tradition because they are using an alternate uniform for one game a year is another. If that's the case, let's go back to the early 1900s design and never change. Ever. It's hysterical that people actually believe that a small addition to our uniform collection (that could have an extremely positive impact in recruiting/hype/publicity) could put into motion the loss of all tradition here at the great University of Tennessee. :peace2:
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How so? The argument is that gray/black was used in our history, way back when. Well, it was in our history to not have that piece. And then the argument goes to "Well, if the team loves it, do it", so I proposed a situation where the team wants to get away of something dear to this fanbase. So, that pretty much is on par with all the arguments for it. And I even admitted that I don't hate them.

so are you just arguing for argument's sake?? Because you said you didn't mind them. I don't understand your point??
So, we're going to be the Big Gray now? Just trying to follow along.

We were still the orange n white in 1914 when the team went undefeated wearing gray jerseys. So, out of all the tradition UT has, does it all have to go through modern sticks in the mud before allowed now?
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There wasn't any Rocky Top before the early 70's good thing we didn't mind to start that tradition right?

My point is traditions start somewhere. And your reaching far into your bag of ignorance to convince us Butch is trying to kill tradition.

Gray in our color scheme predates everyone coaching, playing or cheering for the Vols today. It's anything but a new tradition.
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So, the Vols will win and get recruits because of the uniforms? Wow! Dooley should have tried that. These costumes are a distraction. Maybe I'm strange for finding actual football sufficiently interesting. When I go to the games I don't look forward to seeing a gray flag carried around the field. If some people feel they get too much orange and white they could look for another team to support. What difference would it make since the costumes are more important than the game to them? When people get bored with the gray we could hire the person that designed the uniforms for the University of Maryland. Perhaps the grass could be dyed chartreuse. Would that hold interest more than the game?

Who said that the "costumes" are all that matters? Make things up much?

By the overreaction to gray uniforms, it seems that the anti-gray crowd are making a bigger deal about the "costumes" than anyone else.
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Here is where your argument fails. The team does not want to get away from O&W. The team will wear an alternate uniform one game per season. In which case will still feature and O&W helmet. I do not see this as an all out change of tradition, rather an addition to the Great ones we already have. And to pay tribute to one of the greatest teams of tennessee history...

In support of your argument, I repeat that it's not an addition; the 1914 team had gray jerseys. If anything, these uniforms are more old school UT than anything on the field in recent history.
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so are you just arguing for argument's sake?? Because you said you didn't mind them. I don't understand your point??

I'm saying why fix something that ain't broke? Neyland is a sacred ground, we as a fan base say we bleed Orange and White, we have the slogan "Life is Orange and White", etc. Just because I think they were well done doesn't mean I necessarily agree with them being worn. I honestly think Florida's white jerseys and blue pants is one of the best looking uniforms is football, but that doesn't mean I want my team coming out in blue pants. Not only that, the university states that orange needs to be the focus point, but these focus on the gray. But, so many people were so anxious to jump on the plan to remove so much orange from Neyland for "just one game a year" I was just curious what they would think if something like Rocky Top was removed for "just one game a year." Besides, thats not an "official fight song" or anything, so it seems like it can be removed mostly for just one game. Would you not be upset if it wasn't played for a game?
I like them; they are really pretty; but we are called the big orange, not the big gray.
Vols Uniform Tradition:



It seems to me some of you only accept the UT traditions that appeal to you...
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Vols Uniform Tradition:



It seems to me some of you only accept the UT traditions that appeal to you...

Ok, well, then for that one game we wear the gray uniform, let's not paint checkerboards in the endzones, let's not play Rocky Top either. I mean, we didn't play them then, let's not use them now. What would you think if Rocky Top was not played at all for "just one game a year"? It's not an official song or anything, so it can be easily.disposed, right?
I love the gray.

The team loves the gray.

What else really matters?

(People who cry over uniforms should shampoo my crotch.)
Ok, well, then for that one game we wear the gray uniform, let's not paint checkerboards in the endzones, let's not play Rocky Top either. I mean, we didn't play them then, let's not use them now. What would you think if Rocky Top was not played at all for "just one game a year"? It's not an official song or anything, so it can be easily.disposed, right?

It's honestly not worth trying to clarify this, but I'm bored. As CBJ noted several times, we aren't taking away any tradition. We are ADDING to it. Coach didn't always wear orange slacks. Running through the T has changed locations. Traditions have altered and been added. You've seriously got the be completely close-minded to think otherwise. Nothing, especially something as minor as adding a one game (heaven forbid one season we make it two) alternate uniform is going to destroy or tarnish the tradition of UT football. Nobody is asking for you to love the uniform. Personally, I'm still 50/50. But don't try to make the claim that it's bad for the program's tradition.
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Ok, well, then for that one game we wear the gray uniform, let's not paint checkerboards in the endzones, let's not play Rocky Top either. I mean, we didn't play them then, let's not use them now. What would you think if Rocky Top was not played at all for "just one game a year"? It's not an official song or anything, so it can be easily.disposed, right?

I just posted a picture of the 1914 gray uniform next to the 2013 released gray uniform to prove that CBJ neither added, nor removed any tradition to/from UT. He merely revisited an existing, old-school tradition.

WTH are you even talking about removing traditions? Your post, that I just quoted, is about as illogical and poorly thought out as any I could imagine. As a matter fo fact, you could have banged on your keyboard randomly for 30 seconds, and developed a similarly logical post.

What part of "gray unis are an existing, old-school tradition in UT football" do you not understand? How can you possible see the 1914, undefeated, gray jerseys, and follow it up with the idea that wearing gray is removing traditions from UT football?
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It's honestly not worth trying to clarify this, but I'm bored. As CBJ noted several times, we aren't taking away any tradition. We are ADDING to it. Coach didn't always wear orange slacks. Running through the T has changed locations. Traditions have altered and been added. You've seriously got the be completely close-minded to think otherwise. Nothing, especially something as minor as adding a one game (heaven forbid one season we make it two) alternate uniform is going to destroy or tarnish the tradition of UT football. Nobody is asking for you to love the uniform. Personally, I'm still 50/50. But don't try to make the claim that it's bad for the program's tradition.

Well, when the University says "We are orange. Orange is us....Orange is vibrant. Orange is energetic. Orange commandant attention, on the field or in the board room. Orange leaves an impression" that gives the impression that orange needs to be seen as much as possible and be the center of attention. It says that white and Smokey need to "accent and support it." That does not imply making it the dominant color of the home jerseys.

Our Palette | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

I'm not against an alternate by any means, but it needs to be dominately orange. Change the numbers to Smokey, change the style like he did on the orange and white jerseys, great. All for it. But as an alum, we are orange.
Well, when the University says "We are orange. Orange is us....Orange is vibrant. Orange is energetic. Orange commandant attention, on the field or in the board room. Orange leaves an impression" that gives the impression that orange needs to be seen as much as possible and be the center of attention. It says that white and Smokey need to "accent and support it." That does not imply making it the dominant color of the home jerseys.

Our Palette | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

I'm not against an alternate by any means, but it needs to be dominately orange. Change the numbers to Smokey, change the style like he did on the orange and white jerseys, great. All for it. But as an alum, we are orange.

Um... When did they announce that the gray uniform would be worn for one or multiple home games?
I'm not against an alternate by any means, but it needs to be dominately orange. Change the numbers to Smokey, change the style like he did on the orange and white jerseys, great. All for it. But as an alum, we are orange.

Just so I'm clear in reading your above, we need to get rid of the all white jerseys then, correct? In looking at both smokey grey and all white jerseys, they seem to have about the same amount of orange. I'm not asking this to be a punk, I'm simply wondering if that's what you're suggesting.

EDIT: I see you may be referring to strictly the home jerseys. If that's the case, then I ask you if it would be ok with you to wear them against Oregon (if they agreed) this year?
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Just so I'm clear in reading your above, we need to get rid of the all white jerseys then, correct? In looking at both smokey grey and all white jerseys, they seem to have about the same amount of orange. I'm not asking this to be a punk, I'm simply wondering if that's what you're suggesting.

EDIT: I see you may be referring to strictly the home jerseys. If that's the case, then I ask you if it would be ok with you to wear them against Oregon (if they agreed) this year?

Yes I would. That's because of the NCAA rules of wearing contrasting colors. As a road uniform, they're fine. I've already said I'm not against the design and all. But I want as much orange as possible. That's why I love the white on orange look. If they wore the gray on orange on the road, that'd be cool. Even at home, I'd be more open to it.

Edit: gray on orange at home. Just to clarify.
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Fair enough. :hi:

My whole point is that UT's tradition goes back to include gray jerseys. The "this kills tradition" folks are actually just saying: "I only want the traditions that I agree with." Then it all comes back to taste, not tradition.

I understand that. I've got no problem with the changes he's done with the orange and white jerseys. I do think the all white, at least in the picture of all, looks like Texas, but that may just be the lighting of the picture. I loved the orange collar Dooley put on the uniforms. I didn't like the thick orange stripe, but wasn't against it. Things like that are great and needed. I'm very happy that the Torch is back on the jerseys. Love seeing which kids actually take their free education seriously. I would love to see a reverse helmet for the road. Change is good if done correctly. Smokey is exponentially better than black, though.

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